The Let's Play Archive

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC

by Really Pants

Part 22: ...Whatever. I'm gonna nap until it's over.

-Seaport City of Ruan-

I suppose you want to come too, Olivier?
Ha-ha-ha! Oh, my dear Estelle! You may as well ask if fish swim or birds fly!
Why, after all, do you think I abandoned the warm, moist embrace of Elmo to come here?
Figures. Hmmm. Agate, what do you think? Should he come with us?
Whatever. I don't care THAT much.
Let's get one thing straight, though. I don't really trust you, 'pal.' You do anything strange, and I'll wreck you. Clear?
*sigh* Such hostility. Such negativity! What a pity. Sometimes a wild type like you isn't bad either, you know...
Ah, but fear not! I shall refrain from pouring my affection into your untamed vessel until after I have earned your trust.
Whoaaaa, something feels here! It's...exciting...?
(Oh, boy...Time to start lockin' your door at night, Agate.)

Given that Second Chapter's page on the Steam Store explicitly lists 'More Olivier than ever' as a game feature, this character probably needs no further introduction. Nevertheless:

Olivier specializes in sorcery, derringers, and hopeless romanticism--emphasis on the hopeless. Compared to our previous horndog hermeticist, Father Kevin, he's quite a bit squishier and his weapon does less damage. His S-Craft in particular has always seemed on the weak side to me. Olivier's crafts:

Quick Draw: Ranged AoE.
Sniper Shot: Ranged Impede.
Happy Trigger: Ranged AoE heal.

On the bright side, Olivier also gets high ATS and the single best orbment in the game: a full unbroken line with only one slot locked to Mirage, a.k.a. 'THIS IS WHERE THE EP QUARTZ GOES.' Olivier is more versatile with arts than anyone else in the party.

Now forget about Jenis and get back inside. You forgot to check the job board.

This new job will expire the second you set foot in the royal academy. That Sapphirl Tower Photo job is also starting to smell, but now we've got a professional photographer who can do it up proper. You can't rush quality.

There are a couple new monster bounties too.

Sister Frieda: Are you here because you saw my request?
Yes, ma'am! Sure did. It's pretty urgent, right?
Sister Frieda: Yes. Today, I'd like to ask you to act as a guest teacher at Sunday School. How about it? Are you available?
Yeah, I can do it.
I'm not super confident, but I'll give it my best shot.
Sister Frieda: Thank you very much. I really appreciate it. I had asked a bracer named Carna to be the guest lecturer, but she suddenly had to leave on guild business. It put the church in a fix, and I was very disheartened.
Not only did Carna jump at the chance to help trick Estelle into thinking her friends were dead, but she skipped out on a prior engagement with some needy schoolchildren to do it. I nominate her for the S-rank.
I see...So that's why it's so sudden.
...So, what should I do?
Sister Frieda: First, come into the side room. I'll explain what I'd like for the class there.

Okay. Yeah, I think I get the gist. Start with an explanation of the guild, move on to an overview of a bracer's job...And then last but not least, answer the kids' questions correctly, right?
Sister Frieda: Yes, that will be plenty. If you'll excuse me, I'll be going back to class. I'll call you momentarily, so please wait here until then.
Still...Truly, the world is a strange place.
Oh, for once we agree. I was just thinking that myself.
Hmm? What's up? Is there something on my face?
No, but not even I could have predicted this. To think the day would come when Estelle would take the altar.
Sure is a big surprise, isn't it?
Yeah, seriously. This one's more the bein' taught type than the teachin' type.
W-Well, that's sure nice to say, I think. True, I'm not super confident, but I should be fine teaching some kids.
That's nice and all, but...
...Whatever. I'm gonna nap until it's over.
What are you gonna do, Olivier?
While I have little to offer, you have my full attention and support. The class should be well visible from the second floor here, so I'd like to watch from there.
Ohh, nice idea.
I should take tons of pictures!
...Please don't screw anything up, you two.
I have a really good feeling about this team.

Father Theodore: Now, then--Everyone, we're going to have a guest teacher for the remainder of class. They've taken time out of their busy schedule to come speak to us, so don't be rude, okay?

The children already smell blood in the water.
I-I was just about to introduce myself! Gimme a sec...
...All right, well, hello! I'm Estelle Bright. I'm still pretty new to the job, but I'm what we call a bracer.
Eletta: Whaaa...? You're a BRACER!
Louis: No way! That's so cool!
Atget: How old are you, miss?!
Father Theodore: Now, now, we'll have time for questions after. First, let's have our guest review what we've already gone over. If you wouldn't mind, Miss Estelle?

