Part 127: NIER Backstory: Timeline 2009
NIER Backstory: Part 5 - Timeline 2009----- 2009 -----

- January:
- Feeling vulnerable from a militarily defense standpoint, the Japanese government agrees to a joint combat operation with the United States. The US-Japan Joint Operation Accord soon begins.
- The United States transports Legion corpses and captives back to America for study in military research.
- The US Army arrives in Japan by the end of the month and joins forces with the JSDF in efforts to repel the Legion attack.
- The battle between the Legion and humanity escalates. The Legion are slowly pushed back.

- March:
- Seemingly limitless Legion continues to pour out of Shinjuku, despite heavy losses on their side in the past few months.
- Shinjuku is carpet-bombed in several military operations. Only a slight reduction in the number of Legion present in the city is observed following the bombings runs.
- Research on counter-measures against the Legion continues, but makes little headway.

- April:
- The US and Japanese governments consider the nuclear option on Shinjuku in an effort to rout the growing Legion at the source.
- Plans to utilize nuclear weaponry on the city are publically announced. While Japanese opinion on dropping the nuke is mixed, the decision is greatly supported by the international community.

- August:
- August 6th: An atomic bomb is dropped on Shinjuku. The date is coincidental, but links to the Hiroshima tragedy are almost immediately brought up by the media.
- Later that month, several other key areas of dense Legion activity are also attacked with nuclear weapons. The majority of Japan is ultimately affected by the bombing campaign.
- Shinjuku is decimated in the nuclear fires. It becomes referred to as "Ground Zero".

- November:
- Survey reports the nuclear campaign in Japan a success. All traces of Legion activity in the country have been eradicated...