Part 2: Entry 3/31/10-02
Entry 3/31/10-02
The darkness didn't last long...
RECORD 4- "The Velvet Room"

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I awoke in a strange blue elevator, with even stranger people.

Are you a simulacrum, or in fact human...?
*chuckle * It seems you destiny is similar to mine.

Who are you...?

Yes... In awakening to the power of the wild card, you are now bound to a contract.
From this moment forth, you are our guest in the Velvet Room.
This was about where he lost me.

Until recently, a young man with the same talent was our guest here.

Would it mean my death...?

If you have close ties to people you call friends, remember this...

And that is all I can tell you.

The beginning of your ordeal awaits...
Even as I was wondering what all of this meant, the world lurched again.

Please take this.
> Obtained Velvet Key.

Until then, farewell...

If this power is a sign that I'm drawing closer to life...
...does it mean that the answer at the end of the journey is... death?
I was surprised, at the time, to discover how little the possibility bothered me...
Slowly, the world came back into view...
RECORD 5- "The End of Time"

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You really scared us, collapsing like that.

It seemed that while I was unconscious, Mitsuru had called for help. Also, I couldn't help but feel, well, sort of odd.

Hm? What's all this...?

We found some strange things under the floor...
There was no sign that you would wake up, so instead of waiting, we tried everything we could...

It seemed Akihiko had also answered the call. They'd chained the girl who'd attacked us to a chair.

Anyway, she can't cause any trouble now. We have our Evokers this time.

Hey, quit with the silent treatment and say something.

Sure enough, her faceplate had opened again.


These restraints aren't necessary. I won't attack anymore.

It's because... I thought you wouldn't like me...

Besides which, if she has the same parameters as I do, the chains will not hold her anyway.
A fact which she proved immediately after I mentioned it.

And as for my purpose... It's simply to save you, my only sister...
...from this impossible situation.

Did... something happen while I was asleep?
How long was I asleep, anyway...?
It turned out something had indeed happened while I was out. And something else had failed to happen...

Tomorrow, and all the days after it, will also be March 31st. At this rate, it will last forever.
Didn't you feel it? The moment when time skipped?

Then... Are you saying that the same day is repeating itself!?

That makes two ways we're trapped here.

As it turned out, the basement of the Iwatodai dorms had undergone some rather unusual changes since I'd last seen it.
RECORD 6- "The Abyss"

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The Abyss of Time... And endless desert and a ring of strange doors...

It's an uncharted territory that probably spreads beneath this area like a tree's roots.

Then, without warning, it began to spread out, and formed a connection to your dorm.

It might be the product of some dangerous power, the way Tartarus was...

The reason why time is skipping and why you can't leave the dorm is most certainly due to that effect.

...Eliminating all of you.
The Abyss of Time connected to this dorm, as if drawn to it...
That, together with the way you can all perceive the time skips...
It seems clear to me that you have a lot to do with the reason for this happening.

You'll have to discover the cause and strike at its source.

Some of us were less than excited about this prospect.

First, the basement of your dorm, then the time skips, and now you can't reach the outside world...

If we're stuck here for long enough, and we run out of food...
Are we going to... starve to death!?
Again, some of us were less than excited about this prospect.

What I'm asking you to do is the only way for you all to survive.

But you first appeared to us as an enemy. You must understand that we can't entrust our lives to you.

You say you want to protect Aigis, but what's in it for you?

For heaven's sake, she's my only sister!
Mitsuru and I were both thinking the same thing on that front, by the way.

To hear you talk, it sounds like you've been in this Abyss of Time from the start. That bothers me.
You said this is uncharted territory, unconnected to the outside world. Am I correct?

Cause if you're stringing us along, we're not gonna let you get away with it...

I thought I told you, there's no time to waste!
Now follow me.
Of are you going to give up so soon? Because if you are, you should have let me kill you in the first place!

I'd had about enough of this.

Haha... you can't possibly...
I-I know the most about the Abyss... You need me! A-And...

If that's the way you think of my friends, I can't go with you.

She didn't seem to take that suggestion well at all.

I'm sorry... I didn't mean to upset you, Aigis...
I'll listen to you from now on! I will... Please don't leave me...

*sigh * Cause if this is our only choice, I just wanna hurry up and get it over with.

It seems that once again, we will have to investigate, and there will be battle involved.

And if you, as leader, approve... I have no issue with Metis accompanying us.

Hurting my friends will not be tolerated. Do you promise?

Yukari had a very valid question, one I had no answer to.

When I thought we might lose someone else, I became scared, and suddenly...

Anyway, if you already know someone with that same power, why not just ask him?

Oh, and the things we found when the floor opened up... I'll look into them once I have a chance.
Maybe I can learn something.

Metis lingered behind.

Could I... call you Sister?

Mitsuru had some ideas as to how we could organize the investigation.

For now, I'm going to concentrate on finding any documents similar to the ones we found in the basement.

...Well, I suppose you are the only one who knows where to find that stuff.

I'd also like a second team to handle another task...
Someone has to look around to see if the Abyss of Time is connected to any other places than the dorm.
We have no way of estimating how long we'll be in this situation, so a stable supply route is crucial.

I mean, if there's food or anything out there, he'll sniff it out.

That's that, then. Iori, Koromaru, and myself will go our separate ways for now.
The main investigation will be up to the rest of you, with Aigis taking point.
Aigis, I'm counting on you.
And so our investigation into the Abyss began...