Part 93: Mission 26 - Brave Battle - Part 1 (includes Boss Analysis #10 - "Crazy Girl" Edition)
Mission 26 - Brave Battle
You know, weve dealt with a crapload of powerful shit thus far. Weve killed crazy mercs, demons, EI-01, Dekim and his colony-bomb, Kusakabe with his gigantic fortress and even Arm plugged into giant asteroids.
However, youll find that our next costumer is on a whole other level. How much? Well

: Wh

: A monster came out of Jupiter

: But how can it be this big? What the hell is that thing?!

: The combined form of all 31 Machine World Primevals

: Z-Master

: The Primevals are usually split up into 31 bodies but, in reality, they are one. Each body is a part of Z-Master, whose goal is the mechanization of the entire universe.

: It cant be
the Primeval Crystals have regenerated again

: It seems that the Primevals are also using The Power!

: Then, just like we used The Power to perform our combination

: Those bastards also used it to get powered up!

: Weak-hearted ones. The infinite power was used to drive the Master Program

: Now, behold our strength.

: Wh-what amazing power!

: As expected, hes now able to use The Power himself!

: Study Subject 8986513287421057, the infinite energy The Power
initiate recording.

: What the hell are you recording, girl?! Thanks to you, this bastard got to combine in the end!

: Dont talk to me like that! I told you my name is Aria!

: And I warned you, didnt I?! I told you to run away fast!

: W-well
then well just take you up on your offer now!

: I cant allow that

: What are those mechs?!

: Searching data
no results found.

: Hm
it seems those are Arias companions.

: What are you all doing?! Theyre coming after the Nadesico!

: Study subject 4214482003160221, the legacy of the Ancient Solar Culture

: I must retrieve it.

: The legacy of the Ancient Solar Culture

: I think shes talking about our Targeting Unit; it seems the girl wants it.

: Dont joke around! We decided to throw it into Jupiter and were not gonna hand it over!

: Youre not allowed to decide anything! That object belongs to us!

are you a human of the Ancient Solar Culture?!

: Not You! Aria!

: Scribe of Knowledge, you also intend to record our strength along with The Power

: Indeed. In that case, Z-Master
show us your power.

: Very well. We will leave your destruction for after the legacies of the Green and Red Planets are eliminated.

: He spawned Zondar robots!

: Tch
it looks like the Primevals boss and those unidentified enemies have joined forces!

: But thats
Aria! Are you really not our friend?!

Sorry, Mihiro. I didnt want things to get violent between us and your sisters

: I AM sorry but I must obtain subject 4214482003160221!

: Thats just fine! I have a whole lot of things I want to ask you about! Once weve beaten you at your own game, youre gonna tell us what youre up to!

: Wh-what do we do, Chief Taiga?!

: Do not lose your focus, my friends!
Were still in awesome-town and this song plays throughout the entire stage, so get this shit running on your speakers and keep it looping until you feel BRAVE!

: We cannot allow neither the Primevals plan to mechanize the entire universe nor that girls wish to seize the Targeting Unit!

: To fight anyone who would threaten peace
that is Wärters mission!

: The chief is right! We cannot afford to lose!

: Yes! For the sake of everyones wish for peace!

: They believed in us and placed their lives and wishes on our hands!

: Dad, Mom, Hana
we will fight!

: So, youre coming
weak-hearted ones. In that case, you will learn your own powerlessness.

: Come on, Z-Master! Lets put an end to all of this!!
While Z-Master is also taking THE POWER, we still have some of it. This results in everyone starting the mission at maximum morale (whilst GGG Units still have their invincibility-status).

Arias mob of Opuses (Opi?) arent threatening in the slightest. They all have mediocre stats all around.


Volfogg takes a level and gets himself Multicombo L1.

Akito moves forward and softens the only Opus he can hit.

This should be no problem for Gai (Daigouji).

Yup, yup.

Kurz does his thing and moves forward.

Mao, as always, tags right along.

How many times has Mao taken the kill for Kurz work?

More times than she shouldve considering shes now three levels ahead of him.
Still, she learns Valor which is always nice.

Mike doesnt give a fuck about buddy systems when he has the power of ROCK!

That said, Gouryuujin can still tag along to benefit from a friendship bonus.

Dont bring planes to a Super Robot fight, Aria. Crazy girl

Blade can get close enough to Tek-Lancer but it falls just short of taking his Opus down.

