Part 43: Moon Made of Cheese Confirmed, Researcher Says
Update 43: Moon Made of Cheese Confirmed, Researcher Says
He's finally back, to till some land.
(also that 52 hour playtime, wow)

It is Fall 4th 6:00 AM and we find Bush in his natural habitat- in the kitchen cooking food.
I did remember tomato juice this time.

all these hostage runeys are really eating up box space
too bad, it wont save you

Right, I'd left the fields to just be fodder grass for a while. Runey production is appreciated, and I'm also trying to avoid something that may happen in a couple days.
I think I remember just eventually growing some stuff anyways, but this does leave us with more time and HP/RP to get to work on our adventuring side of life anyways. We're rich, so that's probably more important.

Being able to get inside people's bedrooms in the morning really helps the time schedule.

CINNAMON: ...Fish is in season. Did you eat some?
Definitely will at some point- it remains decent food no matter the season.
Also we're now out of reserve Magic Crystals, back to the mines we goooooo

CINNAMON: Did you find the Broom Constellation?

BUSH: Yes. I found it funny how it really looked like a broom.

CINNAMON: There is a legend that says it's the broom used by the servant of God to sweep the heavens. He'd probably need a broom that size then.
Who is God? Who is St. Poli, really?
These questions answered probably never. Bush only believes in the fine art of cooking and yelling loudly while swinging farming tools.

BUSH: Can you see the Spirits, Candy?

CANDY: Well... I can't see or hear them very clearly... but I can tell where they are and what they're thinking sometimes.
More Spirit lore. You ever think she's just hearing the voices of the thread?
...It's probably best if that's not the case. We don't want her to know how we rate her hat in competition to the others in town.

I sacrifice 6 Tree Runeys to get more lumber spawns. Still got a ways to go on getting that bigger house and St. Poli knows we got enough tree runeys.

ENVIRONMENTAL STATUS: Destabilizing rapidly outside of managed regions. Cursory maintenance advised.

On our way to visit the vampires, we find a spectacular sight: Blue Roses!
So we've finally got that for making the wedding item. As it turns out, these only mill back down into White Rose seeds, so there's no reason to specifically keep them separate. The Blues do sell for more, but I need to calculate if waiting for them is actually a profit.

IRIS NOIRE: How was your day today? When everyone else's day ends, mine begins. It feels a bit strange...
For us, your day ends when our day really begins ...But I guess it applies for everyone too anyways?
I know a good few folk in very different timezones and years later I still forget half the time. Still always weird to be chatting in the morning and them ready to go to sleep.

Oh, hey, Selphy cleaned the library up again! Nice work!

We've also got a new book to check out, even if it is fashionably late:

~The Phantom Blue Rose~
"Moonlight has the power to create something that does not exist in nature."
"One of those creations is the 'Blue Rose.'"
"Grow a white rose, and once it has taken root, leave it out in the moonlight for a few days."
"The exposure to moonlight will turn the rose a lustrous blue."
At least the game gives a lot of hints on how to do it.
Luckily for me, the text dump does contain all the book text.
In fact, it has almost all the text in the game, but the mail. So until I find those, I've still gotta transcribe those. I'm still always happy to get mail despite that.
We've also got more books than just that.

~New Species Discovery!~
"I saw it with my own eyes! A Clucky as big as a mountain flying over me! That cannot be a normal Clucky! No way!"
"Please, believe me!! I'm not crazy!!"
Um, alright. I wonder if this person ever discovered that the Chickogriff is the secret to alchemical duplication.
Still no idea why this is in the library.

~Magic Users of the World~
"Vol. 12.
Yui: The Mysterious Magic User"
"Perhaps the most famous magic user is "Yui," a practitioner shrouded in mystery. History gives us little record of her life, but the effects of her magic can still be felt even to this day."
"The coast of a certain sea is completely devoid of life, and it is said that Yui was responsible. It is also believed to be Yui who turned the moon into cheese."
"There is a town in the north that never sees snow even during winter. Apparently Yui is also responsible for a town in the south, where Cherry Flowers bloom year-round."
"What's even more amazing about Yui, is that she was active for only 1 year, but according to the limited sources available, at that time she was only 5."
That's one powerful preschooler.

