Part 25

Alrighty, where was I?

Right. I was about to curb stomp Gandalf.

Eheh, heh, heh... HAH, HA, HA, HA! HAR HAR HAR!
Jesus, these people have horrible laughs.

I thought I was gathering them for Satan...

What are you blathering about?


Whether he's telling the truth or not, I have to fight Astarte.

This is probably going to be a long, grueling, sweaty, clothes-shedding fight.

Or, she could just give me a blank stare and disappear. That'd work too.

Why is it that every slob that comes into my house says that? "Accept your death! Kill yourself! Buy some flood insurance!" Fuck you guys, I do what I want.

Oh shut up, you bearded fairy.

Give me a break! How many times do I have to kill you people?!

You know... it might not be a bad idea to figure out how to kill Astarte, just in case.

Looks like I'm about to have another adventure through time!

Let's see... 500-20... So I'm 480 years in the past. Got it.

I've been knocking for the last 15 minutes.

By opening the door. I knocked, and you said I could come in.

OHHHH I get it! This guy's my ancestor, and by some stupid game function he has the exact same name as I do!

Might as well be honest with the guy.

Yikes. Those are end boss stats if ever I've seen 'em.

Repeat the last two images over 40 times.

Uh oh. I hope he already had kids, or else I'm in one fucked up time paradox... Unless I'm my own grandfather.

Ooh new trap! Bet this'll come in handy if I decide to betray my dark allies.

Next time: The first set of endings.