Okay! Is everyone ready? Let's go over today's class real quick.
So, do you really have what it takes to be a bracer? Hope you've memorized that Notebook, because it's not just for fluff. LET THE TRIALS COMMENCE

-Welcome to Le Locle-


~About All Bracer Activities~
Choose the correct answer and guide this special class to success!

So, a bracer is a specialist at investigation and combat. And our main duty as bracers is...

...The protection of the peace and citizenry of local regions. We don't just slay monsters and prevent crimes, either. Bracers protect goods in transit and even look for lost items. We help in a variety of ways.
(All right! That was perfect!)
Bracers are broadly divided into two groups: senior bracers and junior bracers. Of those, junior bracers are what you might call trainees, and...By successfully completing missions and training hard, they eventually earn a promotion to become full bracers.
But, even once you become a full bracer, you're further divided up into different classes. We call these ranks, and each rank is assigned in accordance to your experience and success...

There are seven ranks, from G to A. These are only formal ranks, and when a bracer is close to being promoted, a + is added to said rank.
Furthermore, there's also an S-rank, but it's kind of an unofficial honorary rank given to persons who have performed exceptional deeds.
So, publicly, A rank bracers are the highest bracers in the guild. (Yes! I am KILLING this.)
All right, let's talk about the organization that manages bracers, the Bracer Guild.
I think you learned this in class, but the guild operates not just in the Liberl Kingdom, but all over. This global organization was established about the same time as the Orbal Revolution, which was...

Roughly fifty years ago. Orbal technology and the guild are deeply connected. Even now we received financial support from foundations related to orbment technology. (Yeah, I'm pretty sure that was it. Man, I'm good!)
Er, so next, we'll talk about the guild's relationship with foreign countries. At the moment, the guild has branches across the entire continent, but...The reason the guild has been able to expand to this level is because it is a non-governmental organization with no ties to a specific nation.
But, even within its practical activities, the guild has a lot to think about. For example, they have to keep promises to prevent them from ending up opposed to nations. The most famous promise related to that is...

...The agreement of non-interference with state powers. In other words, no sticking our noses into state affairs or systems. Problems within national boundaries are ultimately something for that country's people to think about. Commenting on or interfering with this kind of thing is against international rules.
(YES!! Nailed it!)
The guild uses lots of methods like this to separate its duties from a nation's.
Of course, not everything is always solved so simply according to the codes, so...Sometimes, in emergencies, you can end up in situations that are contradictory to the code.
But, in times like that, bracers are asked to put one basic principle above all else. In other words, we bracers, in all situations, should...

...Prioritize the safety of civilians. If you think about this first and foremost, then you'll naturally be guided to the correct action. Well, sometimes when you try taking action you'll end up with a whole buncha other problems, but overcoming stuff like that is part of the job too.
No non-interference policy worth its wax seals would be complete without a bunch of big fat loopholes, which is why FC was about battling the Intelligence Division usurpers rather than shrugging and going back to bed.
(Yeah, that's a good summary!)
Aaaaaand that pretty much sums us up.
How was it? Did everyone understand?

Very impressive, Estelle. You're performing wonderfully as a teacher. Such fearlessness! Such verve!

Father Theodore: If you've got anything you want to ask our guest, go ahead and raise your hand. Please, Miss Estelle, carry on.
Sure thing! Leave it to me.
Who's ready to get their questions answered?


~Any Question Goes~
Select the correct answer and overcome any risky or questionable questions!

Wow, you've sure got a lot of energy. What's your question?
Louis: Um, um...When can you become a bray-ser?
What age can you become a bracer?
Well, to become a bracer, you first need to become a junior bracer. You can become one if you pass the test, but to take the test...

...You're required to be sixteen or older. Of course, even if you pass the exam, you don't instantly become one. For a while, you'll receive training under the guidance of an older bracer. Once you've gained enough experience there, you finally become a junior bracer. (Perfect answer!)
Louis: ...Okay. So you gotta be sixteen. Okay, got it. Thanks, miss.
Atget: Excuse me, miss! May I ask a question?
Fire away.
Atget: Do you gotta beat up monsters no matter what? Some of them are really cute...
That's a good question! How to respond to monsters is tough.
But, in general...