Genryuujin, and his 250 morale, doesnt even need a critical hit to kill.

Sousuke walks over to finish Blades job.

Easily dealt with.
Well be going after Aria now so heres look at her and her Arm Arcus:

Being an original character, Ill compare her more directly to Kazuma she has an average of 10 points over him in all stats with the exception of Evasion (the only stat on which Kazuma is higher); with numbers like that, youd do well to toss a Scan on her to minimize her chances because she will still be quite dodgy with Prevail on.
The stats of her Arm Arcus are pretty much unchanged from when she helped us (aside from the HP boost, of course). Its mobility and armor are kind of low but its probably meant to balance out Arias already high evasion stat.
Also, the Arm Arcus (and the Opuses) comes equipped with a 10% EN Regen and a Status Immunity ability (No Disc X for you!)

As before, the Arm Arcus real power comes from the myriad of status effects it can induce on you.
Her weakest attack, Lumen Circulus, will apply Mobility -50%; her 2nd attack, Lunar Gladius, will apply Accuracy-30% and her strongest, Totum Sclopetum, will give you a taste of Attack Power-50%.
Needless to say, if youre going to attack with a super that cant dodge, minimize your annoyance by hitting her from less than 3 spaces away.

Finally, Aria comes packed with an impressive list of Pilot Skills:
- Counter
- Break Morale Limit
- Prevail L5
- Support Attack L1
- Commander L2
- Multicombo L1
Conclusion: Aria is a threat much less for the damage she can make but for the debuffs that she can apply when fighting her, its always best to avoid her attacks (which is easier said than done as she is rather accurate, too).
Her defenses are rather wimpy, so take her down quickly to minimize the number of people she hits; on her own turn, she seems to prioritize her Lunar Gladius so you shouldnt have a huge headache from Totum Sclopetum (of course, shell jump at the chance to snipe at you if theres no one in chaining position).
Of course, Aria has lines for pretty much all important characters, so Ill have to apply some creative editing to make it all work.
Montage time!

: Stop, Aria! Who in the world are you? What is your connection to our family?!


: If theres something wrong, we can help you. Just the way you helped us so many times before!

: Thats right, Aria. So, put down your weapons.

: We... don't think you're a stranger...

: Im sorry! But
I will be really scolded if I dont carry out my mission!

: So
Im very sorry Ill try to be as gentle as possible with my attacks!!

: A Tekkaman that escaped the Radams control will yield some valuable data
Sorry but Ill also be taking you!

: I dont know what you want but my body and my heart are my own! I wont hand them over to anyone!

: Study subjects 42144820031602222 Ill be taking you all!

: W-why we?!

: 42144820031602221 refers to the legacy of the Ancient Solar Culture
that one is the targeting unit

: We could assume that the number of the next study subject would be related to it.

: The people capable of using the targeting units system
that would mean the Captain, Akito and I.

: N-no way! Akito is the only person that I would allow to kidnap me!!

: Heh
I see that your machine is loaded with a very interesting system

: Are you talking about the Lambda Driver

: As expected, this star system is fascinating! I get to report back that the trip was completely worth it!

: Our data on the Red Planet is

: I remember you: the beings known as the Scribes of Knowledge!

: What does that matter now?! Like you, I am merely doing my mission!

: Strange
study on subject 281104 was already completed but
some of the data is inconsistent to this one. Whats going on?

: That's what we want to know! What do you want?! Are you one of those people called Scribes of Knowledge?!

: Researching is my job, not answering your stupid questions!

: Fine! How about I capture you and take you in for investigation?

: Why did you do that, girl?! I thought you were on our side!

: I didn't have a choice! I had my reasons!

Still, your machine is very interesting. Can I borrow it? Ill put it to good use!

: Over my dead body! My grandpa entrusted me with Kaiser!

: No matter who asks, Im not handing it over!

: Werent you fighting against the Primevals before?!

: Ive already completed the data on the Primevals but not on The Power! Those people may be eager to destroy the Primevals but this has nothing to do with me!
Enemy Phase!

: Entouji, Freeman! Hows the analysis of Z-Master coming along?!

: The aggregated energy is too different from before! As it is, we cannot attack it effectively!

: Its like pouring water into the sea. It is entirely useless to fight against it if we dont do anything about The Power.

: Theres got to be a weak-spot! Is there any place where we can damage it?!

: Weak-hearted ones, you continue to struggle in vain

: We dont know for sure if our struggle IS in vain!

