Part 206: Mission 12(New Game+) - You're the "Captain"! Who's the "Professor"?!

There, I hope you people are happy!
By the by, even with all those upgrades, she still managed to eat a 10% hit off a Radam Monster on mission 11.
This mission begins just like the other version, with Kouji and the Getter team joining Sousuke and Kanames school, Kazuma getting drafted into Mao and Noins training and the team catching up on Akitos restaurant, who isnt doing very well.
The difference starts when we get to Dr. Hells island.

At Hell Island, Honerva is, like before, amusing herself at taunting Ashura for the tongue-lashing that he got from Dr. Hell after his most recent failure.
However, she isnt here ENTIRELY to laugh at his/her face she has information that could be useful.
This time, though, Ashura has no need for her help which actually surprises Honerva.

In comes one of his soldiers, saying that theyve already figured out the itinerary of Prof. Yumi.
Ashura tells Kouji to watch closely his/her deadly plan is going to eliminate both him and his companions in one swoop.

As before, the Student Council President has several requests to make of Kaname, seeing how hes already have his hands full with the upcoming festival.
Hes been alerted that several delinquents from neighboring schools may be planning an attack during the festival and hed like her to lead the effort to protect the school; of course, Kaname doesnt know how shed be able to stop that by herself but its for this reason that the President called for help.

It is then that Sousuke comes in, presenting himself for service.
The president orders him to assist Kaname in the defense and Sousuke confirms, promising to accomplish his mission.
Kaname quickly warns the president that giving Sousuke this task may not be the wisest idea as theyve no idea what hell do but the president has also taken that into consideration.

He's also called in Kouji and the Getter team, who were getting tired of waiting in the hallway.
The president quickly requests the assistance of both Mazinger and Getter pilots to assure the safety of the festival; Kouji is surprised that he knows their identities but the president says its part of a standard background check on new transfer students.
The Getter team figures they could work as guards for the place but the president would like both Getter and Mazinger ready to sorty if need be; when Kouji asks if the guy is serious, he asks him to listen before rejecting the idea.
The culture festival is a yearly event of great import to their school and its the duty of every student to make sure it is perfect; Ryouma and Kouji understand his goal but it still seems excessive.
He asks Kouji if hes part of the army but no, hes just another regular man and pilots the Mazinger voluntarily; the president praises Koujis selfless spirit and says that, in that case, a giving spirit such as him should feel no difference in whether hes using Mazinger to fight a war or protect the festival, no? Or does he not consider such an important festival of his alma mater worthy?
As Kouji starts to reel back in confusion, the President asks him to show that famous courage and guts that the great Kouji Kabuto is known for; Kouji submits and promises to protect the festival no matter what and with Mazinger, Getter and Sousuke securing the place, Kaname almost feels sorry for whatever delinquents that try to attack.

Later that day, at Akitos restaurant, Kaname is feeling a massive headache after just these past hours of working with Sousuke and the boys crazy antics - she is so stressed out that she fears she might not make it to the festival.
Yurika throws her a bowl of ramen, saying itll restore her stamina, making Sayaka asks what shes doing here Yurika had heard that Akitos cook was absent, so she came over to give him a hand.
Ruri has also volunteered as a waitress but, even with all that added help, the quality of the food hasnt improved much and isnt helping Kanames situation.
However, theyre interrupted when the door opens

*Door Opens.*

Oh boy

The weather's perfect for the Festival, though Kanames exhausted after working with all the preparations.
For some reason the soccer field is now off-limits (Kaname's sure it's somehow Sousuke's doing).
More important to Kazama, is the fact that theyll soon be holding a beauty pageant thats a joint effort of both Nergal and the student council even people from outside of the school are coming to watch!

Amidst those is an ecstatic Boss and company, who is especially excited about the bathing suit section of the contest.
Kazama asks if Kanames going to participate but she passes, saying she has no interest in being a captain (when Kyouko asks, she quickly drops the subject).

Prospector is then seen leading Prof. Yumi up to the stage and the judges table.
Yumi tries to refuse, saying he has business at the Bay-Tower base but Prospector reminds him that, when he asked a couple of days ago, he was agreed quite happily Yumi fidgets a bit but then remembers it, saying it had slipped his mind.
This contest is quite an important event: the main prize of the winner will be the captains seat of the Nadesico!
The contest soon begins and Prospector announces the judges thatll work along with Yumi: Akatsuki and Kurz.

Inwardly, Yumi is fuming at this whole confusing situation, thinking that his plans to infiltrate the Bay Tower base have been completely ruined!
Still, he needs to keep up appearances to avoid tipping off any Wärter officials.
Akito notices the seemingly livid Professor looking a bit odd but figures its just nerves after all hes the father of one of the contestants!

The first entrance is Sayaka (in a bathing suit), who Prospector introduces as healthy AND cute, quickly draws screams from Boss (and warnings of Nuke and Mucha that his nose is bleeding).
Both Akatsuki and Kurz are impressed, now knowing that Kouji is a lucky man; as that happens, Kazuma is busy taking pictures that hell be able to sell to both Kouji (absent while on patrol) and possible clients alike.
Akito is also impressed at Sayaka but quickly begs Yumis forgiveness; Yumi doesnt see what is there to like about the girl but, when Akito is surprised, changes his tone to My, what a splendid daughter I brought up!

