Part 45: The Day of Bachelorettes
Update 45: The Day of Bachelorettes

That's right, it's a rainy Holiday!

I don't know exactly when we bought the seeds, but I decided to just go ahead and plant some stuff for this season even if there is an event later that may backfire on us.

It leaves us with just 5 3x3's unfilled on our farm.

Make some sashimi and other stuff to keep our energy up...

And out on the town we go! It's not like Bush has much else to do.
It also happens to be the perfect day for us to go and continue that bit of Selphy/Lara's book borrowing event.

MELODY: No one is here today so you can go in the women's bath.

MELODY: But if you pull anything funny, you'll be banned from here!

BUSH: What are you referring to?

MELODY: Tha... Just hurry it up!
Bush would never do such a thing, whatever that thing you may ber referring to is! The bath must be respected.

BUSH: (Excuse me...)
Bush, there's nobody in there.

The women's bath doesn't really look any different, although I think the pink tulips are unique to this side?
There happens to be a sparkle on the ground not too far in.

BUSH: Hey... There's a small crack here...

BUSH: ... ...

BUSH: There are so many books inside the crack! Let's see, where's the "Scriptures"...

BUSH: There it is! Let me go take it to Stella right away.
Selphy's been in here storing books under the floorboards like some sort of literary rodent

LARA: Though I am a servant of God, I am allowed to marry.

LARA: But that's only if I have someone...
1. I'm sure you can find someone very nice!
2. Oh...
Huh, so the nuns are allowed to marry? How about that. I guess that's something to remember for the next vote.

LARA: Um... I was just making chitchat. There's no need to look so serious.
She doesn't have to know she didn't make the 6, don't tell her, Bush.
(The first option gets a happy thanks

Stella lets us into her room early, so here's a last look at the Scriptures before they're gone for good.

STELLA: This is the "Scriptures"! Thank you for finding it.

STELLA: Let me give you this to thank you for your troubles.

You got Fodder Seed
amazing reward, 10/10 quest

Anyways, Selphy, we gotta talk about this book thing. It's not-


*Selphy is at the front desk, deep in reading a book as Bush enters.*

*Suddenly a dark portal opens up, emitting a strange hiss!*

*She's sucked inside!*
RIP, too invested in a good romance to notice she was getting pulled into the Shadow Realm

BUSH: Selphy!

And so we're left only with an option to examine the desk.

As Bush touches it, the portal reappears and silently draws him in too, as all fades to black...

We awaken in a bizarre world, with psychedelic sky, warped bookshelves, and a massive book beneath our feet.
A brown bull with a blue mane stands before Bush!

BUSH: Where is Selphy?!
Bush is having none of this.

It's a boss fight! We're immediately surrounded by Buffamoo on all sides and this mystery bull- the latter is our real target.
Pony proves herself the true MVP as she somehow found a way to dive in after us.

The recommended level for this that I saw was 30, and we're about 50, but it doesn't stop this place from hurting! They're no ordinary cows and they all hit for nearly 200 damage.

But, so do we

Pony valiantly buys us enough time to get out, slam down two potions before the boss can catch us. Luckily, the Earth Wand is not only effective damage, but perfectly levels their charge and pushes it back easily.

Just a bit of earth magic spam + 1 incoming cow dodge later and the boss is down.

*We quickly fade to white...!*

(Haven't heard this in a long while.)

BUSH: Selphy! Snap out of it!

SELPHY: Ugh...

SELPHY: Where am I?!

BUSH: I don't know. Maybe we're inside the book that you were reading.

SELPHY: In the book? Awesome!

SELPHY: It was my childhood dream to go inside a book!
Yep, she's just the same as always

BUSH: Oh, really? So how do you feel about it now that it came true?

SELPHY: Hmm... There's nothing here and it's not a lot of fun. I guess I prefer to just read books.

SELPHY: Let's go home.

BUSH: Yeah, we should.
Apparently, it's just that easy to leave

KANNO: Hmm, this was caused by the monster "Tapir."

BUSH: "Tapir"?

KANNO: A monster that feeds on memories.

KANNO: It transforms itself in order to capture prey, then consumes their memories when their guard is down.
I wonder why the designers chose a bull model for the Tapir. We have elephants with prehensile noses.

SELPHY: So that's how I completely forgot about a book I read!

SELPHY: What a waste of time! I could've read another book by then...
Are you kidding? This could let you read the best books like it's your first time again!

KANNO: The monster isn't that dangerous, but who knows what kind of damage it could cause.

KANNO: Let's burn it.

BUSH: I agree. It would be for the best.

SELPHY: W-wait!
I can't believe Bush would destroy literature, the source of KNOWLEDGE
(although I guess it is a book that could physically harm people)

SELPHY: You can't burn such a rare book! The god of books will be mad at you!

KANNO: But, we can't leave it as is.

