Part 10: A raven-haired young man standing silently in the flowing breeze...
Welcome back. Last time, on our last mission for the old man, we climbed up the Esmelas Tower with the fine (or not so fine) folks from the Liberl News. At the summit, we met the mild-mannered Professor Alba, an archeologist investigating the tower in hopes of discovering more about the ancient civilization that built it. Now, we're taking a break to stop and chat.

Is your partner feeling all right?

Yeah... He said he just wants to get a bit of fresh air.

I see. There's certainly a nice breeze up here, isn't there? I wanted to say, however, that I'm impressed that the both of you are bracers at such a young age. If I remember correctly, one must be at least 16 years of age to qualify to become a bracer, right?

You sure know your stuff. And that's right. I'm exactly 16 myself.

How nice it is to be young. There are limitless possibilities at that age. If I were about 10 years younger, I'd solve the mysteries of all these ancient ruins across the entire continent with these very hands.

The entire continent, huh? That's a pretty tall order. Which means that you're not from Liberl, right?

No, I was born in the north. But just for the record... I'm not from Erebonia.

Ha ha. You don't have to worry about that.

Although I hate war with a passion... that hatred isn't directed at the people of the Empire.

You lost someone dear to you...?

... mother...

I'm sorry...I didn't mean to bring up any painful memories.

It's okay. It happened more than 10 years ago. And since then, there's been a new addition to the family.

Oh, so you mean that boy over there?

Yeah, he's like a little brother. Although he's probably trying to act more like an older brother.
Welp, she's got him pegged.

Ha ha...

I wonder why I'm telling you all of this... Usually this isn't the kind of thing a person tells others...

It's perfectly fine. Aren't good relations such a wonderful thing?
And now we finally know what happened to Estelle's mother, and now I'm also sad
. This is actually foreshadowed fairly constantly earlier in the game, some of the optional conversations with the villagers allude to it.
I didn't actually see this conversation, but you can talk to him again:

By the way, Professor, did you learn anything new about the tower?

No, unfortunately I'm still as puzzled as I was before I came up here. It seems like I'll need to do a comparative investigation of the other towers.

By [other towers] you mean the three towers outside of the Rolent Region, right?

Yes, that's right. The Amberl Tower in the Bose Region... The Sapphirl Tower in the Ruan Region... The Carnelia Tower in the Zeiss Region... It seems as though all of these towers were built at around the same time as the Esmelas Tower.

You're definitely knowledgeable on the subject, that's for sure. Investigating is fine and all, but do try and avoid the dangerous bits. And I know it'll cost you a little, but you might want to consider hiring a bracer as an escort next time.

Unfortunately, being a poor scholar doesn't always leave me with the necessary funds...
Do you know what else leaves you sans funds? Dying. Just saying.

I'm even starting to wonder if the number of photo-quartz is going to be enough.

The scenery sure is great like you say. By the way, what's a photo-quartz?

It's an ultra-thin crystal circuit fabricated from septium. It's set up so that you can take a photograph by burning it with light.

That's just what I'd expect from a camera woman. Someone who knows the tools of the trade.
A photographer, knowing how a camera works? I'm so shocked, I think I need a moment. Alright I'm good.

Tee hee.

That reminds me. What's the deal with Joshua?
Mysterious past, which is probably an important part of what the overarching plot ends up being.
Y'know, the usual.

] Well... He says he's getting some fresh air.

A raven-haired young man standing silently in the flowing breeze...

I think I could take a really good picture with that kind of a setting. Do you think he'd let me snap a shot of him if I asked?

He doesn't seem to be a fan of that kind of stuff. I think he'd probably turn you down.

Awww... What a waste...

He's probably just shy, right?
If we talk to her again, we get another conversation. I didn't actually see this one either. Do you see the pattern?

Oh, I know! If Joshua doesn't want to pose for a photograph then how about you, Estelle? Would you mind if I took your photograph?
The pattern is that I'm dumb.

Wh-who? Me? What do you want to do with a picture of me?

We'll, you're cute and I can feel this strong aura emanating from you. You might even be able to grace the cover of a magazine.

P-pass! No matter which way I think about it, that's just not my style.

I feel like I just got dumped...