Inwardly, Yumi realizes that if his cover is blown here, away from his guards, it could prove fatal.
He's got to keep up the act until Gamia arrives.
Still, Akito is impressed that they would choose the Nadesicos Captain like this; when Yumi doesnt understand, he explains that this contest is a sort of coup d'etat by the other ladies in response to Yurika's pride.
While Yumis jaw drops, Akito says that according to Prospector the Nadesico's captain's position is less important than the smooth workings of the rest of the crew - and hence is safe-ish to put up for grabs.

Back at the contest, entry #12 is Mihiro who bids everyone greetings in the name of the Valstork Family.
Kazuma is fiercely cheering for her, saying that if she becomes the Nadesicos captain, they can use some of Nergals budget to give the Valhawk a powerup!
An exasperated Yumi needs to confirm what hes heard from Akito and, while the kid confirms, he admits it is a little non-orthodox amidst military ships thats putting it mildly in Yumis opinion, who thinks the whole thing to be insane.

Next in line is entry #18, Izumi, who opens up with a couple of puns; she tries, unsuccessfully to draw a laugh from Heero and D-Boy, but is able to get a major cackle out of Yumi.
Its the first time Akitos seen anyone laugh so heartily out of Izumis jokes
Inwardly, Yumi has decided to make use of his great chance: hell elect the most hopeless candidate as the Nadesico's captain, and thereby vanquish its genius-level prowess in battle.
Things went wrong with the first plan but he can still strike a major blow against Wärter!

The next woman, #25, was a last-minute entry in the contest: Gamia-Q!
Kyouko is aghast at her beautiful golden hair and Kazama wonders if shes a top model or something both Kurz and Akatsuki think that shell be a real tough contestant to beat
With her on the scene, Yumi has only to select a hopeless captain and then trash the whole place.

Finally, we get to the last entry, Yurika, #31, who gets on stage doing her signature V sign.
Yumi jumps off his chair yelling that hes found her!, startling Akito; inwardly, Yumi has analyzed Yurikas speech patterns as that of a complete moron and with the gravitas of a single sheet of very thin paper behind her smile with HER as the Nadesicos Captain, the ship will be useless!!
With all the contestants done, Yumi quickly casts his vote and activates the mechabeasts that hes left hidden near the gym!

The mechabeasts start the attack and Kaname tells Kyouko that, no, this isnt part of the show!
Yumi tells them to reduce this school to rubble and, amidst the chaos, hell escape unhindered.

Mission 12 (New Game+) - You're the Captain! Who's the Professor?!

As the mechabeasts approach the school, they are immediately blown to bits; when Yumi asks what happened, Sousuke explains that they tripped one of the booby-traps he planted in the playground.
Yumi wonders aloud what the hell is going on with the Japanese educational system that a school would have high explosives on campus.

The remaining mechabeasts are approaching and there are no traps left; however, Sousuke says its fine as Mazinkaiser and Shin Getter quickly deploy to intercept.
Yumi asks what the hell both those robots are doing in a school area and Akito finds it odd, seeing how Kouji shouldve told him about his job.
Kouji seems surprised that the President got it right in asking them to keep their units ready and Ryouma gives the go-ahead to shoot the enemies down and protect the school time to put on a show for their classmates!
In both the first player and enemy phases, there is no combat as both groups are getting closer; so, lets skip ahead to the 2nd turn.

With fully upgraded units, well easily plow through these mooks.

Had I not boosted the enemy units, this wouldve been a clean oneshot.

Of course, its not like mechabeasts were ever a threat.

Good, good.

Enemy Phase!

All four mooks make a beeline for Kouji, who manages to dodge a couple of them before killing the weakened ones.
The remaining two are left in the red.

Player Phase!

Kouji will quickly dispatch the last Doublas.

Sadly, hes left one morale short of activating Mazin Power.

Benkei hasnt had screentime in a loooong while, so lets tag him in.

Good man.

Now, Mazin Power.

The crowd is very impressed at the power of legit Super Robots (even though the usual AS are pretty cool, too!) and the girls are glad that they were here to protect them.
"Yumi" is now pissed off and decides to finish them off personally, ordering Gamia-Q to shred the Wärter on the ground with her steely hair.
She complies and starts slashing at our people, who didnt think to bring their mechs or transforming devices with them.

*ripping sound*

Just then, Akitos Aestivalis comes crashing down sent by Ruri.
Much to Ashuras annoyance, more of Wärters reinforcements are coming over.

Outside, Akito's a bit hesitant to fight the female foe, even if she is an android assassin but still pulls the trigger.
Ruri asks Captain Yurika and the others to hurry back to the Nadesico, and Ashura realizes to his shock that the apparently brainless Yurika actually was its captain all along.
Ashura tries to call for extra mechabeasts but there are none - Ruri caught on to the fact that the fake Yumi forgot his promise to judge the contest and, using Omoikane, found all the remaining mechabeasts in the vicinity.
Moreover, she tells Sayaka not to fret, since Hyuuma has recovered her father safely.

