Part 10: Nemesis - part 1
Episode 10: Nemesis - part 1

Armand doesn't give a fuck.

All right, this mission's really simple. There's a cooking contest, and we have to win it. Let's go!

This isn't a little local contest like the one Ozkan had to do last mission. This is a five-round mega-contest. We'll be cooking breakfast, appetizer, soup, dessert and a main course. Let's smash it!

In the good guys' corner, our boy Armand! Who's that other guy that we're up against?

None other than Sergio Tristan! He was an employee of OmniFood in the last game who cleverly tricked us into revealing all our secret recipes to him by asking us for them. He's a cunning one, but Armand is the better chef!

Breakfast is usually pretty dire, but luckily we just recently bought an incredibly high quality breakfast recipe: three pounds of French fries.

I like this thing where we are now the evil, unbeatable restaurant giant, and OmniFood is the sympathetic underdog getting crushed under our heel.

Round two, appetizers. Our excellent tuna gazpacho which we also purchased quite recently. Armand's cooking skill with these new recipes isn't 100% yet, but they're just so good that it's still better to use these than to use something mediocre that we cook perfectly.

We don't actually have a great French soup, but the onion soup should be good enough. Don't bother checking, this recipe actually does contain onions, sadly.

They'll be crying at OmniFood tonight, and not just because of the onions. We haven't even brought out our big guns yet.

The fruit gratin is still our best dessert, just barely better than the nougat parfait with strawberries.

38 points ahead with only our strongest category to go.

The legendary stuffed lamb. Unfortunately we've run out of the foie gras supreme which in the last game boosted this recipe to a guaranteed 100% quality rating, but this should still be more than enough to crush that OmniFood upstart.

We're number one! Armand's home life is a mess and we're keeping half a dozen terrible restaurants on life support, but we're number one!

All right, but that was just the warm-up! This is the actual contest that we need to win, the World Grandmaster Cooking Contest. Four rounds where we can cook any recipe from the French, Italian, American and German cuisines? I don't even know what German cuisine is!

Armand is up again. And who's the other contestant this time?

Edmund Valron! That scoundrel, he's back! He was the head of OmniFood and the final boss of the last game! Back for another round? Let's do it!

The first round is French food. Naturally, we'll cook the undefeatable stuffed lamb once again.

Okay, maybe they wanted to make sure you didn't just coast to victory on the strength of the last game's winning recipe. Our three pounds of potatoes technically count as Italian, so we should do pretty well in this round. As long as we win the last three rounds, we'll be fine.

WHAT! We have to beat 99 points in the Italian round? We don't even have an Italian restaurant!

All right, it is on now. We got this gazpacho recipe from our chef friend Tyrone in the last game. If we channel our soul power, we'll be able to win this contest.

What is going on! This was WAY more fun when I was the one doing this to the other guy!!!

Apparently Armand knows a couple of German recipes? This one's quite good. Unfortunately, since he's literally never cooked this, it's going to be a little difficult to use it to win this round!

We lost?

No, fuck that, this is unacceptable! I'll redo the contest until we beat it!





I can't do it. It's not possible.

Continued in part 2.