The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars MX

by Brunom1

Part 87: Mission 49 - Death and Rebirth - Part 1

Location: NERV HQ

Misato’s reporting the ongoing progression of Bagration to Gendou and Fuyutsuki – the Giganos, Successors and Vegans are expected to be dealt with before long, leaving only the MU, Gulfer, Devil Gundam and the Angels, Fuyutsuki surmises.
When Gendou asks, Misato says a total of fifty six MU flying cities – the Hilaniplas – have been sighted throughout the world and more keep showing up. No one can scan, infiltrate or attack them, though they don’t seem to be doing anything right now. Literal ghost towns, sighs Fuyutsuki. And Tokyo?
Nothing new – Maya and all of the MU’s leaders are still unaccounted for. Still, it’s all but certain that they’re at the Hilanipla above the city. Worse, according to Itsuki’s calculations, we’ve about a week before the MU world is fully merged with ours. That’s all the time mankind was given to prepare for the Judgement Day.

Gendou grunts that all Operation Downfall succeeded in doing was speed up the Mulians’ plan and he figures SEELE will respond by doing the same to their schedule. Regarding a certain plan, Misato explains that the TERRA and Mutropolis staffs are working on repairing and readjusting the T-J Busters. The Federation is also helping, so they expect everything to be good to go in six days.
Only one day of leeway to make this work, huh? Fuyutsuki asks what the odds that we’ll be able to recreate the Tokyo barrier are, and she says about 66.6%. Could be worse but the Mulians are unlikely to ignore the T-J Busters.
We’re aware, which is why the Bähbem Foundation has dispatched MP Vermillions to guard every T-J Buster facility; Fuyutsuki is amused that the old man’s decided to take more direct action.

Either way, Gendou now has orders for Misato about what to do with the EVAs: the #00 and #03 will stay as they have, but he wants the #02 to undergo sync tests to get some definitive confirmation on Asuka’s aptitude. As Misato quietly wonders what he’s getting at with that, Gendou says that the #01 is to be sealed away immediately – there’ll be no more deployments for it.
Misato asks why but, of course, Gendou has no need to explain himself to her. She suspects it must have something to do with the #01’s awakening back then but why did he decide to seal it away NOW?

Location: Mutropolis

Itsuki brings in a report from the T-J Buster facilities to Hibiki – the RMU System is working nicely, though he doubts it’d be capable of generating output even on the level of Neriya Shrine’s Jupiter System. This next operation needs to succeed, lest both worlds get fused together… which might well lead to their mutual destruction. With that in mind, Itsuki will get to the point: they could up their success rate up to 100% if they used the original Star of La Mu, so can’t Hibiki tell where it is?
Johji pops out of the woodwork, chiding Itsuki for being so blunt with his question. When did he get here? Just now and, truth be told, he also wanted to ask Hibiki the same question. Surely the good professor knows that this is hardly the time for secrecy. So where is the Star? Has it been under Raideen’s crag this whole time?

At length Hibiki confirms his assertion. Johji quips at what a bad man he is for keeping this secret all this time, but Hibiki counters that Johji has plenty of secrets of his own, aware of the reporter’s real identity as an agent of the Federation and the Bähbem Foundation. With Johji poking about and the constant hacking attempts made by various other groups, Hibiki needed to be careful.
Johji apologizes for the secrets, though he gives Hibiki props for safeguarding the Star of La Mu for so long, withstanding the hacks, infiltrated agents and even attacks from the Death Army. Hibiki informs him there's a simple reason why the Star is safe: no one, not even he or his son, can actually get in touch with the thing.

Johji finds that assertion to be strange, considering the Star manifested and merged with the Raideen during its final battle with Emperor Barao of the Devil Empire. Of all people, why isn’t at least Akira allowed to? Is that the will of Hibiki’s wife – Princess Lemuria of the ancient Mu civilization?
Hibiki confirms and Itsuki asks why. Prior to Akira and Barao’s fight, Hibiki’s wife told something to him alone before activating the Star of La Mu: the Raideen is fated to fight against more than just the Devil Empire and her seal was so that others wouldn't be able to steal the thing. After unleashing the Star of La Mu, her power spent, Hibiki’s wife brought it to the ruins beneath Raideen’s crag and entered an eternal sleep with it.