Also, moon made of cheese confirmed, hell yeah. Maybe Bush will make it into this book series some day.

~The Snow Ruins~
"The Adventures of John Arthur Section 1, Chapter 14, Part 12 'The Snow Ruins'"
"'The Snow Ruins' As the name suggests, these ruins are covered in snow, but the climate is rather mild like autumn."
"I'm sure the climate was much colder when they were carrying out low temperature research on Runes, but this is much nicer for me."
"At the entrance of these ruins are slopes and a frozen door. I destroyed nearby fridges (just cut the cord!) to melt the ice and move forward. My adventure was going well."
"However, due to an accident, I had no choice but to give up my exploration. I cannot disclose the details here, ...but it was definitely not because I got hungry."
Snow Ruins was evidently where they were studying Runary Supercomputers.
Also apparently the ice mist generators are refrigerators?

~The Elves~
"Elves, famous for their beauty, are a monarchical race in a forest in the Far North, ruled by a queen."
"Having a much longer lifespan than humans, they have preserved a culture that deeply respects nature, the vehicle of life itself."
Nothing we didn't already know here. This book was probably opened up by that Tabatha event from last update.
Maybe the reason so many elves seem to be in the hospitality industry is because they are already nature's custodians?

~The Beginning of Man~
"The Kingdom of Norad is small but houses the oldest royal family in the world. Because of their long history people from all around the world respect them as the wellspring of mankind."
"The successive kings of Norad worked to live in harmony with nature, and these philanthropic efforts are another reason for the respect Norad receives."
"However, even a kingdom like Norad has enemies. The Zzyzx Empire in the south is a militant nation burning with ambitions of world domination. It has invaded Norad countless times..."
Man, Zzyzx. What a name. Still prefer Sechs.
Either way, Norad's real important in the grand scheme of things, you'd think we'd have some alliances or something to call in on these invasions.
I think that is enough reading for quite a while. Bush's brain is just packed with intelligence now.

SELPHY: What's wrong? I already left that money issue to you, Bush.

SELPHY: Just make up an excuse to Lara for me. Thanks.
For what does an ascetic who has mastered the art of subsistence entirely upon literature need with the concept of money?
We'll probably just spot her the money, Bush has more than enough.

Haven't been able to bring up that matter to Lara yet though. Might have to be in the clinic for it to count.

ANETTE: Morning, Bush.
Ann's still depressed, with new voice line and all. At least she's still having lunch with the forever friend-zoned Erik.

ANETTE: *phew*

BUSH: What's wrong?

ANETTE: Hm? I was just thinking about how pitiful I am for collapsing so easily.

BUSH: Well, you do run around every single day. It's not pathetic at all.

BUSH: I really think you should rest more.

ANETTE: Haha. Thanks, Bush. You're so nice...

ANETTE: *sigh*

ANETTE: I-It's nothing! Don't worry about me.
Well, I suppose we ought to leave her to it.

Meanwhile, Bush is off catching some backup fish for Uzuki and Cinnamon but keeps accidentally catching fish too good to gift.

EUNICE: Everything just tastes so wonderful during this season so I always end up overeating.

EUNICE: I don't know what to do...
Eunice has been captured by the Big Pumpkin Spice Industry. We will need to redouble our efforts to prevent them from taking over this town.

I found Candy again and prepared a sacrifice of 12 Water Runeys for more rain in the next 7 days. Should hopefully spare me from watering for a few days.

MARCO: Mom includes bell peppers in dinner sometimes.

MARCO: She keeps telling me to stop being picky about food, but that's just child abuse!
Yeah, they're kinda strong unless they're well mixed into something. I'll be honest, I can only take so much of them alone. Quite bitter.