Back aboard the ship, Megumi asks Ruri why she didnt join in one the contest but she gives no answer.
Theres no time for that, as Jun detects Galra and mechabeast reinforcements inbound.

Its Honerva who expected Ashuras plan to blow up in his face once more.
He/she tells her to shut up, saying that he can deal with his/her own problems; in that case, Honerva will not overstay her welcome she wishes him good luck in getting out of this mess and leaves.
Her sass earns her one of Ashuras famous DAMN YOU!s and with everyone aboard the Nadesico, Yurika orders the deployment.

Yurika's very indignant over the festival getting messed up, and for once sounds captainly as she orders the troops to wipe the bad guys out.
Most girls are impressed at her new-found Captain spirit, but figure they still have a shot if they show as much dedication!

Once again, both these first turns are our units closing in on each other; while that happens, Mike sings to Ryouko.

We dont really need the morale boost against these guys but why not?

The girls are leading the charge and Ryouko is the first to get in attack range.

Eh, fine

Next in line is Mao.

I made sure to give Noin an S Rating in Air for her FUB, to allow her to get good numbers like this.

Doesnt do all that for her damage but

Hikaru will take this Fighter down.

There we go.

Even fully upgraded, the Aphrodite A isnt very accurate

Still, it hit.

Heero quickly moves ahead and takes one of the wounded Fighters down, while Mike gives him another morale boost.

Enemy Phase!

I kept him in the back but this Fighter still came after Gaogaigar.

Now THIS is a fully upgraded monster.

The Nadesico gets swarmed by all other Fighters.

Five Fighters attack and the one above was the only one to survive.

The Mechabeasts show a bit better judgment, attacking both Noin and Hikaru.

Player Phase!

Get to work, Izumi.

Ah, damn it.

Sayaka takes the last Fighter down.

Kick his ass, Boss!

Eh, thats actually decent damage when you consider it was his weakest attack; regardless, Maos support takes it down.

Kouji and Kazuma move ahead and pick on other full-HP Garadas.

Duo can finish this one off.

Good man.

A quick shot from Heero takes out a Doublas and Volfogg leaves a Garada barely hanging.

Golion will deal with it.

No problem.

Meanwhile, Ryouko finishes Izumis Doublas and Mao tags another one.

Blade zooms ahead to work on the Galra troops.

Having a support request from Aki takes the Death Hell out in one go.

Gai oneshots another mook and Mike sings to Heero once again.

He finally triggers the Zero System.

Enemy Phase!

Golion gets harassed by a Death Hell and responds appropriately.

One of the Garushias makes a beeline for the Nadesico.

Thats fine by me.

Finally, the other one goes after Noin and takes some decent-ish damage in return.

Player Phase!

Do it, Big Daddy.

I missed you

One more kill for Gai and

Volfogg will wrap things up.

*machine-gun shots*

Kaname quickly shows up and slaps Sousuke with that paper-fan, demanding him take that suit off and explain what he was doing all this time.
Sousuke explains that he was busy keeping those aforementioned juvenile delinquents from breaking into the school during the chaos - apparently they and Ashura's troops present similar threat levels to him.
Kaname can only shake her head and suppose that if Sousuke treated the punks like he treats Ashura's troops, they'll never so much as darken her school's doorstep again.

Moreover, it seems the utility of Sousuke's Bonta-kun is now beyond dispute, and they're to be headed for mass production, and sale to militaries world-wide.
This is such an astounding statement that Kaname can't even manage a snappy come-back.

As for the beauty contest, well, Yurika managed to win by a single vote, meaning that you all get to put up with her sometimes selfish leadership style for now.
Hikaru and Milly try to get Akito to reveal which of the Nadesico girls he voted for but the kid wont say it.
As for who gave the winning vote, there are indications that the single deciding vote was cast by none other than Baron Ashura...though, as he was Yumi's "representative", there's no reason to disregard his vote in Akatsuki's eyes.
Levin sniffs that the most beautiful flower of all wasn't on display at the contest (which sounds very frightening to Akatsuki and Kurz, who would not have been thrilled to judge THAT bathing suit competition).

Said flower is apparently Ruri, who is flattered that everyone thinks she would have won.
Asked why she didn't appear, she very reluctantly admits that she was embarrassed about coming on stage in a swimsuit.
Akito says that that's a bit of a shame, but when Ruri flushes and he asks if he's upset her, she says that that's not it at all.

Akito doesn't get let off the hook either, after he gallantly shielded Yurika with his body from the android's assault.
His claims that he only did it because she's the Nadesico's captain sound a little weak, but when Ruri asks if he'd have protected her were she the captain, he stridently tells her that he'd protect her regardless.
Heck, he even owes her for saving everyone today.

He promises her that if she's ever in trouble, he'll come running to help.
Ruri's hesitant, then earnest acceptance of this truly makes her the most beautiful today, at least in Prospector's eyes.