Part 30: 6/19/11-6/21/11
6/19/11Looks like things are about to get busy again. I was down at Junes today, Yosuke didn't seem too busy so I hung out with him for a while.

> You came with Yosuke for a quick bite to eat…

Even if we're short on cash, we can get a little discount here.
Though there's a small price to pay in exchange for that…
Girl's Voice: Oh, there you are, Hanamura!

Hello there, Senpai. What's wrong today?
Gaudy Student: You better say something to that blockhead manager! I told him I can't come in on Saturdays or Sundays.
But he's saying I have to be here since we're low on staff. And if I don't, he'll fire me!
Snooty Student: Isn't there some kinda law against that!?

Gaudy Student: Well, yeah. They wouldn't hire us if we didn't!

Alright, I got it. I'll try talking with him…
But you don't want to get fired, right?
Honestly Yosuke is surprisingly good with people when he needs to be, it's kinda scary.

Gaudy Student: …We'll think about it.
Snooty Student: You'd better do it, 'kay?
Woman's Voice: Oh, Yosuke-kun. Just the man I was looking for.

Loudmouthed Woman: Hear me out! Remember that claim I had the other day? Well, the head butcher said…

Sorry, Souji. Could you give me a minute?
> Yosuke went to listen to the employee…

It's seriously pretty amazing.

> Yosuke smiles sheepishly.

Maybe I wouldn't mind if I was free, but we have the murders to deal with. I don't have time for this.
Can the police really handle the killer? Can the law really convict whoever's behind this…?
Once I started worrying about that stuff, I knew I couldn't bother with anything else.
I have to do what I can…
I'm glad that he's getting into it, and he's right. How can you try a man for throwing someone into a TV?

> Yosuke is taken aback…

Before I moved here, it was all small talk… Stupid, trivial things. I thought that was fine.
It's only with you guys that I talk seriously like this.
I dunno why, but I feel like I don't have to lie…
…Especially with you. You've already seen the worst of me and all.
But well… thinking about it now, if someone had to see that, I'm glad it was you.
It's a bit late now, but… Thanks for going in with me that time.
> Yosuke is smiling sheepishly…
> You feel your relationship with Yosuke has grown deeper…
We started this whole thing, and we're going to take it to the end.

Alright, I'll see if I can get a deal with the guy at the counter and try out the Meat Lover's Combo!
> You hung around the food court with Yosuke before going home.
There was another special news report, seems Risette's coming here!
VIDEO- "Fame"

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> An entertainment news show is on…
Agency Spokesman: That concludes Rise Kujikawa's statement regarding her temporary leave of absence from the entertainment industry.
We're short on time, so if anyone has any remaining questions, we ask that you please keep them brief.
Magazine Reporter: I'm Ishioka from Lady's View. It says here that you'll be recuperating-are you facing physical problems?
She looked exhausted honestly.

Magazine Reporter: Psychological problems, then?

Magazine Reporter: Rumor has it you'll be staying with your relatives, but isn't that in Inaba where the murders have been taking place!?

Magazine Reporter: Is it true that they run a traditional tofu shop? Will you be helping out with the family business!?
Agency Spokesman: No more questions! This press conference is over! Clear the way, please!
> The press conference has erupted into chaos…

I remembered I'd seen her ad for Quelorie Magic the day I left for Inaba.

Commercial Voice: Quelorie Magic is made for those worried about their calorie intake and body fat. It'll slim you down in no time!

The one good thing about this town was that it had nothing of note, and now we get all the buzz… What's going on?
It is sort of strange come to think of it. Anyway, I guess now we'll find out if our theory is correct. Will Rise be the next target?
I'm not the only one who was concerned about what's going on in town.
VIDEO- "Geeking Out"

Click Here For Video!

Oh yeah, the shopping district seemed different today when I was passing by…
Like, everyone was really hustlin' more than usual… I wonder what's going on.

It didn't seem like the cops were involved in what was there, though.
Guess I'll try asking around at school…
If there were crowds at the shopping district, I guess that proved Rise was really there. We all got together before classes started this morning to think this through.

So hey, you guys see the news?

I wonder why. She was just getting popular lately…

It's pretty surprising I have to say because Rise really seemed like a natural.

It hasn't been that long since her debut, but at this rate, she'll be a top-class idol in no time.
To be honest, I'm a fan, too! She's such a cutie pie!

But I think she used to live here, so she must have a lot of local fans.

Do they mean Marukyu…?

Wait, does that mean I can meet Rise if I go to her tofu shop!?

Wait, did you forget about the murders!? You're the one who said the connection between the victims might be the TV!
She could be the next target!

Also, how could Rise be connected to the incidents so far?

It seems that she had no personal interaction with Ms. Yamano.
They've just been on the same show once or twice.

And she is moving here, after all.

And if she is, that narrows down the killer's methods even further.

I think Kanji's not really been listening when we've been talking about this.

Let's do it!

The teachers had heard the news too, and some of them seemed a bit bitter honestly.

