The Let's Play Archive

Super Robot Wars UX

by Brunom1

Part 94: Mission 39 - Azure ~ Sky - Part 1

And we’re back. Last time, we lost Mamoru, because Fafner believes the world is too happy a place, and that needs to stop. Also, Hazard has somehow managed to tie Demonbane’s actual zombie avatar of tentacle rape as the single most disgusting entity in this universe. That’s very impressive.
But there’s still work to do, with Kazuki, Maya, Canon,Kenji, Shouko and Fei-Yen deploying as event units. That shaves our slots down to 14, so here’s how we’re going:
Liu Bei/Rennie
Cao Cao/Moritsugu
Sun Quan/Eida
Tactician: Romina (if you’re still on track for the other Tobikage secret, set her in.)

Off we go.

SRW UX - Rebellion Against Fate

: Cmdr. Makabe, our units are all done getting prepped. We can set off at any time.
: Thank you for telling me. And what about the Siegfried System?
: The improved version has been installed on all Fafners, as ordered.
: Now all the pilots will be able to exchange thoughts with each other when their minds are crossed with the system.
: But there are two major issues with it. The first is that the commingling of minds means the pilots will also feel each other’s pain.
: Soushi had been feeling the brunt of our pain all this time, though.
: We can handle doing the same, yeah.
: The other issue is that the number of pilots crossed has a direct influence on the system’s efficiency.
: Meaning its performance’ll take a hit the less Fafners we’re fielding?
: On the flip side, it’ll only get better if we send out a bunch of the bots!
: In essence, the system enables them to fight as one by uniting their strength and hearts.
: Thank you for helping set up the Fafners, Mr. Koudate. You didn’t have to be here after what happened to Mamoru…
: I know, but I’ll mourn my son after all this is finished.
: …
: I… I really owe him an apology…
: An apology…?
: I said that the only reason he was able to fight was because of his Altered Consciousness…
: But that wasn’t the case. He fought as Mamoru Koudate, and then…
: …
: Make sure you come back alive, Kenji. I know Mamoru would want that.
: Mr. Koudate…
: I will… I will come back!

: We’ll all support you in any way we can. You’ll be the ones fighting, but we want to ease your burden even if just a bit…
: Thank you, mom. And we promise we’ll come back to you – both of us.
: …
: Um, Youko…
: What is it?
: If… If I do survive this…
: Could… Could I call you “mom”?
: Canon…
: Of course you can. I’ll be right here waiting for you, Shouko, Canon.
: Let’s set off, everyone. The way for humans and Festum to coexist awaits…
: As does Soushi…!
: Ladies, gentlemen, humanity’s new hope – and its future – are in your hands!
: Initiate Operation Azure!

: Please return home safely, everyone…
: Don’t worry… I’m certain they’ll… make our hope real…
: Gch…!
: Tsubaki…?!
: I-I’m… fine…
: I’m glad I could stay outside long enough to see them off…
: H-Hold on! We’ll get you to the infirmary…!
: No… I don’t have any more time. I’ve something I must teach the Mir…
: If I don’t… the island itself will die…
: Mir? The island’ll die? What’re you talking about?

