The Let's Play Archive

Spy Fiction

by supergreatfriend

Part 1: Missing Garbology

supergreatfriend posted:

Sure, I'd like to see them.

Well, here they are. Get ready to learn everything you ever wanted to know about Spider Grips and the costs of incombustible gas. Garbology 024 is pretty hilarious.

Missing Garbologies posted:

005 :: Spider Grip

Information from Ally: 005

Using the Spider Grip will allow you to hang from the ceiling.
To activate press [L1] while jumping or jump while pressed against a wall. Either maneuver works.

It can bear a load of 660 lbs., allowing you to jump across to facing walls or between two walls at angels to one another

The Spider Grip's Ultimate Attachment System uses molecular proximity to stick to any surface. Molecular proximity is when two objects close together begin to meld. Elasticity is the opposite of tis, when two objects repel each other.

When attaching, sensors in the contact plate analyze the surface and release corresponding microscopic nanoparticles. These fill in even the smallest gaps at the molecular level, essentially making both ceiling and grip a single object.

On release, a microwave pule activates the nanoparticles. The resulting elasticity releases the grip. There is no visible change to the surface after attaching and releasing.

017 :: Search Warnings

Information from Ally: 017

If for some reason your disguise is discovered, a security alert will be dispatched to all guards. The details of the alert will quickly be sent to everyone in the facility, so you won't be able to use that disguise data.

In other words, that particular disguise data will be rendered worthless. In order to cancel the alert, you must take a security tag from a facility guard and access a security terminal or wait for some time to pass.

You could also give up on that disguise data and use different data instead.

024 :: Orders from HQ

Information from Ally: 024

Mission details and gathered intelligence are analyzed by the Operations and Advisory sections of HQ, who then decide on the most fitting team for the job.

Of course, not all units have exactly the same abilities, even if they are all Action units within HQ.

There are many ways of receiving orders. An agent may be listening to in-flight music on a plane when the attendant hands him a CD player and says, "You'll enjoy this selection, sir." The agent listens--and his briefing begins. The CD player self-destructs at the end.

An agent may be walking in the park when a young girl hands her a bouquet. On the card tucked into the blooms are coded directions to contact a middleman. Perhaps an agent on vacation will receive orders from a pool boy or a cocktail waitress.

HQ, in their infinite wisdom, decided that there was no point in reinventing the wheel in this case. These time-tested methods of contacting agents are efficient and practical.

041 :: Alert Levels

Information from Ally: 041

The actions of guards depend on the alert level set by their HQ. The 4 alert levels are: Safety, Caution, Search, and Danger.

As "Safety" would suggest, security is at its lowest and guard tension is low. This is the default level. "Caution" means tighter security than "Safety", and most civilians are put on standby to evacuate.

During "Search", the security team is actively searching for an escaped intruder. "Danger" signifies that the security team is battling an intruder.

043 :: Security

Information from Ally: 043

Current security systems aim to instantly inform all security personnel of any intruders or breaches in security.

This system is based upon the KNOOTS-6 developed in '97 by ABZ Corp. It uses special circuits on an exclusive network. It also manages FN-2 nodes, injected into all security personnel to inform the almost instantaneously of any information pertinent to security.

If an intruder is discovered, his or her physical traits will instantly be sent to the central system. There, the information is compared to criminal and DNA records from a massive database and analyzed. The most effective orders and information are then transmitted to every node.

The establishment of this system has reinforced security in all facilities, even allowing for detailed security alerts to be issued. However, every security system has a flaw.

Taking a Security Tag from a guard and using it at a security terminal makes it possible to cancel any security alerts that have been issued. In other words, the one remaining aspect of the system requiring human intervention is its pitfall.

If you've triggered a security alert, you can obtain a Security Tag from a guard and clear your name at a security terminal.

This is a last resort. It's far better to carry out your missing without being discovered at all.

048 :: [MISSING]

079 :: Hide / Crouch

Samuel's Memos: 018

Listen up, kid.
When infiltrating, you need to avoid detection as much as possible. Press the [L1] next to a wall will let you stick to it and hide.