A brief stop to get a few chestnuts...

We drop by to gift our good buddy Kross and to get a refresher on how much more material we need for our house upgraded.
Cost: 900 Lumber and 75,000 gold.
Current: 773 Lumber and 134,377 gold.
So just a bit more wood to go!

So I run out to hit up some more uncleaned fields in the Magic Crystal Mines.

I work until bathtime, and we're just 70 lumber off our goal. Not bad.

Melody quietly watches as Bush erupts blue thunder and does frontflips with an axe in her waiting room.

I suppose our first onsen fact is one that isn't very new to anyone with a moderate understanding of Japanese culture. Nevertheless, we must begin with the basics.
Onsen are primarily a relaxation thing. You either come already washed or clean yourself off to the side via a shower or by bucketing water from the spring itself. There are private baths too, but this is still a rule.
They of course, are still rigorously cleaned given their nature as a public fixture. How often depends on the onsen itself, but there's a good deal of laws and health regulations that exist to try and keep them safe but operational.
This has been your bathhouse facts for the day.

Following that, we dip into the Snow Ruins. I believe it's to grind weapon skill and EXP.

Shock and awe, it's actually just more woodcutting.

But it has been done!
I guess this makes the wood day I wished for kind of irrelevant, but that can still go towards the pharmacy expansion and a bigger barn.

We are able to get into Kross's house at night now, but I don't know if he'll schedule work now that it's like 8 at night.

KROSS: When the moon is red, someone is plotting something terrible somewhere. You have to be careful.
Oh, um... thanks for the warning!

Kross still won't let us look at his closet, but we're not far off from it.

Well, with a hard day's work done, how else to spend our night by churning butter?
The Cooking Master sleeps only when the dishes are done

His efforts demand more ingredients- MORE!

Oh, and while I'm here, Eunice gets a cake just because we can. We must fight the encroachment of seasonal foods with... seasonal cake?
At least chestnut is an actual Fall crop in this world, pumpkins are Summer crops!

In case anyone wanted to know, Bianca is the manor's owner, and our like 3 LP with her isn't enough to get us in the manor at night.

And to reaffirm an earlier point, Blue Roses do just make White Rose seeds. I've still got the previous white rose around, so we get seeds from that instead.
(i loaded a savestate to undo using the blue one

Go ahead and plant those on the island with a new batch of carrots We don't need more carrots at this point (Selphy will hit 10 soon) but I didn't have anything else worth planting on hand.

That and the sandwiches are just crazy good anyways. Gonna be good to have as combat healing.

And that's all for Fall 4th!

And here's the next day! It's not raining.
Having done all our meal prep last night, we can just head out no fuss.

...But no Anette.

~"Breakfast" - Eunice~
Bush, do you eat breakfast?
I heard that breakfast is always a problem
when a man lives alone.
If you are having a hard time cooking
for yourself, I would gladly help.
Bush does have problems cooking for himself, but that's just because he's always giving away what he makes. He does only eat breakfast if he gets so tired from cooking that he needs it. Still, we'd never say no to hanging out with Eunice. (There is no reply available, alas.)
Personally what I consider breakfast is just leftovers from last night. Even pizza. Or chili.
...Sometimes I eat stuff that's kinda breakfasty. Sometimes.

~"Fish Curry" - Cinnamon~
I made fish curry.
Even Candy thought it was good.
I wonder why she looked so surprised.
It seems Bush's culinary advice turned out well.
I've still never had curry.


Tomato juice delivered to the Irises, but no new dialogue.

I spend some time getting more lumber off Whale Island before heading back down.

LARA: My pen pal lives somewhere that's much colder than the Kingdom of Norad.

LARA: I hope that she doesn't become ill...
I feel like Noradian medicine hasn't fully understood germ theory yet.


BUSH: What's wrong, Stella?

