Part 12: No Singstar Allowed

: I'm glad that you're okay.

: I thought... I thought I could do everything by myself. I thought I was able to become who I am with my hard work, alone. But... But, all this time... Day in and day out... You've been watching over me... I know you're the only one who'd put up with me. Kururu... Thank you.
That sure is a lot of ellipses in that one bit of dialogue. And I even cut some out. JRPGs just love their ellipses no matter the era.

: It's alright. I know what's in your heart, even if you don't say it.

: Kururu!

: Okay, this is it! It's do or die time! Good luck, Cornet. I'll be rootin' for you!

: Thanks!
There's some dialogue while the half a minute or so of instrumental at the beginning plays. Fortunately, during this segment it auto-advances.
Also, as per request, here's the English version from the OST in advance.
Rosenqueen: I thought you hated me.

: No. I was just... I...

: I just did it because I made a promise to Cornet.
Queen: Etoile and Cornet, you both sang beautifully. Those songs were definitely worthy of the final round of competition. This contest has had a number of unexpected events. So, why don't we have two winners? How does everyone feel about that?
Personally, I'd feel cheated if I was either of those two. Technically, no-one actually won the competition so this was pretty much a giant waste of time!

: Huh? What!? That means..?

: You won! You actually did it! You're now a candidate to be the Prince's bride!
She says as if that didn't apply from the moment Cornet signed up for the competition...

: Yeah!!!

: Kururu!!

: Uh...what?

: Thank you.

: Aww, quit it. You're making me blush.

: You too, Etoile.

: But, how could the Queen pick two winners? We all know that I should've been the only winner.
I get that the whole "two winners/didn't outright win" thing is a blow to her ego and all, but not that long ago she said that she wasn't interested in becoming the Prince's wife.

: Ugh. You never change.

: Well, you two should together. You're going to need all the help you can get!
Queen: Congratulations, you two. That was a great contest. Both of you qualify for the title of MISS MARL'S KINGDOM.

: Thank you!

: I am so honored to hear those words from the first MISS MARL'S KINGDOM.
Queen: Will you two be able to participate in the party next week?

: Of course, your highness.
Queen: How about you?

: W...who!? Me!? Uh...of course!!
Queen: I'm glad to hear that. I'm looking forward to seeing you both there.

: (Ha ha ha...That Cornet is such a funny girl...)

: Uh, Etoile? What's this party about?

: There's a birthday party for the Prince next week. The winner of the contest is going to dance with the Prince.

: D-Dance? I need to get a new dress.

: Oh, Cornet, what are we going to do with you? Don't you know anything?
You can probably guess how well this is going to go already. You'd almost definitely be correct too.

: Then, that means...

: That means you're going to have to wear that costume again. Didn't you read the fine print on the form for the contest?

: I WAS reading it before someone took it away.

: Uh, Kururu, can I have a word with you?

: A ha ha ha ha... Uh, didn't I tell you..?

: No, you didn't tell me!!
And with that, Chapter 2 finally ends. On the plus side, Chapter 3 is blissfully short. Though I'd have said that about this one too until recently...
Next time: Destination of Happiness