Part 10: Force Ten from Stoneheim
Friday November 7, The Plain of ScalesThe Deceiver approaches the mountains; Rabican and Maeldun move to counter him.
Now that weve made our escape from Covenant, time to forget about this whole mess in general and the Total Codex in particular forever. With Shiver dead, the war now turns to securing the Cloudspine against the Dark before Winter sets in. Things are looking up!
Let's Play! Myth 2: The Fallen Levels 07- Force Ten from Stoneheim | YouTube
Every man in Scales from the Legion apparently was 5 Berserks and 6 firBolg. Whoopie. On the other hand, we finally have Berserks! Not as awesome as Warriors, but I have to admit they do beat wholesale ass.
Let's look at the scoreboard:
We now get Berserks! Theyre crazy, theyre shirtless, theyre unstoppable!