Part 2: Sometimes I fear for the future of the Bracer Guild...and humanity.

Welcome back. Last time, we were introduced to the Bright family, as Cassius Bright adopts the young Joshua into the family, under mysterious circumstances. Now, five years have passed, and Joshua and Estelle are following in their old man's footsteps, preparing to become bracers themselves.

Before we go, let's go and bug Cassius. A 500 Mira allowance? What are we, paupers?

We actually get a small conversation, instead of a generic line.

With that neat diversion over with, let's explore our home!

We have Cassius' room, which is... it's a room. It's roomy. What's there to say?

We have Estelle's room here, which has an inconveniently placed desk. Especially since she'd never use it anyway.

We can also go and sleep in Joshua's bad, which is kinda weird!
We do it anyway.

These got installed after Cassius didn't quite make it home in time to prevent Estelle from practicing with her staff. The house was never the same again.

Let's get this show on the road! Trails doesn't have a world map, instead, everything is just broken into zones.

The game has a handy map though, so we don't get lost. It's just a skip and a hop to Rolent.

It's a nice place.

Nuts to that, let's go procrastinate!

Rinon: Hello there, Estelle and Joshua. You're up rather early today. Did you come to buy a new pair of shoes?

Like I said, Estelle loves her some sneakers.

Rinon: Ha ha, you've always been a big collector of those shoes, haven't you, Estelle? I'm afraid that the new Stregas aren't out yet. If you're after the latest issue of the Liberl News though, I should have them in around noon.

Rinon: Sure. I'll be waiting for you.
There's a lot of these NPC conversations in the game. When I say the game has a lot of effort put into it, things like this are what I'm referring to. That said, they do drop in number after we leave Roland (spoiler: We leave Roland), but there's still a lot all told.
Let's go bother some other people.

Elger: Well, you're up rather early, aren't you? Correct me if I'm wrong, but today is your last day of training, isn't it? I seem to remember you saying something about it the last time I had you run the store.

Elger: I see. Well, I'm sure you'll do just fine, Joshua. Now Estelle on the other hand... I've got good reason to worry. She's always been a bit scatterbrained ever since she was a child. Probably all the knocks she took to the head playing with the boys.

The villagers can kinda be jerks to Estelle. It's not very nice of them

Estelle handles their barbs with grace and class. Estelle is consistently pretty amusing.
Elger: Okay, you two, let's not fight now. And shouldn't you be getting over to the guild? It seems like just yesterday that Estelle was clinging all over Cassius and now she's a bracer. It looks like I'm getting old.

Screw you Dad, no newspaper for you, we're getting shoes!
And now, having sufficiently wasted Cassius' money, we go upstairs...

Stella: [Oh my, well if it isn't Estelle and Joshua? Are you on your way to bracer training?

Stella: Hmm-hmm-hmm. I'm looking forward to that. By the way, Estelle...

Stella: Did you wash your face? How about your teeth? Did you brush them, too? Joshua's so fastidious, but you always forget to take care of yourself.

Stella: ESTELLE!

Stella: You listen to me carefully! For a girl your age, you need to take care of these things. If your appearance is messy, you won't look like someone that people can trust even if you are a bracer. Your appearance is a reflection of what is on the inside.

Stella: Well, that's that. Now how about the both of you get on over to the guild?

So let's just run away instead.

Melders: Oh, it's you, Estelle and Joshua? You seem to be here rather early.

Exposition is also a daily life necessity.
Melders: When I was a lad, there weren't any of these orbment thingies. Now we can get fire and light with the mere flip of a switch and even ships fly in the skies. I don't like it. Don't you kids think things are way too convenient these days?
...then why do you work at the orbment factory?

Melders: When I was young, I made things a reality through hard work and sweat. Sweat, I tell ya! It would be nice if the young kids these days knew the meaning of the phrase 'hard work'

Freddy: How are those orbments working out for you that we tuned the other time you were here?

I was actually planning on skipping this conversation, but this made me laugh too much to do so.
Freddy: There, there. No need to get upset. Everyone has these problems when they first start out. If you can get the hang of things, you'll gradually be able to handle them better.

Also, we begin to learn more and more that Joshua can be kind of a smartass.
Freddy: When I first entered the Zeiss Central Factory, I pretty much couldn't use one of these things either.

Freddy: Yeah, but I can still become an engineer even if I can't use one. But since you're aiming to become a bracer, you'll have to learn how.

Moving on...

Verne: Welcome to the Hotel Rolent. Are you here to spend the night?

Verne: Ha ha, I know. I was just joking, Estelle.I was practicing my greeting just now.

The Hotel's empty. Maybe if you weren't an asshole you'd have customers, Verne.

Alan: And a lot of people will come... Which means a lot of chicks will pass through here. Score! Staring at these girls is one of my simple pleasures. You know what I mean, right, Joshua?