: We are still alive! Until that life ends, theres still a chance for us to win!

: In that case
I will sever your hope at its root.

: Wh-what was that?!

: An attack originated from Z-Master: a high-density energy wave.

: Energy increase confirmed. Expect a widening area of attack.

: You mean the next attack will target more of our units?!

: Ms. Swan! Examine the energy flow before this battle becomes unwinnable!

: Y-yes

: A

: Whats wrong, Mikoto?! Get a hold of yourself!

: Y-yes
! Im sorry!

: Fufufufu
AHAHAHAHAHA! I wonder, how long will you be able to endure?
Welcome to yet another gimmick and if youve played Alpha Gaiden you already know the drill.
Lord Z will blast increasingly more units (3, then 4, then 5, etc.) for half their current HP at the start of his turn if he hits Real Robots, like he just did, this is probably negligible as they shouldnt be getting hit in the first place (and, hell, itll even trip those Prevails) but keep an eye when he hits a Super and be ready to toss a quick heal if needed.
Mind you, GGG units are a freebie as they heal completely at the start of player turns.

The Opus moves and decides to kamikaze against Genryuujin.

This pushes the brothers up a level and gives them Hero L4 and Prevail L4. Nice!

Shift to the other side, its Gouryuujins turn.

No problem at all.

Having evaded Arias attack via ES Window, J has saved the Alert he had.
He still dodges the attack with another window.

How about this one?

Nope, he still got an ES window going and it happened in such a split-second that my picture didnt capture it

Mind you, the Zondars are MUCH bulkier than usual.


Aria takes a swing at J and Sousuke but manages only to get laserd away.

Player Phase!

No more playing around - time to take out this crazy girl (cheer and bless are cast, as always).

: Stop that machine right now! Mihiros coming with me!

: A-Aria

: Like hell! You can't just claim other peoples' sisters!

: I really, really hate you! Im gonna be taking Mihiro and your sisters from you, no matter what!
She's worth 3 levels, a metric shitload of cash, an A-Adaptor and a BP+2. 

The levels also increase Kazumas Prevail to L5.

: I-if I return like this, Im going to be punished again

: Tch
stubborn girl!

: Stop it, Aria! I
I dont wanna fight against you!

: Shes right! I cant do this after all the times you helped us!

: Im sorry Mihiro

: But
I have to do this! It is my mission!

Well, nothing else we can do about her so lets switch out attention to the Zondar.
Akito and Gai get started on an EI-15.

They are being surprisingly accurate now...

Nevertheless, Volfogg still dodges with his Holographic Camouflage.

Kurz moves over, while take a shot at Volfoggs fishy.

Gaogaigar also moves up, hopefully setting up for a future MAP.

As for you

Making use of Koujis position, Tetsuya calls for a Double Rocket Punch on the EI-02.

Being ever-so-bulky, Ill have Sousuke weaken it down some more before going for the kil.

Aye, that works.

J easily takes down the last bunch of HP.

Ill place Blade over here. Maybe I can pull a MAP if the Zondar stay together like that.

Mike will do the same for the other side.

Hayato and the others can move on ahead and get ready to deal with the side groups soon.

As for now, the center enemies are the easier prey.

Nothing else to do, so Boss heals Kurz up some.

Enemy Phase!

Here comes the blast and, like I said above, hell increase his targets by 1 for each turn.
Gai will heal up and but the other units may require a bit of attention.

EI-26 and 27 both try MAPing and fail to hit anything.

EI-28 decides to move in closer and attacking J.

Of course, J promptly Counters and evades his attack with an ES-Window.

EI-29 goes for Gouryuujin and gets a reminder of GGG invincibility (plus, I had the brothers cast Iron Wall).

Blades pre-fight numbers didnt run as I had a momentary lapse of thought and hit the Fight button by accident. Whoops!

Either way, Blade might not have a chance to use his MAP as the western group starts moving in to attack J and Genryuujin.

Goddamn Uppo-Kun
Go away!

Genryuujin also dodges the attack with an Aurora Illusion.

J is still doing his thing and not getting hit.

Finally, something decides to be clever and avoid a GGG unit.

Though this is actually only slowing down my advance

Back to J!

Finally, something thatll die.

J gets another level and learns Fighting Spirit
after he already knows Valor. 

The Eastern group all starts closing in on Mike. This is less than optimal because, unlike everyone else, Mikes songs are ammo based and dont get restored by THE POWER.