If you don't move, the OTC Gear's optical Camouflage will kick in, blending you into your surroundings. If there's no wall nearby, pressing [L1] will allow you to crouch in place. Crouching will reduce your speed, and make you smaller and harder to spot.

When crouched and moving, pressing [X] will make you roll forward or backward in that direction. It may sound complicated, but this is a fundamental action for all operatives. Don't slack off! Practice every day! Got it?

080 :: Walk / Run

Samuel's Memos: 019

Listen up, kid.
The angle at which you push [L stick] will change the speed at which you move. If you push it down hard, you'll move quickly, but you'll make more noise.

Pushing it gently will allow you to walk quietly, but you'll move awfully slow. Judge the distance between you and your enemies and select your movement style carefully.

081 :: Jump

Samuel's Memos: 020

Listen up,
When jumping, the length of time you hold down [X] will affect height and distance. Use the two different jumps depending on your height and the distance from your target point.

Pushing [L-stick] while jumping will allow you to adjust your direction. Pulling back on [L-stick] digs in your heels to put on the breaks.

099 :: Pressure Sensors

Clipping for sensor manuel: 002

The High Security Zone is outfitted with pressure sensors in the floor which will react to at least 0.025g of pressure. If even a single hair falls, the sensor will detect the change in weight.

When entering the High Security Zone, one must first pass through an air shower to remove all dirt and hair that may be on one's clothes.

100 :: Password Entry

Clipping from engineer's report

Security is alerted if the password for the computer is input incorrectly 3 times in a row. Until recently, we've had little problem with these settings. But there have been several password errors over the past 2 months.

Upon looking into this matter, we found that use of the High Security Area had passed from Dr. Coleman to Dr. Kaysen. We have warned Dr. Kaysen, but he insists on using a questionable system for determining his password.

No matter how perfect the program may be, it can't compensate for all human errors. I believe that we should provide a perfect security program, AND a client educational program to insure systems work to their full potential.

101 :: High Security Zone

Forrest's memos: 001

When entering:
1) Receive permission from HQ
2) Contact ABZ
*They will stop sensors
*Watch temp., floor, lasers

Starting the computer:
1) Turn retina sensor on
Retina check (brigt so be careful!)
2) Insert disk
3) Enter password
*Change password regularly!
*Make it EZ to remember!

When shutting down:
1) Remove disk
2) Contact ABZ
*They will turn on sensors
*Temp., floor, lasers

110 :: Flotation Gas

Modern Airships

For some, the airship is truly the only way to enjoy a trip across the sky. However many people still worry about airship safety. This is largely due to the 1937 Hindenburg disaster.

This invariably comes up when discussing airship safety. Recent research suggests it was not combustible gas but actually an exterior factor that caused the disaster. The answer is now lost to history.

Some experts sat that the disaster would not have been so massive if the gas had not been combustible. Many airships now use incombustible gas.

Faced with high costs, many airships continue to use combustible gas. Efforts are being concentrated on methods of lowering the cost of incombustible gas.

As for the ???'s on the Special menu, I've only unlocked the first option. It's unlocked by beating the game three times. It's called "Turbo Mode" and lets you toggle between "Normal" and "Turbo1". Basically, during gameplay, you hold [L2] and [R2] and it makes everything in the game go really fast. You, enemies, everything.

From some cheat sites I've gleaned the following: beating the game a fourth time unlocks both "Turbo2" and "Blitz Mode", which gives you all weapons and infinite ammo. For the fifth and final clear, you get "Stealth Mode" which I am pretty sure makes you undetectable somehow.

Just another quick note: unlocking the Golden Butterflies and the OSK is a bit more complicated than just beating the game. It's basically the reward for taking full (clothes + face) of Lysander and Scarface, respectively.

Hope someone reads this and finds any of it interesting and not just a pain to scroll past. Thanks again, SGF, for another great LP! Looking forward to [mode].