Part 23
To give you something to pass the time while I try to fix this, which I might not be able to since it's probably too late, here's a few videos from around the net.
Some landmarks for you to look at in the game engine - see what I see how I see it.
And this is a brief overview from one of the trailers which shows off what some of the special powers look like in real time.
Thermonuclear War shown in a really shitty video feature real shitty quality.
The intro's already in the first post. Beyond that, the game flew so under the radar that there's no other real content floating around the net. Not even any shitty anime music videos which are somehow made up about anything and signal the simultaneous deaths of culture and common sense as we know it.
For example, Dragon Ball Z Music video snags some 32500 hits on Youtube while Shattered Union, a competent game, gets 22 total. There's no accounting for taste.
Edit: Right, here are the "Minor Win" speeches you get if you don't win the game fully. I intend to win the game fully so listen to these until your heart is full of joy.