: Here you are, Tsubaki…
: Prof. Denton, Dr. Toumi! Tsubaki’s…!
: …
: Everything’s in place… Isn’t it, Chizuru?
: Yes… We’re ready to set you back in the Valkyrie’s Cave…
: Set her back…?
: We’re seeing abnormalities across all the island’s systems. The local flora and fauna are also dying in quick succession.
: Even though all those flowers were in full bloom not long ago…?
: That’s because the island’s Mir has discovered death. Because it’s learned that death comes after life…
: The Mir is an amalgamation of countless information responsible for managing all the island’s functions.
: Now that it’s learned of the cycle of life, it’s trying to pass away. And Tsubaki, as its core, will follow suit…
: And that’s why I need to teach the Mir… that the end of life also marks a new beginning… that life and death are two halves of the same coin…
: Wait a minute! You mean this “Mir” thing is somewhere on the island?! But if it’s what’s messing with the place…
: Then why can’t we just get rid of it?!
: I agree! We don’t need something that’s hurting Tsubaki!
: …
: The air you’re breathing… that’s the Mir.
: Huh…? The air…?
: The Mir’s actual form is the atmosphere within the island’s mirror camouflage.
: I-It’s the atmosphere…?!
: It exists nowhere, and everywhere. You could well say that the Mir is the island’s environment itself.
: What… But I thought the Mir took the form of crystals, or of Festum cores…
: The Mir used to be a crystal. But it remade itself into air.
: How does that even work? I mean, a crystal transforming itself…?
: It’s possible for a will to exist within a mineral. We already have a clear example of that in the Odyssite.
: Odyssite…?!
: And having turned itself into air, the Mir’s properties are now very similar to that of GN Particles.
: A will can exist inside minerals and particles…?
: The Mir of the island started its trek on the path towards life after meeting humans.
: And that was the very first step for the coexistence between us and the Festum.
: Coexistence with the Festum?
: But the Mir is still in the process of growing. It’s slowly coming to learn of life and death.
: And we can’t let that process come to an end here. That’s why I must…
: But that doesn’t make it fair for you to sacrifice yourself…!
: …
: Life in this universe is a tale of both joy and sorrow.
: And I got to experience all that myself, Seri…
: Tsubaki…

: You want me to attack the UX?
(on TV): That’s what I said, Ylbora.
: And why are you approaching me for that? If you want The Boom Army’s help, why not appeal to the Emperor or Charme directly?
: Because I’m feeling charitable and thought I’d give you a chance to earn yourself a nice victory.
: Surely all those recent failures are catching up to you, hm…?
: …
: The UX are headed towards the North Pole by themselves. Intercept them when they get there and keep them in place.
: That is, until we fire our nukes.
: Nukes?! Are you serious…?!
: Nice plan, isn’t it? We get to wipe out both the Festum and the UX in one go.
: After all, no sacrifice is too much in our campaign to rid the world of the Festum menace, yes? Kehehehehe…
: (You absolute lowlife…!)
: Do I have your cooperation, Ylbora?
: …
: Very well. But I will handle this my way.
: Do it, I don’t care. Just keep them there.


: Hmph, are you hoping to get rid of me along with them? That is not going to happen, though!
: You will yet see the day when I defeat Joe and save Her Highness!

Normally the scene would end here, but if you did the secret…

: Are you really going to play along with Hazard’s sweet talk…?
: …!
: You’re awake, Michio Hino…
: …
: Why did you save me…?
: There’s no reason in particular… I simply did it on a whim.
: Uh-huh… What about you betraying Princess Romina? Did you do that on a whim too?
: What did you say…?
: Or is there some actual reason for it?
: …
: Your machine has been repaired. Take it and go wherever pleases you.
: Hey, wait a sec, Ylbora!
: …
: I no longer have a place to call home… but you do. That is why.

*Ylbora leaves.*

: …
: Ylbora…

Location: ALVIS – Valkyrie’s Cave

: All the Cave’s links are set.
: The artificial womb Coagula is also OK. We can begin the core’s resynchronization on your signal.
: Well, now I just have to head in there.
: When I do, I’ll join with the island’s Mir…
: I guess this is goodbye.
: No, we’re going to stay with you all the way to the end.
: And we’ll never forget that it’s because of you that we’ll be able to live here…
: Thank you…
: Pseudo-connection test, all clear.
: …
: Tsubaki, it’s time…
: …
: Um, what’re those cables…?

: They’re what will link me to the Cave, and cause my assimilation with the island.
: Do you mind if we hold them, then?
: We… We want to be in touch with your life until the very last second…
: Seri…
: …
: Tsubaki…?
: I… I thought I was ready, but…

SRW UX - Separation

: I’m scared…!
: …!

: I’m scared… I’m so scared…!
: Tsubaki…!
: Chi… Chizuru… I… I want to stay…
: I want to stay here! Waaaahaahaaaaa!

: Tsubaki…! I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…
: Waaaaaaaah! Mommy… Soushiiiii…!