KANNO: Let's see...
There's a god of books?!

*We cut back to Selphy's place, to where she's straightening a large portrait now containing the Tapir book.*

*She adjusts it a few times and scratches her head.*

(We get a CG image!)

SELPHY: How about that?

SELPHY: Well? Is it crooked?

BUSH: It's fine.

BUSH: Your idea to put the monster to sleep by stopping time worked out really well.

SELPHY: Yeah, and we ended up not having to burn it.

SELPHY: Personally, I want to read that book a bit more.

SELPHY: Now, what I should read next...
And that's it for Selphy's storyline! I guess it explains why she was getting so forgetful about what books she had read.
Just like Melody, she's at max LP now and we'll probably only have some incidental dialogue and small events with her from now on.
If you thought the game was going to reveal as part of this that she's a runaway princess or something, nope. (She absolutely is though.)

BUSH: There's been some mystery novel that's very popular recently.

SELPHY: Oh, that... I'm actually surprised that something I did is so popular.

BUSH: So that means...

SELPHY: Yup. I'm the one that wrote it.

BUSH: That's amazing, Selphy!

SELPHY: I'm not that good!
Final results:
- Got a cool book
- Became an accomplished author
- still bad at taking care of herself

Lute, my dude!
...why are you still staring in the Coquille's window out in the rain

LUTE: Are you making any milk, Bush?

LUTE: Milk is so good! You can drink and process it, too. People who can make great milk are always very kind people.
i mean we have some cows, but he buys most of his supply tbh

Now that we have an expanded house, we can finally buy some of Lute's paintings.
We also buy a Large Refrigerator while we're here because why not? Bush's wallet is down to about 35,000G, but we can still live on that.
Let's see how the Coquilles are doing.

Another cutscene?!

BUSH: Bianca, what are you doing here?

BIANCA: Shh! Be quiet! She'll see us!

BUSH: S-sure... Sorry...

*Our view moves up the stairs to find the elf sisters arguing.*

MINERVA: Why?! Didn't you come to the human world so that you could...

MINERVA: ...bridge the gap between elves, humans, dwarves, and monsters?

TABATHA: I did, but...

MINERVA: Then why don't you come back to the nation of elves? Elves, monsters, and humans are all getting along just fine.

TABATHA: I can't. I can't go back yet. There's Miss Bianca and...

MINERVA: Him...? What about him? He's just a mere human...

MINERVA: It's the same with Bianca. They're nothing but humans. What makes them think they're so great?

*Bianca runs up the stairs!*

BIANCA: Well, SORRY for living!

TABATHA: Miss Bianca!

BIANCA: You be quiet, Tabatha. I'm your master. I don't just think I'm great. I AM great!

MINERVA: Do you even know what you're saying, human?

BIANCA: Stop calling me that!
During the growing confrontation, Bush calmly walks up the stairs.

TABATHA: Minerva! Apologize to Miss Bianca!


(Um, when did we start using little emotion bubbles? This hasnt happened anywhere else in the last 55 hours.)

MINERVA: My big sister is so far out of your class you shouldn't even be able to talk to her!

TABATHA: Minerva!

MINERVA: My sister... My sister is really the queen of the nation of elves!

*Bush and Bianca are both shocked to hear this. The music cuts out.*

BIANCA: What? Tabatha is a queen? Is that some kind of sick joke?

BIANCA: Don't you think so? Tabatha, you're my maid, right? There's no way you're a queen.

BIANCA: Well, say something, Tabatha! Tell me that it's a joke!
She's not going to take this well, is she?

TABATHA: It's as she said, Miss Bianca... I am the queen of elves.

TABATHA: But, I am your maid before I am queen.
So, she's not just in line for the crown, she's the actual ruling monarch? Even I didn't know that

TABATHA: Bush, this may be sudden, but would you please come to the summer house...

TABATHA: 9 in the morning tomorrow?

BUSH: Huh...? Why?

TABATHA: ...Please.

BUSH: ...Tomorrow at 9, right? Sure, I'll be there.
Tabatha's not even one of the chosen 6, but Oatmeal is so cheap and easy to make at this point that her hitting 9 LP just kinda happened. Whoops.
I suppose we shall see what she wants tomorrow.

We are then quietly forced out of the manor.
...We can head right back in though.

TABATHA: The rumored mystery novel was in Miss Bianca's room.

TABATHA: I am a bit interested in it so maybe I should borrow it later?
For now, life returns to normal. Selphy's book also continues to make the rounds.

We cannot find the book to read ourselves, despite how popular it's getting.

BIANCA: Some strange mystery novel has been very popular recently. How foolish.

BUSH: What kind of books do you read, Bianca?

BIANCA: All... All kinds of books!
Oh, Bianca. Forever hiding your true self. She'll open up someday.


BUSH: Yes, what is it?