Johji figures the woman anticipated Bähbem coming after the Star and that obviously turned out to be true. But what is the Raideen also fated to fight against? Johji wonders if it’s the RahXephon but, judging by the resonance those two bots showed with one another, Hibiki is thinking the MU. He doesn’t know for sure, though.
Yes, Hibiki did spend many years looking into a connection between the MU and our world’s Mu civilization, but most of the scriptures from those ancient times had long since been rendered unreadable… and Hibiki posits it was intentional (Johji quietly thinks of Bähbem).
Regardless, the gist of it is that we still don’t have a very firm grasp on how the Raideen, RahXephon and MU relate to one another. Itsuki’s been helping with that investigation but it’s likely only Lemuria knows the truth. Must be something quite important that she kept even her husband and son in the dark.

As for why Hibiki says no one can get in touch with the Star despite it being beneath Raideen’s crag, he explains it’s because the thing itself is sealed away behind a door that leads to a different dimension. And since Lemuria is the only one who can open it, the Star won’t shine is this world again until she allows it, with Akira and Raideen being central in whatever she has in mind.
Was it wise to assign Akira to the Magnate Ten, then? If he was here, they might be able to cause the Star to manifest. Hibiki disagrees, saying that when the time comes, Lemuria herself will go and bestow the Raideen with the Star’s power – their only option is to wait. A difficult thing to ask when the world is headed towards its destruction, Johji says, but that changes not the fact that Hibiki doesn’t like the idea of the Star of La Mu being used to power the T-J Busters.

Why? For one, they still don’t fully understand the Mutron Energy and the Star is the source of it all. There’s no telling what might happen if they unleash all of its power – it might isolate Tokyo behind another barrier, yes, or it might isolate the entire planet.
Does that mean the fate of the entire world lies in his wife’s hands? Hibiki says Johji's wrong: the fate of the world lies in the hands of each and every one of its residents, and they have entrusted everything to our squadron. Johji ponders that the professor may have a point.

Back to NERV, Ritsuko relates that Asuka’s Sync Rate is eight points below standard; she suggests the girl relax and keep her head clear, as usual. Asuka tries, frustrated, but the numbers don’t look better. If they keep dropping like this, Asuka might not even be able to get the #02 running.
Maya wonders if it’s because of the beating she took against Zeruel but, then, they would have detected these issues sooner – especially during Operation Screw Nail. It was all good. Maybe it’s because she was left out of Operation Bagration? Yes, she wasn’t the only one left out but the others aren’t as proud as her. Moreover, her test results are now the lowest of all the EVA pilots.
With time running short, Ritsuko ponders that they might need to set the Fifth Children as the #02’s pilot.

: Asuka...
: ...
: Asuka, hey.
: Urgh, shut up. What do you want?
: You just look like you’re in a bad mood. Is something wrong?
: …You think you’re so cool, huh?
: What do you mean?
: The awesome Shinji Ikari, with his perfect Sync Rate and his S² Engine-equipped EVA, takes the time of the day to come and worry about poor Asuka… Why, I’m so grateful I can barely hold back the tears.
: That’s not what I meant.
: What did you mean, then?
: I’ve been meaning to say this for a while but…
: Wh-What?
: You push yourself too hard – it’s not good for you.
: What, now you’re lecturing me?!
: I am not but it’s taking its toll on you, isn’t it?
: That’s none of your business! Who the hell do you think you are?! Where does an idiot like you get off with that preachy attitude?!
: I still know what you’re going through because I’ve been there.
: Don’t you dare say I’m the same as you!!
: …Fine, I apologize. I’ll see you at home.