: H-Hrgh…
: The humans have trespassed into our territory. What must we do to defeat them?
: Rearrange your troops… lure in the main enemy force…
: Pretend to assume a defensive stance… you will sacrifice a few of you… but you will destroy them all in the end…
: We understand. I will destroy all humans.
: Wielding the hatred I learned from you…
: W-Wait…

: Gwaaaaaaargh…!
: (Ka-Kazuki… everyone…)

: The UX are on the move, it seems.
: It’s finally begun…

: I have been waiting for this day for over thirty years. A toast: to the victory of mankind…!
: …
: (Aesap, I…)
: Now we initiate our final operation, Heaven’s Door!
: May the warmth of its glorious flames reach the soul of Mitsuhiro Bartland, the man who planned it all…

SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

: Take them out, Canon!
: Haaaaaah!

: Haah, haah… They just keep coming…!
: Are you guys alright?! If you’re getting worn out, then pull back immediately!
: Th-There’s no time! We can keep going!
: And we need to conserve our forces for the main assault. We’ll pry open their perimeter by ourselves.
: (Strange… The Festum’s approach to battle is different from our previous encounters. As though they are now familiar with tactics…)
: According to the data we received, the entrance to their “HQ” is up ahead!

: Okay. One good push and we’ll be in…!


: Wh-What is…?!
: It’s… that voice again…
: What is it, you two?!
: I don’t know… I just have this feeling that… this voice is drawing something over…
: …
: Watch out… They’re coming!

: The ELS!?
: And their timing couldn’t be worse…!

: Rgh…!
: Tsk, screw conserving our forces! If the ELS are also turning up, then we need to get out there too!


: We’ll take care of them!
: What?!
: Darling! Look there-robo!

SRW UX - Future-Bound Fighting Spirit

: The Federation Army…?!
: We have a duty to fulfill as soldiers! And we will not falter!
: Hah, so we get to help ourselves to all this gold and silver? That’s gotta make the boys happy.
: But I already get all the happiness I need from the Colonel! You ain’t stopping me!
: I’m not a Colonel, and I’m sure not sending any happy thoughts your way right now! Quit babbling and get to work!
: Aye, aye, Colonel!

: Kati, you’re here!
: Hah, but of course. The fate of humanity is riding on this battle. We couldn’t well hang back, especially after that request to help you.
: Request…? I wouldn’t expect the Army of Mankind or The Advancers would do that…

: We have guided them here.
: That voice… Mom?!
: That’s… the humanoid Festum that talked to us at Tatsumiya?!
: But who’s the other one…?
: These readings… Everyone, that blue Sphinx Type is Koyo!
: …
: That’s Koyo…?!
: That individual has chosen to fight in a form similar to ours.
: …
: You… You did that to help us?!
: All troops, listen up! Those two Festum are friendlies! Work with them and take control of the AO!

: The Federation and Festum…
: They’re fighting together…!
: We really can understand each other… We can all walk down the same road, together!
: Right! And we’ll sing to make that happen!
: We’ll sing for as long as our lives let us…!
: Thank…you… everyone…
: And… goodbye…
: …?! Koyo, you…
: “Goodbye”…?! But you’re still here with us, aren’t you?!
: …

*Kenji charges after the Festum.*

: Kenji…!
: This… This is the road Koyo, my mom, Sakura, Michio and Mamoru helped pave!
: And it’s the road we’ll all take!
: Kondo…
: Let’s go, everyone!

*Kazuki, Maya and Canon follow up.*

: (Mamoru… Your spirit’ll always be with me! I won’t let anything scare me ever again!)
: Kazuki! GOOO!
: Haaaaaaaaaah!

: Now! All ships, full speed ahead! We’re busting into the enemy camp!
: Ooooryaaaaaaaa!

: (We promise we’ll make it back!)
: (All of us, together, beneath that clear blue sky…!)

Mission 39 – Azure ~ Sky

: This is the Festum’s stronghold…?!
: Jeez… Those’re some serious numbers they’re packing!


: Is that…?

: What’s going on, Fei?!
: I heard it… Was it coming from the Festum??
: No, this voice was different! Completely different! A very familiar voice… like a distant memory, coming from across the sky…
: A different voice…?

: Hrm… Maybe Fei sensed something out of place? But, whatever the case, we need to deploy right now!

: We’ve a data match! The target core’s located over there!

