The Let's Play Archive

Myth II: Chimera

by Sevron

Part 5: The Mage

The Mage

We’re off to see the Mage’s tomb. He passed away in whatever misadventure Four Bear and Fenris embarked on last time. For the first time, we get a glimpse at our principal antagonist.

Let's Play! Myth 2: Chimera 03- The Mage | YouTube |

Hooray, we have dwarves again! And several warriors! Things are really starting to look up for our little army. The end was really hard to do because Ghols are now smart enough to go straight for the dwarves, and their combination shot of a Wight bit and Molotov cocktail is particularly lethal. The big question I have now is, how is Kyrilla able to control the undead? I believe Dream of Undeath was supposed to be Avatara-level magic, but is she was in the Fallen Lords’ league, she could have squished us all by now.

Let's look at the scoreboard:
Kills Over Time
Total Kills by Unit

A lot of familiar faces popped up this time- warriors and dwarves for us, ghouls, soulless, and thrall for them.