Oh well. I wonder what I should take a photograph of next...
Next up is our favorite cigarette smoking jerk with a heart of gold. Joshua no wait Nial.

Sometimes these types of places aren't so bad.

If you want to be rude like that then maybe you shouldn't have come at all.

No can do. This was a direct order from the Editor-in-Chief to teach that blockhead girl a thing or two. Otherwise, I'd be all over the kingdom searching for the latest scoop right now.
The latest scoop being a euphemism for the best bars.

When you say 'scoop', don't you just mean gossip for your next article?

Not that I have anything against gossip, but reportage is predominantly greater...And in that sense, the place that has my interest piqued is Bose.

The Bose Region? Did something happen there?

A number of large burglaries have taken place one after another. The identity of the criminals is unknown, but it seems as though the group has got a pair of wings.

Wings...? Oh, I see, an airship, right? What are they, sky bandits or something?
Oh hell yes, sky pirates? Do tell Nial, do tell.

That seems to be the most logical conclusion. But there's also the possibility that this could be an imitative deception by the Erebonian Empire.

Sure, but the Empire incurred some heavy losses during the war 10 years ago. They can't do much now that every other nation on the continent has their eye on them, but... It could be a way to get back at us.
Sky pirates and political scheming? I take it all back Nial, you're a good guy.


That said, nobody really knows for sure. Which is why our job as reporters is to bring these things to light.
Hey, so guess what I missed? If you answered: A second conversation with Nial, then you get me.

The Royal Army has also been reported to be making a number of new pushes as well. I tell you what, one of me is just not enough to cover all the news.

What do you mean by [new pushes]?

You see, there was a young, smart apple in the war college. And it seems that he breathed a bit of new life into the understaffed and outdated Royal Army. I'd really like to figure out a way to get an appointment with the guy...
And we're done with that. Let's see how Josh is holding up.

No, I'm much better. I should be good to head back whenever everybody's ready.

I'm relieved to hear that... What brought this all on anyway?
It's the mysterious past. You know how it is with those types. They're always feeling faint or calling upon some unknown power in times of danger. Bunch of attention seekers.

I doubt it was a lack of oxygen in the tower because the rest of us are all right... Maybe it was a sudden fear of heights?

I-I don't think so.

Estelle, Joshua!

You bet I am! And I got a lot of good ones, too!

Then it looks like we're done here. How about we head back to town? All right, greenhorns, lead the way.

I'm counting on you children.

This is the first time I've ever been able to make it back from some ruins without being chased or bitten or... I don't know how to begin to express my appreciation.

You don't need to thank us. It's our duty as bracers.

I think you'd be better off hiring some bracers to begin with next time you go off to investigate some ruins.

My head says, yes... but my wallet says, no.
This is the first part of a story I like to call: Estelle and Joshua find a dead guy they knew. It was very traumatic.

I'll try and save up a bit though. Well, have a wonderful day and I hope we can all meet again.

I was a bit nervous at first, but you kids did a fine job.

Let me just say thank you to the both of you.

Now don't get all cocky on me. The bracers I know would make you two look like little fledglings, not ready to leave the nest. You're going to need to work harder.

...I'll try to remember that.

So are the two of you headed back to the company soon?

Nah, we're going to spend a day or so relaxing here in Rolent. I need to write up a rough draft for some articles and such.

I'll head over to the orbal factory and get these photographs developed. Take it easy, you two.

They were much tougher than I thought they'd be.

I agree with you there. I feel like I have a greater awareness now about what it means to be a bracer. It's not just about fighting for justice.
Oh my lord Joshua you are the corniest dude, how do you live with the things you say?

There you go again, saying all the right things.

But, yeah...I guess I get where you're coming from.

It seems like we've got a long road ahead of us if we want to succeed in this profession... For the time being, why don't we report to the guild?

That sounds like a good idea.

Oh, but before we go, how are you doing? Still not feeling well?

Thanks for asking. But I'm feeling a lot better.
rrarhr fuck you birds.
Okay, now I feel better too!

Schera? What are you doing here?

This is a rare occasion. You're usually out and about.

I just finished the jobs I took over for your father. And I was reporting to the guild.

So you finished your load, too, huh?

Somehow or other, I guess. I heard from Aina that you guys aren't doing too bad yourselves. I guess everything I went through to train the two of you amounted to something.