Alan: You wound me, Estelle. But it's because of this enjoyment that I feel that it's worth doing this job. It's a paradise! Ha ha ha ha!

C'mon Alan, working a dead end job to ogle some chicks? What are you doing with your life man? Your mom was right. Get it together son.
So I think you're getting the idea. These conversations are exhaustive. So let's see the cliff notes version:

Everybody is still kinda mean to Estelle. Also, with a name like Divine, did he ever have a choice in life?

We hear about Tio, a former classmate of Estelle's.

Turns out some dude named Fate (some dramatic parents in Rolent), is an old war buddy of Cassius. The twist, of course, is that Cassius has a war buddy at all.

Kids are weird these days.

I think Estelle became a bracer so she could hit things with her staff, but hey, if the end results are the same.

Armand: I've got to be courageous and try to talk to her.

Uh... I don't think having a stalker is good.

<<Septian Calendar 1192>>
Destroyed during the Hundred Days war when Rolent was bombarded by the Erebonian Imperial Army.
<<Septian Calendar 1197>>
Rebuilt with the cooperation of the citizens of Rolent.
If we go in the clocktower...

Well, that's interesting.
We won't climb it though, we don't got time for that!

Enough procrastination, let's get on with it.


And now we meet the much alluded to

Haha, oh Joshua. Aren't you supposed to be on our side? Like I said, our mysterious boy has become a smart-ass teenager.

We're now given a chance to get filled in on some of the background of the game's world. It may not be the most elegant way to get this information across, but at least nobody has amnesia!

Orbments are mechanical devices which operate by using what is known as orbal energy.

The setting of Trails isn't especially unique amongst JRPGs, but as the game goes on, you'll notice they still put a fair amount of thought into it. The recency of the invention of orbments is more important than you might expect.

Essentially, the Bracers are an influential group of freelance do-gooders.

Turns out the evil empire's already invaded us. Are they going to end up going for round two, or what?

The second textbox changes from 'About Bracers' to 'About the Bracer Guild'. It can be easy to miss. Like I did. Fortunately, I have a text dump

But wasting time is basically all we do!

Received Bracer Notebook.
The Bracer Notebook is amazing. It's pretty much a FAQ built into the game. Anything you need to know, it's in the Bracer Notebook. I love it. But more on that later.

Again, I like how the game messes with the standard delivery of lines for effect.

I like Estelle, but I also like that Schera doesn't always take her attitude lying down. To be honest, they kind of overplay Estelle's flaws in the prologue. I don't know if it's just opening roughness, or main character syndrome (trying to set up room for growth), but it goes get dialed back as the game goes on. Which is good, because I really like Estelle most of the time.

When the bulletin board is approached, a [!] mark will appear. Pressing the X button will display the job list.
By selecting the job names on the list, you can view their details.

We mosey our way on down to the Bulletin Board. The Bulletin Board is where we accept sidequests, and occasionally main quests. It's convenient, because with one or two exceptions, you don't need to hunt down bonus content. You just find it here, laid out bare for the world to see. You can also see the relevant information for any sidequest you've accepted in (where else?) the Bracer Notebook.

Suck up.

So motivated, she's gonna run for VP!
A little dated?


The bracer business is a pretty risky occupation, so the guild has had a long-standing relationship with these orbal factories. Anyway, this is about as much as I can explain. I'll leave the technical details to the expert. ...So, Mr. Melders, if you wouldn't mind taking over from here?
This is less intimidating than it sounds. In plain english, this here's where you make magic stones, them equip them to use magic spells. Simple enough.

Melders: So, what is it that you would like to know about?

We can then get some tutorials on gameplay mechanics. Now, I'm sure you'd like your explanation from someone smart, funny, and handsome, so I'll let the game explain it.

The game has better things to do, so you're all stuck with me.

For that, you're going to need some sepith.
Received several types of each type of elemental sepith.

Now, I want you to begin by first making an elemental quartz that will work with each of your particular orbments.
In your case, Estelle, any elemental quartz is okay, but for you Joshua, it has to be a time elemental quartz.
Normally at a shop you would be able to exchange sepith for mira, but for this training you will not be able to use this service.

Right then, let's get our 'splaining on. We've got three options, although only one's available to use now. I'll explain the others later, for now, let's choose Quartz.