: That’s where we’ll find Minashiro.
: Wait for us, Soushi…!
: Everything we did culminates in this one battle! We cannot afford to be defeated here!
: But we do not know how many enemies lie in wait! Please be very careful!

Destroy everything, don’t lose any ships, Kazuki, Maya or Fei. We’ve already got a hefty batch of Festum up ahead with more stuff on the way – as always lead with your more evasive guys to give your Supers a chance to build up morale and avoid being assimilated. Conservation of resources is very important, so try to minimize your spirit casts as much as possible since you’ll need to be able to hit Idun when he inevitably turns up.
As is usual with the Festum, when your guys get rolling, the enemy quickly becomes easier to dispatch (just don’t let them gang up on someone and pile on the Evasion Decay). Head north towards the pointed out core, but also angle your guys due east a wee bit – there’ll be stuff there soon.

Also, as noted in the prologue, all our Fafners, including secret ones, have replaced their old Siegfried System with the new Crossing System. This ability provides a boost for all Fafner pilots’ Melee, Ranged, Skill and Defense stats: you get +3 for every Fafner deployed in the team (the system needs at least two bots to kick in). We’ve the Mark Sein, Sechs, Drei, Acht and Sieben, so all kids are getting +12 to the aforementioned stats.

SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

: I’d lost sight of what I wanted on that day. I didn’t want anything, not even to be myself.
: But now I have a place where I want to be – to exist! And I’ll fight with all my heart to defend it…

: I’m done being afraid of everything…! I’ve made a choice: to stand and face both these battles and the weakness inside me!
: And I’m gonna overcome that weakness, Mom, Mamoru!

SRW UX - Shangri-La.

: I used to dread the idea of fighting… of hurting others…
: But everyone helped me figure out that it’s by fighting that we can protect what’s dear to us!
: And it’s because of that realization that… that I’m here, right now!

: For so long I felt like I was all alone, surrounded by mist from all sides… (Fafner drama CD reference.)
: But the truth is that while I couldn’t see them, everyone has always been around me! And I’m also there with them!

SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

: We aren’t fighting to take something, but because there are things we don’t want taken from us…!
: And I’ll carry on fighting! So that I can see the future side-by-side with Kazuki and with all my friends!

And as you kill a few enemy teams…

: E-Sensor’s picking up signals! We’ve got hostiles on approach!
: Psh, more Festum?!
: No, it’s…!

SRW UX - Love Survivor

: The Boom Army…?!
: Are you here to block our path once more, Ylbora?!
: Indeed, I am, UX! You will not get any further!
: Are you too stupid to tell that we ain’t got time to deal with you?! Piss off!
: Did you not hear me? I said you will not get any further!
: Something’s different with him today…! You can hear in his voice that he’s serious!
: (Cmdr. Ylbora, are you…?)
: Guess he’s set on trying to push us back…
: But you oughta know that we’re not the type of folks who’re pushed around!
: Then, there is only one option left to take!
: That works just fine for me, Ylbora! Bring it on and you better not hold anything back, ‘cause I ain’t gonna!

And now we need to deal with Ylbora again. Taking him out will progress the plot, but if you want an easier time, you’ll want to save him for last. Wipe out all The Boom troops and the Festum (they won’t attack each other), and then down Ylbora.

Secret Alert!
Tobikage Secret #1 – 7th step: set Romina as your tactician and have Joe shoot down Ylbora.

Like clockwork.

SRW UX - The Light of Life Shines

SRW UX - Life Goes On
And here’s the DK for Setsuna’s Trans-AM attack.

SRW UX - Love Survivor

: You will go no further, even if I must lay down my very soul to accomplish it! You will retreat, Your Highness!
: We also have a reason why we must push onwards, even at the risk of life and limb! It’s you who’ll be leaving here, Ylbora!
And we’ve never seen this Zerokage attack, so here it is.

SRW UX - Obelisk

Even without Zhuge Liang’s superpowers, the tons of Grendels to build up morale means the Festum get bumped off very quickly.

SRW UX - Dunbine Flies

SRW UX - Tobikage Appears!

: My pride, even my life, everything is but kindling for me to see my convictions through… Nothing else matters!
: Ylbora… As serious as you might be about this, we’ve just as much cause not to back down!