Tee hee. We're grateful, too. Well, I guess we'll report in as well then.

Go ahead. Let's hear what you've got.
Reported about escorting the reporters.

Good work, you two. How about you, Scherazard? Don't you think they've done a fine job?

For a bunch of newbies you did an average job. But you shouldn't be satisfied with that level of work.
We were flawless, don't deny it. We didn't even die this time! Estelle accidentally exploded Joshua, but that's like Tuesday for her.

Especially you, Estelle. You're always the first to get on that high horse of yours.

Okay, okay, I get it already.
There's some alternate dialogue we can get here (I believe if you let Nial or Dorothy die). In that case, Schera gives us a much more full hearted dressing down.
They still have a long way to go. Their actions in the tower show a lot of wasted effort. When it's just the two of you, that's one thing, but when it comes to escorting someone, you get a C-. You need to work at being prudent and accurate in your actions.
Anyway, back to reality:

Great work, all of you.

I'm surprised that we were able to fill the work gap left by Cassius so quickly. I wonder if we'll be able to relax for a bit now.

I don't know... I can imagine that the down time might be a bit of a drag.

Well, that won't be a problem since there are plenty of other small jobs like patrolling the roads and exterminating monsters.

Hmm-hmm-hmm... It's been a while since I've been able to take a break.

All right! It's time for my reward! I'm going to drink until I can't drink anymore tonight! Estelle, Joshua. You two join me as well.
Schera: Best mentor?

Eh... We have to watch you get plastered and make a fool of yourself?

Oh, so what you're saying is that you're turning down my invitation? You've got a lot of nerve to do something like that to your mentor.

What am I supposed to say? Your drinking habits are intolerable. You cause a ruckus, dance like a maniac and try to strip in public...
Best mentor.'s pretty embarrassing...
Basically, Schera likes drinking and uses a whip, and everybody acts like that's scary and not the textbook definition of a good time.

Scherazard...just where do you think you're going to take these underage kids...?

Come on...the alcohol is what makes things entertaining.

But if you're so against coming along with me then I don't need you, Estelle.



Instead, I'll just have Joshua make up for your absence.

Why me...? U-um, Schera...?

N-now hold on a minute!

Hmm-hmm-hmm... Joshua, you look like you'll make a fine companion. Whether we're talking booze or something else behind closed doors, I'll help break you in.

B-break me in...?
Between this, and that crazy cat lady last time, Joshua hasn't been having a great couple of days.

All right, you big pervert, Joshua! Why are you drooling like that?
Or maybe between this, and the crazy cat lady last time, Joshua has been having a great couple of days.

I-it's not what you think!

*wheeze* *cough* *pant* Estelle, Joshua...and Scherazard. Am I glad to see you!

(S-saved by the bell...!) What's wrong, sir? And why are you in such a hurry?

Th-this is terrible! M-my home! Disaster! I-it's gone!
Shit, your home is gone? That place was nice.


All right, calm down, Mayor Klaus.

Take a deep breath and let it out.

Haaaaa... Suuuuu... Haaaaa...

...Apparently, it seems as though my home was robbed while I was out.



That's not being calm at all, Estelle.

I had something to speak with Father Divine about, so I was over at the chapel and... When I came home, it was rather odd for no one to greet me at the door, so I looked around and the rooms were in a state of great disarray.

W-wait...what about your wife and Lita?

Don't worry. They're both fine. I found them locked up in the attic room.

Th-that's a relief to hear.

It's lucky that no harm came to anyone. It won't get us anywhere just sitting around here, so could you take us to the crime scene, Mayor Klaus?

Absolutely. I appreciate your cooperation.

Wait for me, I'm going, too!

Good idea. We may be able to be of some help.

Well, if you insist.

Aina. We'll be at the mayor's place investigating the incident. If you have anything come up, just toss it on Ridge's shoulders. I'm sure he's just relaxing at the bar, anyway.

Yes, I'll do that. And everyone, be careful.
Feel free to laugh at the overly literal track name on youtube.

The crooks really tore through here...

Look at the safe!

The septium, which was supposed to be given to Her Majesty, the Queen, has been stolen. I'm really sorry, especially after having you go to all the trouble to bring it here...

It's not you who should be apologizing. It's the crooks who are in the wrong. By the are the other rooms in the house?