...We prioritize the client's intent. There's no absolute right answer when dealing with monsters. It really depends on the situation. So, if the client doesn't demand their extermination, we may sometimes let them go.
(It was kind of a tricky question, but looks like I was able to answer perfectly! Phew!)
Atget: Oh! Okay.
Todd: May I ask a question, too?
Sure. Go for it.
Todd: There was a case a while back where the Sky Bandits attacked an airliner. Was it the Royal Army who arrested the Sky Bandits then? Or was it bracers?
You mean the disappearance of the Linde?
The ones who finally arrested the Sky Bandits were...

...The Royal Army forces. In the final entry mission, the bracers and Royal Army worked together using a pincer move to corner them. When the Sky Bandits tried to flee, the Royal Army caught and arrested them. In other words, the bracers and the Royal Army cooperated to flush them out. (All right, no problems here.)
Todd: Okay! So the Royal Army and the bracers worked together? That's so cool!
Antonio: Ummmmm...

Sure, go ahead.
Oh are you in this Sunday school, little boy? No? THEN GET OUT
Antonio: I'm actually studying for entrance exams and just forgot this, but...Which of the three principles in the code is the protective duty to civilians?
(G-Ghhh...! H-How the heck am I supposed to remember something like that?!)
Remembering numbers between one and three: a bracer's greatest weakness.
W-Wait a second, the protective duty to civilians principle? Errr, ummmmm, that is...

...Guild Code, Principle 2, I think?
Antonio: Oh, yeah. I knew that! Sorry...
No, it's fine. (I managed to survive that one.)
Err, more questions?
Eletta: Okay, I've got a question, then!
Go ahead.
Eletta: Um, um, so it doesn't have much to do with the class, but...When the mayor was arrested, the queen's airship came, right? How big was the airship?
(I-I knew there'd be one...There's always one with some weirdo question that has nothing to do with anything.)
...By the queen's ship, do you mean the Arseille?
Eletta: Yeah, that, that! It looked REAL big, but I wonder how big it really was.
The Arseille's size? I think I've read about that in a book before...

I had an overall length of 42 arge, if I remember right. That might not be exactly precise, but should be close!
Eletta: Wow, that's HUGE! Thanks, Miss Estelle!

Father Theodore: If not, then I believe that's all for our guest speaker today. Everyone, say thank you to Miss Estelle.

Bye, kids! ♪

-Seaport City of Ruan-

Sister Frieda: The children were overjoyed. That was a wonderful lecture!
Haha, thanks. I was pretty nervous before I did it, but if they had fun, then it was worth it.
Sister Frieda: I do apologize for cutting things short, but I have more classes. If you'll pardon me. Should the chance come again, I would love to have you back for another talk.
Sure thing.

*phew* Somehow...
No need to be so humble. I witnessed your performance. You were a fantastic teacher.
Aww, c'mon! R-Really...?
...Still, it made me think about just how much I don't know. Every time they asked for details, I started panicking.
You just gotta keep working at it, that's all. No one's gonna want anything from a bracer that doesn't even know the code.
I'll keep working at it. I promise.


Payment in mira: 1000 (+1000)
Gained BP: 2 (+2)

And now for the photo.

