The Let's Play Archive

Steel Panthers: Main Battle Tank

by Various

Part 137: Soviet Turn 9

If you guys would be willing to go to the trouble. I actually wouldn't mind transcribing some amateur matches on this thread.

(I wish these Albanians were amateurs, but they come out of the forest undetected like hateful ghosts that seek the blood of the living. How do they do this?)

Soviet Turn 9

Although, right now the Albanians have been rather benign.

The usual shootout in the center occurs, and there is now a Rifle Section attacking to the north, but neither causes us any immediate and/or lasting harm.

However, our vehicles are quite capable of harming the Albanian Reserves in retribution. Neat tip: Tanks do way more damage to bolt-action riflemen than the riflemen do to the tank.

And our scouts easily disintegrate the Rifle Section. If I had known how useful light infantry were going to be in this match, I would have invested way more of our points into them - Scouts and Snipers seem to just be reliably capable of sweeping the floor with more expensive units. I suppose this will be important to note for later matches.

And Snipers seem to be to Scouts what Scouts are to regular infantry. Our northern sniper spots an enemy team and downs two of them with the same shot. Although, now I'm worried because there will almost certainly be enemy scouts moving around elsewhere.

A few units are moved up through the southern forest a hex or two, and nothing happens in response. Either I got lucky this round, or the rude surprises are just a few hexes back.

The mess of reservists that snuck into the middle have been firmly routed, and will probably take additional shots as they run away, so that fire has been put out.

However, now I'm concerned about what enemy units may or may not be concealed in the northern part of the map. I regret not placing a bombardment there last turn, now.

Concerns aside, we appear to be moving up and reliably taking ground each turn.

I've recently been calculating the forces encountered so far, and between the bunkers, anti-tank guns, and infantry teams we have eliminated, along with the infantry sections we are currently in contact with, we've seen a rather huge portion of Coiler's total point allotment. Thus, I doubt he will be able to handle any attrition damage from howitzer bombardment, and the risk of any surprise manouevres from the Albanians are slim.