And then we see a list of available Quartz. Buying a new quartz is pretty easy. When we kill monsters, or beat up people sufficiently, they drop various sepith (as seen on the left.) There are 7 different elements of sepith, to get a quartz of an element, you trade in sepith of the same element (or money, using Shop. I almost never do this.). Fairly straightforward. Now the real question is, why bother?
All quartz do two things when you equip them. First, they give some passive effect (for example, Defense 1 gives +5% defense.) Second, they teach you spells. The exact mechanics are a little complicated, just make a note of the Elemental Value on the bottom. (In this case, Defense 1 has an Elemental Value of x1 Earth.)
Defense 1 boosts Defense by 5%
HP 1 boosts max HP by 5%
Attack 1 increases Attack by 5%, but decreases Defense by 5%
Evade 1 boosts Agility by 1
Action 1 boosts Speed by 10%
We buy one of each, because we're given the sepith for free anyway. But which should we equip? To know that, we need to know what each stat does:
HP: If HP becomes 0, you're a bad person and should feel bad.
EP: Used to cast artes.
Strength: Do more physical damage
Defense: Take less physical damage
Magic Strength (ATS): Do more magical damage
Magic Defense (ADF): Take less magical damage
Turn Speed (SPD) Take turns more frequently
Dexterity: Accuracy
Agility: Evasion
Movement: How far a character can move in combat
Attack Range (RNG) How far a character's weapon can attack in battle

Both Estelle and Joshua are fairly well-rounded. Estelle's pretty well the definition of a balanced character, while Joshua is more offense oriented, at the cost of defense.

Now to equip our shiny new quartz. Note that we only have 1 open slot, meaning we can only equip one quartz.

With HP 1 equipped, something magical happens. Estelle learns Tear, a basic healing spell, and Aqua Bleed, a water aligned attack spell. Why did this happen?
Well shit, I don't know, I was hoping you would.

Alright, I looked it up. Our slots are actually divided into two lines. You should be able to see them visually in the bottom right. The first line is all the slots on the left branch, and the second line is all the slots on the right branch (the middle slot is considering a part of both lines.) When the Elemental Values of all the quartz equipped in one line reach certain threshold, you learn certain spells. A net Water Elemental Value of x1 in a line teaches us Tear and Aqua Bleed, but if we slotted more water quartz, we'd learn bigger and better healing spells.
Certain spells also require combinations of different Elemental values, and some quartz have multiple Elemental values. Normally this would be an obtuse mechanic requiring guessing and or walkthroughs. Not here, though. Remember how I said the Bracer Notebook is a godsend?

We can see every combination necessary for every spell. It's super useful. Moving on.

Joshua's a little different though. First of all, Joshua's time aligned, which means some of his slots can only be equipped with time quartz. This can be a hassle to work against, especially when it comes to the shared slot. You want to equip quartz with a bunch of different, large elemental values in the center slot, and so having a restriction on it isn't ideal. It also means, despite his smart aleck remarks, Estelle is honestly better at using her orbment then he is.
That said, his lines are also different then Estelle's. His first line is longer, while his second is shorter. This is a slightly better arrangement, as the ideal setup is one long, undivided line.
Overall, it's a pretty clever system. I'm a fan of the customization it allows, and the game does some neat things with it. Physical attackers get a bunch of short lines, so they can't learn top tier magic, while magical attackers get long lines, letting them use the best of the best.

We have no choice but to equip him with Action 1, which teaches Clock Up (+25% Speed), and Soul Blur (deals damage, 20% of causing Faint, which prevents an enemy from taking any actions.) Since Joshua is stuck with time for the moment, I tend to give Estelle water so that we can heal without using items. There's also a second reason why Estelle makes for better support, which we'll see soon.

We can now use the Slot option. It's pretty simple. We trade in some Sepith, we open a slot. The further from the center, the more expensive it is, and we can't have a closed slot between two open. Furthermore, like Schera said, Max EP increases when you open a slot.
Also Schera is a terrible liar, and she only gives us enough to open one. We open one of Estelle's, and give her some Earth magic.

You ever have one of those moments you regret the past five years of your life? Joshua sure has. All the time.

Okay, even if Estelle can be a bit much, that's pretty funny. Schera's alright. Also, for those keeping track at home, we're now at Estelle's 21st portrait. It's

Melders: Don't mention it. And good luck with that test of yours.
Freddy: We'll be rooting for you.

Kids are slippery, okay

Estelle sparkles somehow. If only I could sparkle. Then people would finally love me.

They do their duty all right.

Y'know, you think monsters in the sewer would be a bigger deal. Not just a fact of life kinda thing. It's not normal. I'd be terrified of using the washroom.
Received Tear Balm x 3
Received Monster Guide

The monster guide is another pretty handy in game guide. Once you fight an enemy, its Level, Hp, weaknesses, drops, location, and some information about it is jotted down.

And with that, all that stands between us, and bracerhood (dom?) is a sewer. But weve had such a good run procrastinating. So once more, for old times sake?
Next time: Actual gameplay, and Estelle is a culinary genius? Its more likely than youd think!
(There would have been gameplay this update, but I was just over the character limit.)

Bracer Notebook
(Some gameplay mechanics that have yet to be covered will be brought up in the Notebook.)