And Ylbora drops a Black Knight Mask.

: Rgh… I am far from finished! I absolutely cannot fall now!
: He wants to keep going?!
: Now face me!

: Hrm?! That was…!

: I will bring about your destruction via sacrificing a few of us.
: It’s that Fafner from before…!
: The Salvator Model… Mark Nicht!
: (The Festum that hijacked the Fafner…!)
: (If I leave that beast to its own devices, it’ll likely put Her Highness at risk again…!)

: Huh?! He’s…?!
: I will not suffer your presence, either!
: I will not be destroyed by you.

: H-Hrrrgh…!
: The hell are you doing, Ylbora?! You really think you can take him on with the Zerokage all beat up?!
: S-Silence…! I will steer the course of destiny… even if I must wager my life to do so!
: S-Sir Ylbora, what is pushing you to this point…?!
: Come, Festum…! You creatures bereft of any conviction will not break my own!
: We will use me to acquire those emotions of yours.

: Gwaaaaaaaaaargh!
: They’re trying to Assimilate the Zerokage…?!
: Y-Ylbora…!
: R-Rominaaaaaaa!

: Hrm…?!
: Wh-What just happened…?!
: Urgh… Of all the meddlesome…!

SRW UX - Shangri-La.

: Phew…
: Now that’s a proper “last minute save”.
: I-Is that…?!
: Michio… How?!
: Heheh, I can’t just up and die like that, right? I made a promise to Yumiko, y’know!
: Michio… it’s really you! You’re alive!
: Michio… Hino…!
: And that makes us even. But if you try messing with the people that I love again…
: Then you’ll have to go through me, too, okay?
: Y-You…!
: Just back away, Ylbora.
: Joe…?!
: We’ll take care of that Festum, and then I’ll settle the score with you.
: But only after everything else is finished.
: Kch… Wh-Who would ever accept mercy from the likes of you…?!
: Ylbora!
: …?!
: You wanna know what I think? That even you still have a place to call home…
: …
: I’ll admit defeat for today…

: Ylbora…
: (It’s painfully obvious what’s going on inside your head…)
: We do not comprehend… That emotion is unknown to us.
: Yeah? Then, I’ll tell you! That willingness to risk your life to protect someone…
: That is what people call… love!
: L-Love…?
: Troops, here are your new orders! Team up with the Mark Ein, destroy the hijacked Fafner and gain control of this area!

Obviously, this version of events only happens if you saved Michio. We’ll see the version without him at the end of the update.
As for the Mark Ein, it’s the same as it was before. It doesn’t have the Crossing System YET, but it’ll be furnished with it after this mission, so that’ll up his value as a squaddie – not only will he get stronger, he’ll help buff up the other Fafner pilots.

And the reason why I suggested you save killing Ylbora for last is so Idun doesn’t start gaining morale from all the other mooks you killed and MAPWs you on approach. With the few mooks he comes in, though, it won’t be enough, so you’re a lot safer there.

SRW UX - Tales of Mirisha ~ The Brave Legend

SRW UX - The Gate of Neidhöhle Opens

: I’ll survive and make my way back to her… no matter what I have to do to get there…
: And the reason is simple: it’s because I’ve a dream that I have to protect!
And here’s the DK for Michio’s strongest attack.

SRW UX - Deus Machina

: We have learned hatred from you.
: I won’t deny that we’ve got some of that stuff inside us.
: But that hatred will never get a hold of me again! I’m not about to let it taint the cause she fought for!

:siren: SRW UX - A Bird’s Song

: Separate individuals forming a single team… We do not comprehend your actions.
: Honestly, I agree with ya. I dunno why I got stuck with these guys either.
: Still, you can't argue that this is in our nature – we wouldn’t be who we are otherwise.
: It’s really not that complicated. Shame that you just can’t wrap your head around it.
: But I don’t feel like making some cheesy speech to explain it. So, we’ll just show it to you in a way that’s very easy for you to get!

: If you possess more than just hatred, then we shall acquire those as well.
: Emotions only work for the people whose hearts brought them about!
: They’re not things beings without a sense of self like you could simply steal!

When you do enough damage to Idun, the plot kicks in.