TURNER: What do you think of my Eunice?

BUSH: Huh? Well, um...

TURNER: You have to be more decisive! You won't be able to...

TURNER: *mumble*...

Bush doesn't have to be decisive- that's what the voices in his head are for.

EUNICE: A certain mystery novel is popular among the girls in the village.

EUNICE: It's so good that I end up going to bed really late.
Selphy's novel proves to be really popular.

UZUKI: I am engrossed with this novel of crime right now...

UZUKI: I have never read about these sorts of stories so it seems most interesting...
I like the phrase "novel of crime".

UZUKI: There is a legend of a swordsman that caught a fly with his chopsticks. I tried to imitate him, but...

UZUKI: Tsubute lectured me for hours about it.

TSUBUTE: Of course I would!
Perhaps one day Uzuki will become the Chopstick Master, but it is not today

UZUKI: In my country, there were many people who had a marriage that was arranged even before they were born. How sad for them...

UZUKI: I-I do not have someone like that! You can rest assured.
You'll find 'em some day, Uzuki.
Anyways, we're off to the Magic Crystal mines, see you later.

MINERVA: Staying here is no fun at all.

MINERVA: Hey, Bush. Tell me something interesting.

BUSH: Huh? I can't come up with something so suddenly...

MINERVA: Jeez! Don't you even know how to entertain a girl with a story or two?

BUSH: Sorry...
He kinda forgets most of what happens anyways, so unless you want to hear about how he killed the 100th demon of the night, you'll have to give him a second.
We can in the meantime peek at the letter on her desk.

BUSH: Something's written on here. Let's see...

BUSH: ...I can't read it.

MINERVA: It's elvish. I'm so proud of myself!
I guess elvish must be hard to learn. Either that or she's happy she foiled our attempt to steal elven government secrets.

As it's rainy holiday, we'll have to find Rosetta in her room upstairs.
How's Jean doing?

BUSH: Rosetta, how was your father?

ROSETTA: He just caught a cold, but it's taking longer than normal for him to recover.

ROSETTA: He must have been overworked. That's why I decided to help out over there for a while.

ROSETTA: I can't leave my store without tending to it for too long so I'm back for today...

ROSETTA: But I the best I can do is to come back only once a week.

BUSH: I see... Please don't overwork yourself, too.

ROSETTA: Thanks... You're really kind.
This'll take a few weeks to resolve, so it'll probably be Winter before Rosetta returns for good.

ROSETTA: I got that popular mystery novel, but I'm too busy to read it.

ROSETTA: I want to read it soon!
Everyone gets to read it but us!

Since we're still going about town, let's drop by Lara again. See if anything has changed there.

BUSH: Do you still remember your dream from the other day?

LARA: Yes. You mean the one with Sister Stella falling?

BUSH: Yeah. After you told me, I spoke with Stella and she really tripped and broke a vase.

LARA: Looks like the dream came true.
Huh, what a coincidence.

LARA: Last night, I dreamt that Turner came to get some medicine for his hangover.

BUSH: Wouldn't that be interesting if that came true, too?

LARA: Haha. I guess so.

*And then they both stand here awkwardly in silence as Turner arrives offscreen.*
(This event was supposed to happen while she was sitting at her desk, not when she's cleaning the tables. Whoops!)

BUSH: Oh? Turner!

LARA: What's wrong, Turner?

TURNER: I drank way too much and now I have a headache.

TURNER: Can I have something for it?

LARA: Oh?! ...Sure, just a moment.

LARA: Here, take this. Please be careful not to drink so much in the future.

TURNER: Yeah. Thank you.
*And so he leaves, offscreen entirely.*

LARA: ... Looks like that dream came true, too.

BUSH: Strange things sure keep happening.
I'm sure this is just still all coincidence. This couldn't be leading up to anything.
...Still, wow, this update is just all bachelorette stuff isn't it? It isn't even 10:00 AM yet!

KANNO: That Selphy from the library keeps asking to borrow my books.

KANNO: I keep telling her that my books aren't for amateurs but she won't listen. She is exactly like me long ago.
The crucial difference is you never figured out literary based subsistence- otherwise you wouldn't have needed to bring Cinnamon and Candy here.

CINNAMON: Black Fish is good in autumn. You can make it into sashimi or just roast it with salt. I really like it.
Note: She doesn't like it any more than any other fish. It is good eating though.

Let's go see Anette. She's the last on the list for today, and she'll probably appreciate the visit on a rainy day like this.

MORE cutscenes?!
*We cut to a view of Marco and Candy standing near the little pond outside Mist's house.*

CANDY: Hey, Marco! Read it!


MARCO: I can't. It's too hard.

CANDY: Maybe I shouldn't have asked Selphy for recommendations on which books to read.
Knowing her, it's probably a 600 page romance novel, so probably not, no.
Also how old are these kids again?
...Also why are you reading out in the rain???