STELLA: Oh, it's you, Bush... Looks like you caught me at a bad time.

STELLA: It's nothing. I slipped while I was working and fell on my backside pretty hard. Thanks to that, I ruined one of the vases.

BUSH: Oh no... That sounds terrible.
Bush, why are you smiling at that?

Hrm... didn't Lara dream about something similar to this a few days ago?

STELLA: Rosetta is back in her hometown to look after her sick father.

STELLA: Just give her some kind words when you get the chance to talk to her. I'm sure she's feeling very tired.
Man, the town really is in a slump all around isn't it?
Rosetta is still max priority on Holiday, so we'll be sure to find her. (least of all the fact that her being gone is what's delaying the main plot)

SELPHY: The bathhouse here is really nice. I can feel Melody's love for baths.

SELPHY: Compared to it, my bath back home was just huge, but I couldn't feel any love from it.

BUSH: What kind of place is your home, Selphy?

SELPHY: Don't worry about that! It's not manly to go snooping!

BUSH: Wait, why am I getting yelled at?
Selphy, as always, hiding her past life with mixed results. Bush, as always, is completely oblivious.
Of course, Melody's bath is excellent. We know this to be irrefutably true.

Anette likes to sit down here in main area Trampoli during this part of her storyline. We of course have Pumpkin Tarts on the ready.
Sugar won't solve depression, but hey, Bush does all he knows how to do.

ANETTE: It's autumn already. All the leaves are red.
There's... not actually that many red trees around. The red and purple leaves are my favorite colors of autumn, personally.

ANETTE: *sigh*

BUSH: What's wrong?

ANETTE: Maybe I'm not fit to do postal work...

BUSH: Don't say that!

BUSH: You're only feeling down because you had to take a little break. It's okay to rest!

ANETTE: Haha... Thanks.

ANETTE: But, to tell you the truth, I wanted to do a different job.

ANETTE: Every single member of my family is a mailman. That's why I also became one. It's like a tradition.

ANETTE: But, where did I go wrong?

BUSH: Do you hate your job as a mailman, Anette?

ANETTE: No, I love it. Letters are like sending emotions. I love bringing them from person to person.

ANETTE: The ones who send out letters and the ones who receive them... I like seeing their smiles.

BUSH: Then why...?

ANETTE: I don't know... Like you said, I think I'm just feeling down right now.

ANETTE: But don't misunderstand me. I love this village. Mist is really nice, too, even if she's a little weird...

ANETTE: ... Thanks for hearing me out. I think I feel better now.

BUSH: Anette...

ANETTE: What? Bush, don't give me that face!

ANETTE: I'm fine! I'm back to how I always am!
Things are getting better, slowly.

This is one of the longest dialogues we've had in a while, didn't want to interrupt it. Ann's storyline is almost done.
Although, maybe she's not doing so great if she's still seeing Mist around the house

ANETTE: Working hard on your fields? I better work just as hard.
That's the spirit!
wait, we don't work on our fields really at all

TABATHA: Please do not tell Miss Bianca that Minerva is here to bring me back.

TABATHA: Please...
Your secret is safe with us, though I have a sinking feeling it might not stay that way.

TABATHA: I made a mistake with the medicinal herbal tea... Miss Bianca hated it... Perhaps with more practice...
Well, if anyone can do it, it's probably you. Even Bush's cooking is nothing in the face of Bianca's tastes.

TABATHA: It certainly feels like autumn now.

TABATHA: When I first saw the fallen leaves, I was very surprised. I had thought that all the trees had died.

BUSH: You've never seen fallen leaves, Tabatha?

TABATHA: Not before I came to the human towns, I've never seen them. The trees in the nation of the elves stay green all year.
I wonder if this means that Elf Land is filled with evergreen trees? It's probably just in one of those weird seasonal locked regions this world has though.
We don't see it here, but basically every other RF game shows that Norad is a place permanently confused as to what season it is.