*Shinji leaves.*

: Kch…!
: …
: …What?
: …
: …
: …The EVA won’t move if you won’t open your heart to it.
: What, you’re saying I’m shutting myself out?!
: Yes. The EVAs have hearts of their own.
: That doll?!
: …You ought to know that.
: Hah! The world must really be coming to an end for you to come and talk to someone!
: …
: WHAT?! Do you get a kick out of me not being able to pilot an EVA?! And what does it matter? If an Angel attacks, Mr. Badass there will just come and wreck it!
: We don’t even need to do anything anymore! Shinji’s here, so everything’s just peachy!
: …Masato, Ayato and the others do not think that way.
: Then why were we left out of Bagration?!
: Because we’ve something else to do.
: “Something else”?! You mean run the same damn test again and again?!
: Yes.
: How come?! Why the hell do we need to do that?!
: It’s so we are ready for Judgement Day.
: “Judgement Day”?!
: Yes… the day the worlds will join as one.
: You mean ours and the MU’s…?!
: Hm. There’s only a week left.
: So the two worlds are gonna destroy each other? Big deal! Shinji and the Magnate Ten will go and take care of that, I’m sure! That’s why I say we don’t need to do anything – we’re done!
: …
: Aah… I know I really must’ve hit rock bottom when both Shinji and a wind-up doll like you are sympathizing with me…
: I’m not a doll.
: Bite me! You do whatever others tell you to, don’t you? I bet you’d even kill yourself if Cmdr. Ikari ordered it!
: I would, yes.
: !


: …
: I knew it – you really are a doll! I’ve always hated that attitude of yours, from day one!
: …
: I… I hate everyone!!

Misato’s been blindsided by data of the new Fifth Children: called Kaworu Nagisa, his date of birth coincides with the Second Impact… and that’s it. There are no other records of his past, just like Rei. Unlike the other Children, however, this one is not a candidate picked from Shinji’s class but someone sent directly by the Committee.
Misato doesn’t understand why the new pilot: Touji’s piloting the #03 just fine and Units #05 and #06 are still under construction… is he meant to replace Asuka? Makoto also has some secret intel sent from China, from a reliable source, noting that production for Units #07 through #13 has actually begun the world over (Misato’s surprised).
He thinks they're probably to fight the MU but she says NERV’s also taking a purely defensive stance on this matter – it’s just not possible for our side to attack them. At least TERRA’s still activate, despite the loss of their HQ.

Maybe the mass-production of those EVAs is due to the seven day time limit hanging over our heads? Now that the #01’s sealed away and the #04 was lost, perhaps NERV wants to expand its available forces for a backup plan? Who knows.
Odd things have been going on lately, with a lot of money being passed around. The Germans have sent spare parts that were originally going to be used on the #05 and #06 and NERV’s budget has all but doubled. The Committee is obviously growing impatient and Misato inwardly wonders if this is what Gendou was talking about by them “hastening the Schedule”.

Makoto wonders if the brass is expecting multiple Angels to show up, not one by one as they’ve been doing; or maybe the “Lost Numbers” might show up? When Misato asks, Makoto says those relate to the Angels that didn’t appear as expected: they dealt with all Angels up to the Seventh and then they jumped straight to the Thirteenth and Fourteenth. Some folks wonder if those seven missing Angels might eventually crop up.
Misato doesn’t think so, saying Lost Numbers are exactly that: lost. There’s no turning back the hands of time. Still, she can’t see a reason why the EVAs mass-production would be done in secret like this – there must be something else going on, something we’re not meant to know.

