The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

by Really Pants

Part 155: This whole mess was just the beginning.

-The Dream Continues-

Karin, I'm back.
Here, this is from Loewe.

It's so good to see that smile, Joshua. I bet Loewe likes it, too.

Loewe and Karin were as close as I've ever known two people to be...
They wanted to be together forever, I think. And now they are.
Hey, can I say hi to Karin, too?
Of course.

Um, hi, Karin. Nice to meet you.
I'm Estelle! Estelle Bright. I'm...well, for a little while I was sort of trying to be his replacement sister without knowing it...but I couldn't really replace you.
I guess now I'm, um, his girlfriend.

You 'guess'? That's terrible.

S-Sorry...Still not really used to it...It's kinda, y'know...embarrassing.
Oh, for the...
*sigh* It's still so very you, Estelle.
So very what? Do I detect an entendre, buster? Y'know, when nobody else is around, you can sure be--

Er, sorry, I was in the middle of saying hello, wasn't I.
Um, so, I wanted to say hello, and come with Joshua to see his original home. I'm...I'm looking forward to what's to come for the two of us.

Thank you, Estelle.
I'm sure Karin is very happy.

Haha...I hope so.
I know I'm still sort of a dunce, and not the most reliable person ever...I have to admit I'm a bit worried what I'd do if she ever thought, 'You're not good enough to be Joshua's girlfriend, Estelle Bright! Shoo!'
Haha. I think you're overthinking it a bit.
If anything, I think Karin would have loved you. You two would've been a nice contrast, in terms of personality.

Haha, you think so?

...And there goes my entendre radar again, mister. So you're saying I'm not as strong deep down or as calm and quiet as your sister, right?
Uh-um, no! I really do think you're strong deep down, actually.
Calm and quiet...Well, not exactly like Karin, no.

But I'm not complaining. Always bright, optimistic, and shining like the sun.
That's the girl I fell in love with.


Wh-Wh-Whaaaat was that...? You know how to go for the jugular with the embarrassment, you know?
Sorry, did you not like it?

Of course I LIKED it! That is so not the issue here!
I don't...quite get the problem, I guess...
*sigh*...Okay we've said our hellos, so let's be off! I can see Karin rolling her eyes at us from the cloud tops.
Oh...Yeah. I guess.
Hm? What is it?

Are you...really sure about this? You really want to leave Liberl and follow me?
My journey to atone for the sins I committed in the society's name is my problem. So is my desire to strengthen myself and live up to Loewe.
I'm still not sure...if I want to wrap you up in all this.

Oh, for the love of...You always miss the important part.


Ragnard said it, didn't he? This whole mess was just the beginning. Besides, I SERIOUSLY doubt the society's plans are all played out.

And when those snakes strike from the grass again, I want to be even stronger than Dad. You're not the only one who has someone to live up to.
Stronger than Cassius...That's a tall order.

Well, go big or go home, right?

Plus, I made that promise to Loewe. And I really want to see more places beyond Liberl! I'd also like to try and find Renne, if we can.


AND. C'mon, Joshua, do I really need a reason to be with you?
No...Of course not.
You're all the reason you need, all by yourself.
See, Joshua, what would you do if I wasn't around to point things out to you?
Haha. You're right, I'd be doomed.

I'd like to close once again with some vital gameplay stats.

Total last-second heroic rescues: 28
Total impassioned speeches about the power of friendship: 30
Total Estelle Stares: 239

Let's go, Estelle. I have no idea where this path will lead us...But I'm sure something awaits us at the end.
Yeah! One step at a time! We'll walk it together until the end!

Thanks for reading.