Santos: Sure. What's going on?
You wouldn't happen to be Santos, would you? We saw your request on the board.
Santos: Oh, you're bracers! *phew* Fiiinally. I was getting worried. If you're free, I'd like to get right down to business. How 'bout it?
Yup! We're good to go. So what's the job?
Santos: Okay! Here's what I need: I want you to take a photograph of something in Sapphirl Tower. And that 'something' is, specifically, on the roof of the tower.
Sapphirl Tower, huh? That old ruin just off the Aurian Causeway, right?
Santos: Bingo! Figured you'd know about it.
What do you want a photo of the tower for?
Is it for an editorial, maybe?
Santos: No, no, not at all. I was dispatched by the History Museum in the capital. This task is for research purposes.
Aaah, so it's an academic investigation.
Santos: Bingo again! I'll admit, this isn't exactly your run of the mill research, though.
Run of the mill?
Let's worry about that later.
First, let's go over the details of the job.
Santos: Oops! Sorry. Got a bit sidetracked. Haha. Er, how much have I said so far?
You want us to climb to the top of the tower and photograph 'something.'
We just need to know what that something is.
Santos: Okay, so there're these mysterious objects on the roof of the towers. We know they're ancient artifacts of some kind, but outside of that? We've got nothing. Without much else to go on, the only thing we researchers can conclude is that they're devices of some kind.
Wow, that's perfect! Le Locle taught Estelle all about 'some kinda devices.'
Actually, I might have an idea of what you're talking about...They look like weird pedestals, right?
Santos: Oh, you know about them?! Bingo, bingo, bingo! They look exactly like pedestals.
Oh, cool! Then, yeah, I've seen them around before. I don't think they work anymore, though.
Santos: ...Actually, about that...That might not be entirely true.
Santos: The device on Sapphirl Tower...has reportedly been activated.
What?! It's actually WORKING?!
Santos: The museum's received a report about that from a very reliable source. I doubt they were mistaken.
Huh. Interestin'.
So that's why you wanted us to check this out so quickly.
Santos: Exactly. Anyway, we need to record the current state of the device.
Talk about spooky...Yeah, probably a good idea to look into it.
Is the device dangerous?
Santos: We don't suspect it poses any danger for now, but you never know. We can't say for sure--anything could happen, so be very careful.
Of course. I've got no intentions of letting my guard down. Just to double check: you only need a photograph of the device in question, right?
Santos: Yep. Please bring the photograph straight to me. I'm going to lend you a camera, too, but I'll need you to return it once you're back. All right! I'm counting on you!


Received Orbal Camera.
Th-This is...pretty clunky.
Sure is! It's a top-class model used for archive photographs, after all.
Huh, so it's a good camera?
Yes, indeedy! She's a very honest, goooood girl.
G-Good girl...?
Santos: Oh, by the way, I've already set the photo-quartz. All you need to do is snap the shutter.
Yeah, got it.
Okay, one more time: I need to go to Sapphirl Tower, take a picture of the device on the roof...then return here with the photo and return the camera. That about the size of it?
Santos: Perfect! And one more thing. No need for fancy or tricky angles. A simple composition for the photo is best. This is for research purposes only, so just try and get the most head-on shot that you can.
Okay. Keep it simple. No problem.
Santos: Can't wait to see the photo! Stay safe up there.

Before you head up the side road to the tower, go south a bit.

-Obstructive Existence-

More big dog things that do nothing but bite.

Dorothy will also be joining us for the duration. You can't control non-combatant NPCs; usually they just walk around at random. Any turn bonuses they land on will be wasted. Enemies can hurt them, and if they drop, it's game over.

Sabers have more than enough MOV to recover from a Flame Smash. Use Spiral Edge instead.

And don't use arts. The game even tells me not to use arts.

I was doubtful, since it said not to use crafts for the other Sabers and they worked fine, but this time it's really true.

Depending on the monster, Death Throes can boost different stats; the Cobalt Sabers had a defense buff, and the Ash Sabers buff offense.

Now on to the tower.

-Tetracyclic Tower-

The ancient Towers are scenic, but no place for tourists.

You've got clownshoe crabs that can reflect any weapon attack...

...and seahorses that can inflict Sleep, and are impossible to sneak up on.

Everything in the Sapphirl Tower is weak to fire. Get some of Olivier's slots upgraded, and give him Heaven's Eye, Evade 2, and Seal.

Here's your weapon upgrade for Estelle, if you get sick of hunting for Sasa Pandas. I was pretty lucky to get one in that very first Roadrunner fight on the forest road.

And some wooden shoes for Olivier, hand-carved by authentic windmills.


Found a scrap of paper with a [Perilous Meatballs] recipe written on it.

A meatball so spicy one bite'll make you breathe fire.
I also managed to get Agate knocked out.

Characters who get dropped will lose all their CP, and if they're still out at the end of the fight then they get nothing from it. Agate missed out on 2 whole XP here

Unlike other ailments, K.O. also persists after the fight, and will continue into other fights until you use a revive or a rest point.

-Obstructive Existence-

Everything in this fight uses water arts.


Here I come!

Aside from a solid damage increase, True Pummel also adds a pointlessly tiny life-steal.

Let me show you the true essence of beauty...


Take that!

And after all that, the last little bastard still gets a Diamond Dust off before he goes.

-Tetracyclic Tower-

This talisman makes a character's weapon attacks count as water-element for resistances & weaknesses. I think it also makes them weaker against fire arts, and stronger against water arts.

