Part 104: Episode C: Onward to War

New Music: Significance v3
Episode C: Onward to War
Here we are... Route C, for lack of a better term, has arrived. Mind you, there is no Route D. This is the rest of the game incoming hot. We could have just stopped at Route A or B. Everything ended on an OK note. The machines leaders were killed. Nobody we cared about died. The world was in an as alright a state as a post-apocalyptic earth that has withstood several millennia straight of a world war can be. It would have been fine.
But no. We just had to keep going... You know its not going to end well. You know this... We all know this... Weve got to fill out that ending list, dont we? It has to be done. I mean look at this...
- flowers for m[A]chines
- or not to [ B ]e
- C ????
- D ????
- E ????
- mission [F]ailed
- hun[G]ry for knowledge
- a mountain too [H]igh
- no [I] in team
- bad [J]udgement
- aji wo [K]utta
- [L]one wolf
- M ????
- [N]o mans village
- O ????
- P ????
- Q ????
- R ????
- S ????
- fa[T]al error
- deb[U]nked
- V ????
- broken [W]ings
- X ????
- Y ????
- Z ????
Thats terrible looking. All those missing entries... Ugh. Fine. Fiiiiiine... Lets jump right in. No one stops... Its way too late to stop. The rollercoaster has already begun its descent...











Welp. Things have escalated since the conclusion of Route A/B. What? Its not like Adam and Eve were a Dracula holding together all the enemy forces. This is year 6,933 of war since first contact with the aliens and the 14th total world war against them. Its easy to forget that when taking photos of flowers for our secretary or being asked where babies come from by child machines.
Were back to playing as 2B, who has gone from her Gothic Lolita inspired casual outfit to real business Sexy Kerberos Panzer Armor cosplay, as we finally make it to Chapter 11.

Our current goal is to access the Hangar and get on our Flight Unit to participate in the planetside invasion with the rest of YoRHa. But theres not actually a rush to do so. Lets check a few things while were back on the Bunker. First up, we did receive a mail we couldnt access during the Route B ending. Lets check that out...
It was just a heads up about the imminent earth descent from the non-existent Council of Humanity. If there was ever a time to use their military jingoism sock puppet to boost morale, now is the time.
While were on the Bunker, we can talk to other YoRHa soldiers preparing for battle. Nobody has anything particularly interesting to say. Theyre all just psyched to go take the fight to the machines and hopefully end the war. Theres quite a bit of Glory to Mankind! being thrown around in the process.
With that in mind, well just limit our chat with the named characters present on the Bunker. Starting with the Operators for our duo.

I get the feeling 9S is banned from ever setting foot in a flight unit ever again after he kamikazed that last one like a dipshit for absolutely no reason. Heck, murdering the shit out of both machine lifeform leaders and being a war hero is probably the only reason 2B is still allowed to man one.

Its been a long time since weve spoke to 6O and her terabyte folders of flowers and rainbows clogging up the YoRHa data servers. Maybe now in Route C well hear some more out of her since were back to playing as 2B.
Its worth noting that not all the YoRHa troopers get the Nazi Stormtrooper helmet for their war equipment. Some of them have OctoCamo gimp suit mask from Metal Gear Solid 4 instead. Weird. Creepy.

Well try, Commander. But its the final storyline path of a Yoko Taro directed game and thats a dire track record of things going well for anyone involved.
Before we depart and get back on track, its worth noting that this military operation is apparently titled Operation Berlin 046 according to the main command screen. They never mention this outside here. Just a neat factoid. No idea of its significance.
Anyway, thats about all there is to do on the Bunker. To progress, we need to head up to the hangar and hop aboard our flight unit to get Operation Berlin 046 underway.

YoRHa remains a very professional military organization. But thats enough for antics on the Bunker. Our way is clear this go around. No creepy ghost hologram girls loitering on the runway. Im glad the maintenance crews got on top of that issue.


Fucking giant cannibal space babies dropping in the middle of things... I mean, honestly... Who could have seen that coming?

Music: The Tower (Quiet)

We now have Air Defense System Operational Level meter at the top of the screen. So thats new.
There are six locations scattered across the City Ruins region that 9S has to take care of before 2B and the other YoRHa frontline troops drop onto the battlefield to commence the operation. We can complete these in any order we want, as long as the Operational Level meter is depleted.
Lets get to it... As soon as we do, Operator 21O contacts 9S again.

OK... You know what? This whole thing has a really bad vibe to it already. Thats not music you play ahead of a large scale battle when things are going to go as planned. No sir...
Not at all. You know what? Were gonna hop 9S on this moose...
...And skip town. Stuff it, Pod 153. Fuck this noise. I know how these games go. Were out! Lets go hang with those drugged out YoRHa girls out in the desert and party until this whole thing blows over. Peace!
...Well, except for the really selfish ones. They were fine.

Friendship has ended with 2B. Its just 9S and moose from now on. Fuck yall.

Video: Episode 100 Highlight Reel (You should watch this.)

YoRHa Assault Uniform Concept Art 1 If you saw this and your first thought was the Helghast from Killzone, please get the fuck out of my office. Youre finished here.

YoRHa Assault Uniform Concept Art 1 Glad they went with the Stormtrooper look instead of Quarian hoods.