Makoto has been bothered by one more thing he saw in the budget, an item codenamed "MX", or "Model X", that's apparently a different weapon system than the EVAs. He's not sure if it's a different anti-Angel weapon like the Jet Alone or whether the budget itself has been doctored, but he'll check into it for Misato.
It’s then that Misato realizes something: has Makoto seen Kaji? No, actually; the guy hasn’t shown his face around recently…

Some time later, Vega brings information passed on by Misumaru: Operation Bagration was a complete success and all our troops are safe, Kaine and Yurika also having been recovered. Everyone’s relieved and Hugo’s already setting his sights on our remaining problems. Masato knows things will only get harder, especially with the continuously multiplying Hilaniplas.
Ginga points out that the cities are there but aren’t really there – like ghosts – so it shouldn’t be a problem to just leave them be, right? Maybe not but Elvy reminds him that the problem is our world’s eventual fusion and destruction with the MU’s world. We can only hope that Itsuki’s plan to restore the barrier around Tokyo works, though Haruka knows that’d only be a temporary solution.
That would at least buy is time to deal with the Gulfer, Ginga thinks, and Elvy likes his proactive attitude. Well, he’s never liked sitting on his hands. But first things first: our team’s been assigned the tasks of finding the Devil Gundam and dealing with the Gulfer, so we’ll rendezvous with our ships as soon as they’re back.

Back to the hangar, Asuka’s grumbling at her EVA: “You’re my doll, so you should do what I tell you to. Why would a weapon need a heart in the first place…? Something like that’d only get in the way. Urgh, just obey me already! …This is so stupid… What am I thinking, talking to an EVA?”
Her thoughts are interrupted when the alarm sounds.

Mission 49 – Death and Rebirth / Rebirth of an Angel

This title’s a play on homonyms, with the katakana “shi(シ)” and “to(ト)” being readable as either a single word (Shito/Angel) or two (shi/death, to/a conjunction).

We’ve got Dolems incoming and the population is already being evacuated. Misato is a bit surprised that they’re ignoring the T-J Busters to attack here instead… goes to show that the MU consider the Human Instrumentality Project to be the bigger threat.
Makoto tells Ritsuko that neither the Federal Army nor the MP Vermillions are coming to intercept – she figures they’re prioritizing the safety of the Busters. Makes sense at least, as losing those WOULD mean game over for everyone, though Gendou and Fuyutsuki also figure Bähbem would have no qualms with NERV getting crippled.

Regardless, Gendou tells Misato to sortie the EVAs – excluding the #01 – as well as the Magnate Ten units present. Fuyutsuki whispers to Gendou, wondering if the MU might have noticed that the Fifth Children has arrived. They could be here to confirm precisely that or, like Bähbem, may want to destroy this side’s ace in the hole.
In any case, Gendou has "the boy" set under surveillance.

In come the Dolems and Mamoru, leading the pack, commands Ollin and the “failed gods” to come out. Their time’s running out today. Everyone’s ready to go, including the EVAs #00 and #03, though Misato tells Asuka to stay in as a backup. She is NOT being anyone’s backup and immediately launches.
Misato decides to leave her be, then, as this might well be her last chance to prevent being replaced as the #02’s pilot: if she can’t pull through this, it’ll tell Ritsuko that she can’t go any further. As everyone else deploys, Mamoru’s annoyed that the #01 isn’t here – very clever, NERV. Ginga and Masato recognize that super speedy Dolem from before and Haruka tells everyone to be careful around it… she says that from her ALIEL, mind!
Misato’s very worried at seeing her take to the field but she figured any extra firepower would help with the rest of our crew and the #01 unavailable. Ayato is with Misato and would rather she went back, but Haruka’s determined to do whatever she can to help us.

Elvy asks if Haruka’s sure about this and, indeed, she is: she can’t go forever just being protected by others. Elvy knows she wants to watch Ayato’s back and, in that case, tells her to at least not go too far ahead.
Vega gives the order to attack and Touji’s at least eager to make up for Shinji’s absence. Meanwhile, Ginga can tell that Asuka’s not 100% and says she could let us handle— Is he telling her to back down?! Get real! How dare a brat like him belittle her like that! She can take on these goons all by herself, so why the hell is everyone treating her like she’s a hindrance?!
Rei says she really shouldn’t take it that wa— SHUT UP! Someone like Rei doesn’t have the slightest clue of what human feelings are like, so Asuka will not have her talk to her like that!
Touji wonders what happened there – did Shinji do something to tick her off? Asuka just yells at everyone to leave her alone, inwardly telling herself that she’ll be ditched as a pilot if she doesn’t ace this. There can be no mistakes!