Just like we heard.
Ah, but it is possessed of such a mythic light. Heh...I can feel the wisdom of the ancients washing over me.
Yeah! It's sooooooo pretty. ♪
How are you two not the least bit freaked out about this? Oh, whatever. Let's get the picture taken and get out of here.
Let's. I'd like to hang around here as little as possible.
Let's see, where should I take it from...
Just take a step to Estelle's left here, then use the camera out of your Items menu.

I'll take it.
Good luck, Esteeeeelle. ♪

What's wrong?
Not really...I just realized I don't need to take the picture. It might just be coincidence, but we DO have a pro...of sorts, anyway...with us.
Ahhhh, I see.
Do you mind? If I ask Dorothy, I mean.
Nah, go ahead. If you don't think you can do it, no shame in askin'.
Dorothy doesn't get a say in this, because she's just an NPC.

So, Dorothy? Would you mind taking the picture?
Yeah, yeah, I'll do it! I'll give it my all! And stuff!
Haha! Thanks. Here's the camera.
Okaaaaay! Here we goooo!

Thanks for waiting! I got some really angry, sullen, manly pictures!
Um, I see! Good job, Dorothy.
Thanks! Looks like we're done, then!
All right, let's get back to town, then. Ain't no point in stickin' around this old wreck.
We're going back already?
Yeah, that was the plan. There a problem, Estelle?
Not really a problem, I guess, it's just...We came all this way, so heading straight back would be a waste, don't you think?
Heh. Got an itch to explore the tower? Ah, screw it. If you want to poke around, I'm in.
You can stick around if you think you missed some items, but for us the Sapphirl Tower is all poked out., we shouldn't. Settling up this job's got to come first. Sadly.
Afraid that's how it works.
Let's get back to town.
Let us away, then.

-Seaport City of Ruan-

Santos: Did you take the photo?

Sure did!
But first, let me return your camera.
Santos: Thanks. And now, it's off we go!
Er...What? Where're we going?
Santos: The orbal factory, of course. We've got to develop the photo-quartz if we want to see the picture.
I'm right behind you.

Santos: ...Yeah, thanks. Now, then, how'd the photo turn out...Huh, well this is a shock. It's good enough to look like it came from a pro...Actually, it's better than most professional work. Wow.
I-Is it that well done?
Santos: Here, take a look.

Whoa, that is really nice.
Santos: Yeah, you really matched the focus on panorama mode, which is really difficult...Maaan, the way it captures the light is just perfect. You can tell just by looking at this that this 'device' has a long history. Of course, a photo this good is plenty for research purposes, but...It almost feels like a waste to use it for that.
O-Oh, really...?
Pretty complex, huh...?
Heehee! It's incredible.

Here's how the photo turns out if Estelle takes it herself:

Not only are her aim and lighting off, she manages to downgrade the actual photo-quartz from panoramic to 35mm. That's pretty impressive.

Santos: Right. Thank you all so much for all you've done! Climbing all the way up that tower must have been exhausting.
Well, it was kind of rough, but...
Eh, Agate died a little. No bigs.
It's all part of the job. Don't worry about it.
Santos: Ahaha, thanks. Hearing you say that makes me feel better. Oh, right. Here. It's not much, but...Please, take this.


Received Moonglasses.

Santos: It's a piece of equipment I picked up with research funds for this expedition. I'm sure it'll be useful if you have to venture into dangerous places.
I personally never go into dungeons without a pair of dark glasses to block out all the harsh sunlight. This pair grants immunity to Poison and Blind.
Ahaha, thanks. ♪ Since you're offering, we'll accept.
Thanks. 'Preciate it.
Santos: No, no. It's not all that much. Anyway, if you'll pardon me. Thanks again for your work.
Good luck with your investigation! I'm kinda curious too, honestly.
Santos: Ahaha...It's going to be quite the piece of homework, certainly. Well, I will do my best to live up to your expectations...Well, see you guys later.
Yeah, later!


Payment in mira: 2000 (+1000)
Gained BP: 1 (+2)
Reported results for [Aurian Causeway Monster].
Payment in mira: 3000 (+0)
Gained BP: 3 (+0)

Rank advancement to [Senior Bracer - F Rank].
Received Absorb quartz as a perk.

The absorb effect won't be any use until party members get strong enough to take out six or seven enemies at once, but this quartz is still well worth using just for its elements. Water, Wind, and Space all go excellently together.

And NOW we can go to the Jenis Royal Academy.

Unless that Krone Trail bounty expires sooner than I remember.