Part 51: Rockaxe Castle
Chapter 49 - Rockaxe Castle

"Lord Riou, are you ready to go?"
Hell yeah! Let's do this!

"Then let's go."

"But if we can get them to overextend themselves now, we can take them easily next time."

"Okay, let's go! Hurry up, Matilda Knights!"

"Lord Riou, there isn't much time left. If the enemy returns before the flag is destroyed, the Unicorn Army's fate is sealed. We'll follow when it's safe, Lord Riou, but please find the flag as quickly as possible!"

"We know, we know, already! It'll be fine, okay? After all, Nanami's on the job, right? Let's go! Move it! Move it!"

"Read it."

"Y... Yes sir. After arriving at the forst, General Kiba engaged in combat with Leon Silverburg..."

"Every minute we hold out brings us closer to a victory for Lord Riou! A victory for the Unicorn Army!!!"

"...During the battle, both Silverburg and General Kiba were mortally wounded..."

"I see..."


As you can see, Simone and Vincent are amazing.

Siegfried uses UNICORN MAGIC!
I really love this shot.

There's a lot of this in this dungeon and that's more or less it for like half an hour.
Uh oh, upcoming boss fight?
No... just more of these guys.

"They're following us? My friend, Riou... Leave things here to me. I'll be okay. I swear I'll protect you... I bet my life on it."

"Okay, good, let's go! Come on, Riou! Be careful, everyone!!!"

"It is such a pain to part with a friend... So please be careful."

"R... Riou... Uh... I... I'll... I'll be okay... But please... Just... once... Call me... 'Big Sister'..."

"Th... Thank you... I feel... better... Hey... Riou... You... and me... And Genkaku... We're not... Related... But... We Really... Were... A family... Weren't we... I'm glad... I got to be... Genkaku's child... And I'm glad... I got to be... Your big sister... And... I'm glad... I was... Jowy's friend... And I'm glad... We... Were all... Together..."

"You! Destroy the flag!!!"

"Yes sir!"

"You! Get a doctor!! HURRY!!!"

"Look! Rockaxe has fallen!!!"

"Knights of Matilda!!! Shake the yoke of Highland oppression and reclaim your Knight's honor!"

"This is terrible... If we lose the power of the Knightdom, the Unicorn Army..."

"What!! What are you saying!? We were so close..."

"Retreat... Quickly..."

"...She's still breathing. We have to get her to Genkaku Castle. If we can treat her quickly enough... But there are too many enemy soldiers outside..."

"The Highland Army is retreating!"

". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."

"Really? Thank God! Let's hurry back to Genkaku Castle!"

"Prepare a message... Send the armies of Two River and Tinto back home. We can't leave those areas empty any longer."

". . . . . . . . . . ."

"It'll be okay... She's not going to die..."


"I'm sorry, Riou... I didn't mean..."

"It looks like he's finished..."

"She's okay...?"

"I'm sorry... I was not strong enough..."
But... I got... all... 108... ...

"What!? But...!!! How could you fail!!?"

"Quit it, Flik! He did all he could, don't take your anger out on him..."

"I know that!! I know!! But... But.. What about Riou... Damn it! Kiba... and Nanami... They've fought along with us!!! And even though we won... Even though we've come so far... Damn..."

"Lord Riou..."

"What is it?"

"Can I speak with you... inside?"
It just doesn't seem worth it now...

"They probably decided that they couldn't defend against attacks from both Greenhill and Matilda at the same time. But one thing is certain, as soon as they regroup their forces, they'll attack again. As your strategist, I counsel that we take the fight to them... we attack Highland and elimate the root of this whole war."

"The Highland Kingdom and the City-Stare of Jowston have both gotten too big.... The Holy Kingdom of Harmonia to the north, the Toran Republic to the south, the great sea to the east and the Grasslands to the west.... In order to keep this land, we've had no choice but to fight. History has proven that. Human wisdom has its limits. Lord Riou. Give us the order to invade Highland."

"You can't make up your mind yet... I understand. You have a difficult decision to make."
It's time for men to hide their tears and go be manly.
Clive and Elza #7
And for the sake of awesome:
Cookoff #8
We almost made an entire update without one...
Next Time: Chapter 50 - Stupid French Names