We’ve four turns to kill everything (except Mamoru) before the plot kicks in but we still need to close the distance.

Enemy Phase!

So do they.

Player Phase!

Touji can finally see some action again!

Asuka finishes them off.

Masato’s leading the charge against the distant Dolems.

Haruka’s ALIEL is still as middling as it was back on mission 4, though she is at least on our level.

Barely short of a oneshot, so Kirakuni takes it.

And you get the gist of it. Hugo, Ayato, Vega, Hokuto and Ginga pick whatever Dotem is close and destroy them in a single hit.

Enemy Phase!

These Allegrettos refuse to move.

That’s what you get. The remaining three Dotems kamikaze against Ayato as the Metronomes start closing in.

Player Phase!

Well, since you mooks insist… Quick Zeal from Masato and he’s perfectly positioned.

I’m pretty sure Central Dogma wouldn’t be standing after this but whatever. Everything dies and I rake in the . More importantly, one of the Dolems has a Haro (and an Apogee Motor and Super Repair Kit)!

Mind, had we gotten Ayato all the way over to Mamoru, they had words:

: I’ll never forgive you for what you’ve done, Ollin!
: What am I feeling… hostility…? No, this is hatred…!

Getting Mamoru down to 90% HP would also trigger the plot, so I didn’t go for it.

: (Hmph… that’s enough of this. Pilots of the Evangelions… I’ll rend your minds apart.)

: The hell is that?!
: That Dolem…!
: It’s the one who captured the #01 and RahXephon!

*Vivace goes straight for Asuka.*

: !!


: Asuka?!
: We’ve abnormal readings in her psychograph! Mental contamination has started!
: It’s just like that time…!
: (The loss of an Evangelion will further set back their project… And, so, what’ll befall this world won’t be “Instrumentality” but, rather, “Tuning”.)
: All units, focus fire that Dolem! Save the #02!
: Understood! Help Asuka, everyone!
: Y-Yes, ma’am!


Well… shit.

: It’s not working! The target isn’t taking any damage whatsoever!
: It’s a shadow, just like the previous one…!
: …!!

Enemy Phase!


: Mental contamination is spreading! Reaching dangerous levels!

: Noo! Stay out!!


: NOOO!!

: Get out of my head! Stop digging into my mind - PLEASE!!
: Asuka!!
: (Hmhmhm… your minds are very fragile things. So we needn’t even destroy the Evangelions themselves – merely the pilots…!)
: Psychograph is in the red!
: Her mental circuits are being torn apart…! We can’t let them overload any more than this – it’s too dangerous!
: Misato! Bring the #02 back now!
: Retreat, Asuka!
: NO!
: That’s an order! Pull back!
: No, no, NO! I’d rather die than pull back!!
: A-Asuka…!
: #02’s psychograph is weakening!
: What about the LCL’s mental barrier?!
: It’s failing! No catalytic reaction whatsoever!
: Prioritize life support! Don’t allow any feedback from the EVA!
: Roger!
: We have to do something or she’ll…!
: But none of our attacks even work against that Dolem! We can’t do anything!
: Still, we can’t just sit here and watch!
: Isn’t there any way to wreck that thing?!
: Maybe with the Dimensional Coupling System… ?! But if anything goes bad, Asuka would…!
: We’ll have to go about this the same way we did before…!
: But the #01’s currently sealed and Akira’s group hasn’t returned from the moon yet!
: …!
: … I’m launching the #01!
: Don’t! The enemy’s looking to ruin your minds – if you deploy, you’ll likely be assaulted again!
: So what?! It won’t kill me!
: You can’t guarantee that.
: But if this keeps going, Asuka’ll—!

: Hrk…aaah…. Urk…I…!