*Anette walks by.*

ANETTE: What are you two doing together?

CANDY: Anette!

MARCO: I borrowed a book from the library, but it's too hard!

ANETTE: Oh really? Let me take a look.

ANETTE: Let's see.

ANETTE: Eternity was in our lips and eyes, Bliss in our brows' bent; none our parts so poor; but was a race of heaven...

ANETTE: What is this? You borrowed this?

CANDY: Yeah...

CANDY: Selphy gave me this when I asked her to lend me an interesting book.

ANETTE: She only gave you what she liked...
Called it. Something tells me she forgot what an age rating was too.

ANETTE: Fine, I'll lend you one of mine.

MARCO: Really? I want to become a hero that casts magic spells!

CANDY: I want to be a magical scholar like my big sister!

ANETTE: That's great! All right. I'll help you out!

ANETTE: Come with me!
Yo, Marco's going battlemage too? Good taste, kid, good taste.

*And so they all march off back towards the house.*

Oh, hi there. Looks like the nameless girl was just standing out here watching this. We'll get back to her in a minute though. Inside the house we go!

(There's no music playing here- thanks, rain- so have this instead.)
*We cut to a CG of Anette in front of a chalkboard, hat off and books in front of her.*

ANETTE: Not like that. You have to do it just like I tell you.

MARCO: Oh, so you use that here! I never knew!

CANDY: Teach me this, too, Anette!

ANETTE: For that...

BUSH: What are you doing, Anette? Marco and Candy, too...

MARCO: Anette was teaching me stuff!

CANDY: She explains everything so nicely!

ANETTE: Haha, thanks.

ANETTE: I actually wanted to become a teacher.

ANETTE: That's why I'm not bad at teaching things.

BUSH: Oh, really?

ANETTE: Hey! You probably just thought that I don't look the part!

BUSH: Of course not!

ANETTE: Really? Whatever. I'll believe you this time.
...And that's her CG. Her storyline isn't completely over yet though. It isn't voiced like Selphy's, probably due to all the actors involved but it won't stop me from being mad Ann got cheated here.
She's getting past her depression by following her original dream, teaching kids.

We'll now find her teaching Marco and Candy regularly in here. My only question is where did the whiteboard come from? Mist's house doesn't have one.

ANETTE: I read that mystery novel, too. But I'm only reading it bit by bit so I can't make good progress.

ANETTE: I can't wait to see what happens!
everyone but us

Speaking of mysteries, let's go talk to Mystery Girl.

MYSTERY GIRL: It sure is pouring. I was doing some weeding earlier but now I'm drenched.

MYSTERY GIRL: Bush, you have to be careful not to catch a cold.

MYSTERY GIRL: You'll catch a cold if you wander out in the rain.
I'd think the hood and cloak is meant to stop that, but I suppose it'll only resist water for so long.
Anyways, goodbye?

We finally take a break from all the dialogue to go do some various material collection. First up is the easy silver from Green Ruins.

Restocking the Grass Runey farm at Mist's...

BRODIK: Listen. I will definitely chase you out of here before the snow starts falling!

BRODIK: Be prepared for that!

BRODIK: Ha ha ha!
um ok
Gonna have to step on it, there's a tiny chance I finish the LP before then if the combat's not too hard.

We take a bath, so it's time for more ♨ BATH TRIVIA TIME ♨
The unique qualities of hot springs are more from their mineral content than their heat, but it's still important. Each spring is different of course, and Japanese law requires that it is at least 75 degrees Fahrenheit (or about 25 degrees Celsius).
The most notable minerals seem to be sulfur, salt, hydrogen carbonate, iron, and magnesium. It has to have a certain amount of at least one of those to be considered a natural onsen.
That is your bath fact for the day!

Workin' in the mage mines
woo, almost crit now

IRIS NOIRE: Me and my other self were both born on the 23th of winter.
Don't worry, you'll be maxed before then!

And so I follow up by spending time attempting to hunt Gigantes.

It's a struggle- no other way to word it.

We end up picking up 2 levels in the end, only needing 5 hours of constant, efficient grinding. It got better when I figured out the Earth Wand has a good chance of ruining these guys' days as well.

We spend that RP gained from leveling on butter.

And ruining the floorboards in our new bedroom. Of course.

We're level 52 now, and our Weapon skill is still half our Magic skill (42). Lumber is all the way up to 60 now, becoming our second highest skill.

We can also now look at that painting we bought from Lute. I don't know how he got this angle of Trampoli's beach, but he did.

Alas, it is time for Bush to sleep. Another 1 day update, but this one was right jam packed, so can you really complain?
(Note: You are allowed to complain but all complaints will not be processed. Each complaint put in the complaint box will be personally consumed with a randomly selected condiment.)

Catch ya next time!