Part 10
That's the memory box we got from the Compressor mission.
Back to Tetsuya's missions. There are only two available right now, but completing this one unlocks a whole lot more.
Watch Red Head
"The more missions you complete, the more skills you'll know about."
"Fly, fly away. Fly and get shot down. Uhahahaha."
"Well I don't get why you're asking me "what"?"
We'll talk to Chunky in a bit.
We won't learn more about this until the next chapter.
"They scowl at Erase skills and are flustered by Status skills. ... you have a lot on your hands? Well, love and peace to ya!"
"Unfortunately I don't have Esper abilities."
"Health you have left. Your accuracy rate is used to calculate the scores."
"It's so intriguing imagining what kind of battle can ensue. To use them in real battle? I leave such savage duties to people like you."
"But if it's difficult to capture him, you don't need to be bound to it. Use any measure necessary."
I could say something about gender stereotypes, but whatever.
"He says it's better to be an officer--says they're more important. But I don't think so."
His dad, huh?
"Dealing with it head on is probably the most effective, but those that do are rare. In the end, we let time deal with it. Until time mends the wounds, people should just enjoy life. Oh, sorry, I started to babble."
This whole subplot about Kei's dad is never resolved, and there aren't enough clues given to deduce who it is, so don't waste time trying to figure it out.
"Can you help Mikan?"
We've been helping pH with his missions for Baroness, so he can help us with this mission for Mikan. By the way, those two dots that appear below certain letters, like the N in partner, are caused by errors in the 360 emulation.
Watch Medication
"You can see things that you once saw. Want to try?"
We can watch all the cutscenes we've seen by talking to Mikan. By 'can', I mean we're forced into movie mode every time we talk to her from now on. Curious that we're missing cutscenes 1-2.
"It's not the usual route, but can you help?"
"skills. We'll load it with supplies and march into town. Let's go!"
Watch Secret Cargo Route
Oh boy, do I!
Four missions are now available.
Watch Mac's Arsenal
"... hmm, Not quite there. See, there are as many different ways to battle as there are enemies. When battling against another scout, it's essential they don't know what skills you have. That's why it's important to create many different arsenals and research many skills."
Didn't he just tell us not to use our skills against friendlies?
"Think hard ... most important."
"The underground has everything you need to live."
Ok. Well, we'll go talk to Spokesman and Leader first.
"It holds his memories of the Refinery. If we can find the Refinery, we can continue our pursuit of Edgar. Please go find the map."
Watch Finding the Refinery
"We speculate Edgar is at this location. We also speculate Freia is with him. The elite troops were sent out, but we may be unable to avoid the mess that happened earlier. The total number of scouts has declined. Nanashi, if it's just you, he won't be able to kill you. ... after all, you are his best friend. ... you can't defeat him, correct? We await good news."
Two things here:
1. Who are the elite troops are why did Spokesman send them out if we, the progaonist, were assigned to the pursuit of Edgar?
2. The second half of what Spokesman said doesn't make any sense. Edgar already tried to kill us, and we already defeated him when we we're trying out for the scout team.
"It's a dangerous mission, but we believe in your abilities. Go by yourself to the refinery."
So why did you send out the elite troops if this is the plan?
"If it's about Edgar, we may need to wipe our hands of it."
"But the Red Head took Edgar's box."
It is curious how that Red Head got ahold of the box.
"It serves you right! Backstabber, disappear! Whooohooo!!"
What is Meister talking about?
"It looks like they want you to go search a new location again. Be careful."
Before we do that mission, we're going to do the other three at Palace and Highway.
Watch Ghost Sightings
"unregistered adventurer. Please investigate."
May Day is, of course, the day of international celebrance for the labor movement, specifically commemerating the Haymarket Martyrs of Chicago in the 1880's. If you want more information, here's a short explanation. What does May Day have to do with this mission? Absolutely nothing. It has nothing to do with this mission.
We haven't seen Meister in action for a while.
Watch May Day
These nicknames are killing me.
I didn't want to have to be the one to point this out, but look at the groin region on that Gyne sister. ...Yeah.
Watch The Gyne Sisters Return
Now on to the last mission of Chapter 4.
Watch Pursuit of Edgar
Let's listen to: Hallucination (Boss 2)
We won't find out what's in the memory box until the next episode, but trust me, it's worth the wait. Also sorry about the slow rate of updates recently. It'll go back to normal now.