: …I’m not a kid anymore… I’ll grow up fast… I don’t need any toys…

: I’m not my mama’s doll… I’m going to think and live for myself…

: I don’t need a mama or a papa… I don’t need anyone… I’ll live by myself…!

: So, mama, please…! Don’t stop being my mama…!!

: NOO! Don’t make me remember that!!
: I want to bury and forget those things – stop bringing them back!! I don’t need any of this bad stuff anymore! Stop it already! Stop it…!!

: There’s… no one… No one will help me…! No one… no one! My mind… my mind’s been defiled… what do I do… Kaji…?


: She’s going critical! If the mental contamination persists, the pilot’s life will be at risk!
: …Bring back the #02 immediately.
: R-Roger!

*The EVA-02 retreats.*

: (… And that’s the end of her. Next… is you.)
: !
: Stay away from her!

*The RahXephon moves after Vivace.*

: You’re wasting your time, Ollin. You can’t protect them.
: That voice…! Mamoru…? Mamoru, is that you?!
: It is, Ayato.
: Y-You’re messing with me, right, Mamoru…?! Why are you controlling that Dolem?!
: Don’t worry about that. More importantly… where is Hiroko?
: !!
: You left Tokyo with her, didn’t you?
: Th-That’s…!
: And now you’re hanging out with other girls? Why is that?
: Is that boy…?!
: Mamoru… what are you doing…?
: You really shouldn’t need me to answer that, Ollin.
: “Ollin”…?!
: That’s you, Ayato; a person who is marked as an Instrumentalist. You do have the mark, don’t you?
: !
: I’d been monitoring you all along, you know…!
: Y-You’re lying! All this time, I’ve thought of you as my friend… I’ve wanted to protect you as one of them…!
: You couldn’t protect Hiroko or even have the balls to come clean about it with me… And you talk about protecting others?!
: …!!
: Hiroko loved you… not me, you…
: And then you killed her, Ollin!!
: U-Urk…!!

: Ayato?!
: Ayato, you couldn’t save Hiroko and you sure as hell can’t protect anyone!
: Ayato!!
: Wh-What’s going on with him?!
: Is his mind also being assaulted?!
: No, there’re no signs of that!
: This is bad… If even Ayato’s disabled, then…!
: How about we carry on…?


: !!
: The target’s made direct contact with the #00!
: What about the A.T. Field?!
: It’s deployed but the target’s neutralizing it!
: It’s trying to capture the EVA, just like before?!
: Kch…rrgh…!
: Alert! The #00’s organic components are being attacked!
: Hrrrmm…! AAAAH!!

: …Who are you? Me? The “me” within the EVA…?
: …
: No… I feel someone besides me.
: …
: Who are you? The Dolem? The blue-blooded person fused with what we call Dolem…?
: …Won’t you join with me?
: No. I am me… I am not you.
: You’re right… but it’s too late. I’ll share my heart – and what I feel – with you as well.

: …!
: It hurts, doesn’t it? Do you feel pain in your heart?
: Pain…? No, I feel… loneliness… This is loneliness, isn’t it?
: Loneliness?
: You’re lonely because you lost the world you lived in, right? That’s why you try to join with us – with our world… You try until you’ve surmounted not just the walls within the hearts but even the walls between worlds…
: But is it you, yourself, who’s lonely?
: !
: Your body is no different from a Dolem… both are merely vessels… And the soul you store is filled with sorrow…
: You are a doll… A doll, just like a Dolem… One of several…
: I… I am not a doll…!
: And that is so sad… It's hard to go back to how you were. It's frightening, going back to being part of a bigger collective…
: And being someone’s replacement adds to your unhappiness…

: …!
: These are… tears? I’m… crying?
: REI!!
: …I’m rescinding my order to seal the EVA-01. Deploy and coordinate with the RahXephon to rescue Rei.
: Huh?!
: Deploy it.
: Y-Yes, sir…!
: Are you sure about this? The Committee will not be happy.
: It was the old men themselves who sped up the clock by bringing in the Fifth Children and starting mass-production of the EVA Series.
: And then there's the MU. They showed up to impede our plans directly. Everything must be in place before they proceed with their next step.
: (For our own plan, hm…?)
: EVA-01, launching!