The other rooms for the most part appear to have been left untouched. They're about as messy as the attic room in which my wife and Lita were locked up in.


Estelle, Joshua. There's something I want you to do.

Which is?

I'll speak with the mayor about the incident. I want you two to check out the inside of the house.

You mean on-site investigation?

Are you sure we're up to the task?

Since we're all here, splitting up WOULD be the best way to cover the most ground, no?

All right. We'll see what we can do.

Be prudent and accurate. All right, Mayor Klaus. How about we talk in the parlor?

Sure, now where should I begin...

How about we start from this room? And let's not forget to ask for witness statements from the other residents.

Sounds like a plan!
Alright. Now it's time for us to play detective, which is actually pretty fun!

Look, a ladder!
That's a 'step'-ladder!
So? What's the difference? You need to stop judging things based on narrow-minded cultural assumptions, Joshua!
R-right... sorry. (This girl is OUT there!)
Oh, uh, wrong game. Now let's go flash our Bracer's Badge at everybody actually investigate things in the game.

It looks liked it only tipped over after being hit by something with force.

It doesn't look like they jimmied the door either. They must've decrypted the combination and opened it or...

Could they really have cracked the combination?

It's not impossible, but I imagine that it'd be difficult for anyone besides a skilled pro. My best guess is that they figured out the combination using a much simpler means.
Magic? Because that's just silly Joshua, c'mon.

What do you mean by simpler means...?

Well, let's see... They could have, for example, dusted the buttons with a special powder. A powder like that would have absorptive properties, and due to its fineness, it would be invisible to the naked eye. However, if a blue light were placed over it, it would glow.

All right and...

Now let's imagine for a minute that the mayor entered the combination with the powder present. The powder on the buttons would stick to his fingers and come off. This would be one way to know which buttons were pressed.

Now wait a minute. Wouldn't they still not know the order in which the buttons were pressed?

That's not exactly the case. As the powder collected on the fingers increased, the amount taken from the buttons would decrease. In other words, the crooks could press the buttons in order starting from the least luminescent. It might be a little more difficult if there were duplicate numbers, but the crooks should be able to make a pretty good guess as to what they are.
That's... that's a lot of knowledge about thieving there Josh.

That makes sense... Joshua, are you a genius or something?

That's just basic knowledge. Anyway, let's check out the buttons.

Just as I thought. Powder was used. Now there's no doubt in my mind that this safe was opened using the same method I just explained.

Oh, right... Now the big question is: Who dusted the buttons with that powder? We know it would have to at least be someone who visited the residence.

Right. Now, figuring out who that IS... that's going to be the tricky part.
The investigation continues!

It looks like something metal dug into the wood.

They don't appear to have been disturbed.

They seem to be documents regarding Rolent City's government. The fact that these are as they are suggests that there was no political aim involved.

It looks like he's got some valuable antique books here as well. The criminals either had no idea about the value of the books or...

The box lock looks like it was burned off... The criminals may have used an orbal gun.
A gun? We might be in over our heads here.

Masked 'men', huh? That means this wasn't a one-man-job.

How many people were in the group?
Lita: Hmm...I'd probably guess about 3 or 4. Oh, that reminds me. One of them was short. It might have even been a girl. I think about the fact that I'm going to have to clean up that study, my head starts to spin. When I get my hands on those criminals, I'm going to give them a beating like they'll never forget.
Lesson learned: Don't piss off the maid.
Mayor's Wife: Yes, I'm fine. The intruders weren't violent toward us.

Is there anything you noticed in particular about the intruders?
Mayor's Wife: They were wearing masks, so I wouldn't be able to tell you about any specific features... That reminds me. I'm certain the front door was locked. I locked the door just to be safe since my husband had gone to the chapel and there were just the two of us here. I wonder how in the world they got in...
Found Servais Leaf.

Don't you think it's a bit strange for a leaf to be in a place like this? On top of that, it's not a type that grows around here.

You're sharp, Estelle. This is the place where the residents were locked up. It was probably dropped by one of the criminals as they were locking everybody up.

So it's a key piece of material evidence, right?

It doesn't look like the lock's been broken either.

Which means...they got in another way.
And that's basically all there is to find.

Well, I can't figure it out. Can you?