Oh, hey, it's this dude! Finally he leaves his house for once.

BUSH: Brodik, did you want something?

BRODIK: Heh heh heh...

BRODIK: What are you talking about? I have business with you!

BUSH: But weren't you knocking on my door?

BRODIK: I did no such thing! You won't be able to chase me out like that!

BRODIK: Hah ha ha!
um alright sir
I imagine it's supposed to be "I have no business" as this man's localization ain't the best, but honestly... it kinda works? Him just talking confusingly just adds to how much he's trying to agitate Bush.

BRODIK: I hear that during a mission in the past, you said that you wanted to hide out in the countryside and run a farm.

BRODIK: I never thought that you would really start one up...

BRODIK: And it's called the Shrub Farm?

BRODIK: Are you sure you want to keep it as Shrub Farm?

BRODIK: That name of your farm isn't witty at all! At least do something about it to make it harder for people to find out!

BRODIK: Hah ha ha!
Oi, mate, put 'em up- that's where I draw the line! Nobody makes fun of Bush's Shrub Farm!

Here, have a pumpkin you twerp.

BRODIK: Did you put something in this? I'm going to get your neighbor to test it first.
*You were given 1 Gold!*

BRODIK: There's a little something for your troubles! Can you see how generous I am?! Hahahaha!
It's an... interesting design decision to make a character whose pure existence is just be a dink, but here he is.
He hates pumpkins by the way. Same goes for Pendants.
Apparently he loves Apple Pie? It'll be a long time before those are available again.

Kross, my brother, get down from there please.
(he does not)

A bit of nothing happens for a bit before I go home to craft some until the bath opens. The important craft here is the Average Pole. It takes our current Starter Pole + Silver + Thin Stick + Bamboo Shoot to make.

Badabam, there it is. It'll hopefully let us make expert catches again, of which have been pretty much nonexistent since we first upgraded the pole.
...And hopefully it doesn't backfire on us like the Rainbow Can.

Speaking of that fabulous water container, I start smashing scrap metal into it to grind Forging skill. Being a recipe we can barely perform, it's worth a lot of EXP even if I can't actually improve the level at the moment.
Doing this until we're nearly on the floor asleep gets... 3.5 skill points. And that was like 14 scrap. Yowza.

MINERVA: It's good how this summer home is pretty...

MINERVA: But it's so big that I feel uneasy being in there.

MINERVA: Bianca said that this place is cramped so I keep wondering where she used to live.
This place is maybe twice as big? Not to say that the Kardia Coquille Manor isn't large on it's own.

And before we get our bath, it's time for a big step: finally getting our bigger house!
Do it, Kross! You're the only man I'd trust with this job!

KROSS: I'll start right away. So would you wait a little bit?

*One short fade away later...*

KROSS: Sorry to have kept you waiting. I just finished. You should go check out your house.
Fastest carpenter in the biz right here! Done just like that.

From the outside, it's not that noticeable, but you might notice the bit of the tower peeking just to the left of the main roof. But...

You can definitely see the change on the inside! A big L-shaped staircase.
I'll be mean and hold you in suspense until the end of the update to see how the bedroom looks.

(only 1 bath fact per update

A while later, Bush finds himself back down in Snow Ruins, trying to fight some enemies for experience.

The going is rough.

But no matter how hard we look...

BUSH: Man, this is shut tight. It'd be nice if I could find some other way in.
...There doesn't seem to be any way in further from this side.

So in the meantime, Bush gets to pummeling demons to hone his skills....

Levels keep us sustained into the long night as Bush axes demon after demon.

We got some levels and skill out of this, but not a ton.

And after that he get sleepy
so bed we go

The bedroom itself is a cozy little room. A window, a vase of flowers, a space for paintings from Lute, and even a chair and shelf on the left.
I suppose this means Kross hauled the bed up the staircase by himself.

But with that, bye for now, folks. Next time, some important stuff goes down!