: …
: Shinji?!
: They went back on keeping the #01 sealed?!
: Shinji, deploy your A.T. Field and rescue Rei – quick!
: OK!
: You’ve finally shown yourself, #01! With you gone, your Project will go up in smoke!

*Vivace starts moving after the #01.*

: Ikari!
: !!
: Fight back, Shinji!
: Roger!

: I T H U R T S… I T H U R T S...
: ?!
: I K A R I... I K A R I... Hmhmhmhmhm…Heeheeheeheehee…
: A-Ayanami…?!
: That’s… my soul… it wants to be with Ikari…! No…!

*The EVA-00 moves after the Dolem*

: Rei?!
: The A.T. Field’s been reversed! It’s being corroded!
: She’s trying to immobilize the Dolem?!
: The Field’s already at its limit! The #00’s core can’t withstand any more!
: Eject, Rei! Get outta there!

: No. If I go, the A.T. Field will disappear. So I can’t.

: Rei…! You’re going to die for this?!
: The core’s being crushed! Critical pressure exceeded!
: …?! All units, brace for impact! Actually, no, get away from her!!

: A-Ayanami…!!
: N-No…!
: She self-destructed to save us...!
: No… this can’t be real…!
: Hahahahahah…
: Mamoru…?!
: This is what fate has in store for all of you, Ollin. Your friends, your families, your lovers… or any of the red-blooded peoples of this world… None of you can protect any of them.
: …!
: Do you know why this planet’s vast oceans and sky are blue, Ayato? It’s because it all belongs to us, the blue-blooded people.
: …I wouldn’t be so sure about that just yet.
: !!
: Whether this world'll belong to your kind or not isn't set in stone yet… Just as it's not yet decided whether you’ll claim ownership of the future or not.
: Wh-Who is that…?! What’s he doing there?!
: Are you a Mulian…?! No… You’re…!
: …I'm a visitor, just like you.
: What…?!
: I'm a messenger, sent into this world by the descendants of the disobedient peoples of the ancient White and Black Moons… The final messenger.
: Are… Are you an Ollin?!
: No, I can't play tunes like he can… I wasn’t given an instrument to play, you see.
: But I do enjoy music; and while I have no instrument… I can still sing.
: Ixtli…?! Are you another Ixtli, then?!
: …Maybe I am, but I can't attain Yolteotl with an Ollin…
: That's not my part to play. Once again, I'm not the one who's at the center of everything… not even in this universe.
: What is that boy doing…?
: (Is he talking with the Mulian…?!)
: Who the hell are you…?!
: I'm he who continues to be, across the endless cycle… so that the ceremony of death and rebirth may be repeated, and to present you all with the choice of what form your future'll take.
: Indeed… I'm a trial presented to man by what you’d refer to as God.
: Are you… a Tuner…? Or, wait, something like it?!
: If they don't meet with me, neither Tuning nor Instrumentality'll happen… This is a rite of passage for both.
: …!!
: So why don’t you stop tormenting them for now? Their hearts are so delicate… like yours.
: Urk…!!

*Mamoru begins taking off.*

: Ayato… it won’t be long before you cease to exist as a man – where you’ll abandon your humanity.
: !
: And I’ll be there to see it…! I will…!

Off he goes.

: The target’s vanished from our radars!
: The battle’s over… at least for now. Shift us to level one alert status…!
Roger… Shifting to code yellow.
: …The EVA-00?
: We… saw no signs of the Entry Plug being ejected.
: Send a search and rescue party… now…!
: If she’s actually alive, hm…?
: !!
: …
: …The Fifth saved them.
: Hm.
: Was it that man who let him outside…?
: …

And that’s the first half of this mission! Other half should be in two days, tops.