Mrs. Nakayama: So, I've heard all the gossip going around about Rise Kujikawa. Those idols don't have "normal people" problems.
They'll have money, they'll never have to compromise in marriage… *sigh * What should I make for dinner tonight?
Just so you know, being an adult isn't all fun and games. It sucks.
Taxes, marriage, kids… I get so frustrated by these things, but it's not like I'll ever escape.
Oh well. Like they say, bad laws are still laws.
Hmm? Are you guys even listening!? I'm trying to give you important life advice here!
You! Seta-kun, you're looking especially slackjawed today!
Tell me, who said, "Law is the correct judgment of the state?"
I still remember his immortal words, "I drank what?"

Mrs. Nakayama: Oh, so you knew, huh? You're right, it was Socrates.
Socrates accepted his own execution, even though his sentence was the result of an unjust law.
That's exactly what I'm talking about. Sometimes we have to accept things as they are, even though they're a pain.
…SO you're all ignoring me thinking I'm just chit-chatting, eh? Well, now this is gonna be on the test.
I'm wondering if she means that Socrates will be on the test or that she's bitter and in a loveless marriage? Anyway, since we're not even sure Rise's a target until we see the Midnight Channel I agreed to help Yukiko with some things.

> You accompanied Yukiko on her shopping trip.

Then the furniture department. I want to look at the desks. Those and the lamps…
I wasn't sure why she needed all this at first.

> Yukiko is full of energy…

Though I haven't decided on exactly which one I'll pursue.
But I was thinking of trying for all the ones I feel I can earn.
I've started working at night, you see. Remember the job you told me about?
Thanks to that, I have some money…
Some jerk came up to us and started talking to Yukiko.

Suited Man: Or should I say, the manager-to-be.

Suited Man: Well, I can't very well go anywhere until the next bus or train departs. This really is the boonies.
Stuck here with nothing to do…
Man, the countryside is the dumps.

Suited Man: Turning down sweet deals is part of country life, too, is it? Hahaha.

Those people are from some TV station. They wanted to cover the Amagi Inn…
After what happened last time she was on TV I could see wanting them to go away, and it turned out to be even worse than that.

> Yukiko seems embarrassed…

You know that our inn was associated with Ms. Yamano's murder, right?
They want to make a special called, "Hot Springs Getting Too Hot for the Amagis!?"
It was an abhorrent title. Mother turned them away.
But maybe she shouldn't have declined…
I mean… If it gets a bad reputation…
We'd lose customers, and the inn really would close its doors.
…I'd feel better about leaving.
I really think for all her talk Yukiko hasn't really made up her mind to leave.

> Yukiko muttered darkly…

I'm leaving now under my own power… My life is in my hands now.
And of course, I want to help everyone.
You too, for being such a patient listener all the time.
> You can sense Yukiko's iron will…
> You feel that you understand Yukiko even more…
Yukiko also mentioned that they'd had some kind of training at the Inn recently and that if she could get an opening in battle she could help anyone who'd been knocked to the ground.

First is… the stationary department…
> You helped Yukiko with her shopping and walked home partway together.
It's supposed to rain tomorrow. Will the Midnight Channel air again?
The rains came again today. I headed to the shopping district just to look around, but it seemed they'd driven almost everyone away from the area. That gas station person also confirmed that Rise was in the area.

Attendant: Even in a country town like this, people do like to talk.
And everyone's talking about the same thing.
There are all kinds of different people, so why would that be?
Oh, and I managed to make that Matador thing Margaret wanted to see. It's some kind of skeleton guy, I wonder what the deal with that even is?

What a beautiful Persona… This fascinating dance, performed by a true sportsman…
I'm amazed. You're still young, but you hold such masculinity within your soul…
Mmm… I can feel my heart beat faster.
Thank you. I am strongly confident that you are the one I've been searching for.
I want to see more of your soul.
> Margaret is smiling gently…
> You became a little more intimate with Margaret…
I really wish I knew exactly what Margaret is to know how scared I should be that she's hitting on me.

Bring me a Gdon that knows Rampage. If anyone can do this for me, it's you.
I eagerly await your return.
Gdon's some kind of flaming tiger and I'm not quite able to handle it yet I think. I went to go tell the fox about helping the sticker kid, he seemed happy.

By the way I keep mentioning this but I do make bad choices so very option.

> There's a small bag of wasabi…
> ……
> Lick it…?
> …
> ……
> ………
> You really regret doing that!
> The tears… They won't stop…
> Your Courage has greatly increased.
> However…
> You don't feel well…
> ……
> You decided to go to bed early today…
I was recovered by midnight, though. Not that it was good news.
VIDEO- "The Midnight Channel"

Click Here For Video!
> Will something appear on TV…?
It was definitely a girl, and probably Rise.

> It seems to be a girl. She's wearing a swimsuit…
> ……
> She looks somewhat like Rise Kujikawa, the idol you saw on TV yesterday…
> ……?
> For some reason, it keeps zooming in on her chest and thighs…
> It's hard to make out her face as a result…

That was Rise for sure! Rise Kujikawa!
I mean there's no way it could be anyone else.

Oh… I guess I shouldn't be so excited. There's a chance she might get kidnapped…
C'mon, we should go there tomorrow! What was it called again…? Oh yeah, Marukyu Tofu!
Dude, my heart's pounding already…
Well, see you tomorrow!
> You'll be going to Marukyu tofu shop with Yosuke tomorrow.
> ……
> You decide to go to bed for tonight.
I just hope we can stop her being kidnapped.
Next Time On Persona 4: Rise