Still, a few go after Gouryuujin who is more than happy to oblige them.

Three other Zondar also do the same, getting weakened in the process.

Finally, Aria decides to chain the Nadesico and Valstork the damage is less than worrisome but the Valstork WAS at half health so we may be cutting it dangerously close.

Player Phase!

Well, Mike is now surrounded so its better business to use a Disc M to pull heavy hits on everyone than to use Disc X on only three targets.

Mike only manages one critical hit, everything else takes around 6000 damage.

To keep the pain rolling, Kazuma flies over and chains the three units on the right side of the group.
Gouryuujin assists him to take the stronger EI-15 down some more.

Kurz and Mao tag team the nearby EI-13.

Following him, Mao moves in for the kill (again).


: The Master Program has successfully combined

: As expected, Deputy-Commander Zoa was right when he said this star system was special.

: Eviluders
! You bastards came over, huh?!

: The pitiful drifters, Eviluders
the instinct of the organic life-forms seem to remain in you.

: The instinct of the organic life-forms?! Then, theres a living body beneath the Eviluders armor?!

: Silence, Master Program! We, the Eviluders, are a life-form perfectly adapted to this universe!

: As the rulers of the universe, we will not submit to you Primevals or the Radam!

: Thats not it, Rang

: Orgun!

: Rang
! We, the Eviluders, are not a perfect life-form

: We may have obtained power but, in the process, weve lost something important! That Primeval proved it!

: Orgun! A traitor like you has no right to call yourself an Eviluder!

: However, dont forget, Orgun! Eliminating the Radam from the universe is the reason why we were born!

: Such is the legacy of Aiba!

: Aiba?!

: Aiba
Takaya Aiba
! Isnt that D-Boys Family name?!

: Head Detonator! Do you know a Kouzou Aiba?!

: That name is carved at the center of the Eviluders history it is our creators name! How do you know of it?!

: What did he say?! D-Boys father is the creator of the Eviluders?!

: Was this what my father said was his fault

: Weak-hearted ones
and, also, heartless ones! You may as well disappear together!

: Mechanization is the inevitable path of evolution. Life-forms that refuse to accept and continue to spread Minus thoughts

they are all weak-hearted people who have no right to exist in this Universe.

: And those who have forsaken their hearts and became apostles of destruction will also be eliminated by our power.

: Damn Master Program! The Eviluders do not accept your mechanization! This Universe belongs to us and us alone!

: Orgun! What is he talking about?!

: Your priority now should be to stop the Master Program. I will also fight.

: Target both the humans of this star system and the Primevals! Begin!

: Eviluders
! Youll resist me to the last moment?!

: Ah!

: What is it, Ms. Utsugi?!

: I
I understand it now! Z-Masters energy flow!

: What?!

: Z-Master is absorbing The Power through the part of it connected to Jupiter!

: Then, after absorbing The Power, it is transferred to Z-Masters heart and then to the rest of his body!

: What does that mean, then?!

: It means that if you ride the flow of energy, you can get inside Z-Masters body

: J!

: Heroes! Ill go inside Z-Masters body! Cover me!

: You
are you trying to die?!

: I have already thrown this life away once! If I must sacrifice it to end this bastard, then Ill do it with no regrets!

: I feel the same way as J. To defeat him is our mission.

: But

: All units, provide cover to Soldato J! Were gonna bet everything on him!

: What are you saying, dad?! Youre sending him off to die!

: Shut up, Kazuma!
That man is putting his life on the line by his own will

: What we can do is make his life into something that had meaning!

: Dad

: This is
the place where hell risk his life

: Fellows of Wärter! Were going to bet all life in the universe on Soltato J and his companions!

: I will only give one order
WIN! That is all!

: Mission accepted

: Well keep the Primevals, Eviluders and those Scribe people busy!

: You can count on us, J!

: Ha
Gai, I will tell you that I do not intend to die in there.

: I promised that wed finish our duel. I will return!

: I will hold you to those words!

: Ramming point, confirmed.

: Lets go, J.

: J-Ark, full speed ahead! Our target is The Powers absorption point!
Hrrrmmm, this fight just keeps getting better. We still have a long way to go so I think Ill end this right here.
Next time, we keep dealing with the Zondar while waiting for the Eviluders to come over (and for J to get his ass over by Z-Masters radical haircut).
See you all then!