The Let's Play Archive

Trauma Center: Under the Knife 2

by 1234567890num

Part 35: The Carrier

The location is the Eidoth Pharmaceutical site in Santa Balboa. It seems the tracking device led them right to their old research facilities...

I don't know if the police is very competent or very incompetent...

Our cooperation with the strike force will be as an anti-GUILT medical team. All personnel should be wearing type one GUILT protection equipment. And the Hands of Asclepius have also been asked to participate. The HOA is saying they'll treat the injured and perform GUILT operations if deemed necessary.
...It's like they're saying Caduceus has no place in this.
...Yeah, what do they want us to do then? Sit and watch them work? I know we're supposed to be one big doctor team... But I still wanna show them how it's done.
We've got to stay calm, Tyler. There's still a chance that new GUILT variations could show up.
Everyone, let's prepare to move out!
Yes, sir!

It's time for Trauma Center's "storming a terrorist base" tradition.

As it turns out though, those Delphi remnants repaired the place so they could use it as a hideout.
Are there any major risks of conducting a raid?
There's the possibility that more rooms have been added that aren't on the building schematic we have. ...But time is running out. My men are trained to do this, so there shouldn't be any problems.
We'll back your teams up to the best of our ability.

We're ready to enter the facility on your command.
Alright. Stand by for further orders.
Adel, are you sure you can do this?
This won't be a problem. We're ready to operate at a moment's notice.

...Um, hey, Angie? Don't the doctors from the Hands of Asclepius look kind of weird?
You're right... They look as intense...

Yep. Totally safe medication you guys

Attention all teams... Begin advancing! I repeat, commence the operation!
Roger that! We're going in!

Remember when we operate Savato on Blackwell in this very place? Memories...

Come out where we can see you! Put your hands in the air and turn slowly against the wall!
D-Don't point that thing at me! I don't want to die!
Put your hands up, now! This is Bravo Squad. Section two has been secured! I repeat, section two is secured. Three hostiles were seen moving--


HAHAHA! Now, get him!

*More gunshots*


Clear the airways of those with chest wounds! I'm ready to perform the operation! You, handle the next one!
Understood, I'll have an X-Ray taken immediately.

Seems like we're not going to have more of that one-minute operations

Adel, you've already operated on three people in a row...
Thank you for your concern, but I'm fine. I've performed surgery under these conditions before.

I'm assuming this is during that Costigar shootout (where the game only gives us one patient).

Alright, I'll leave it to you.
...There are so many injured being brought in... Is the mission not going according to plan?
Seriously, I'm a little worried here... But geez, did you see those HOA guys performing their operations? What's up with that speed!? All of them seem to be using the Healing Touch, or some kind of imitation of it!
Wait... all of them!?
I observed them as well... They all have amazing skill, even without the Healing Touch.
Skills and concentration... It sounds like they really have made a spectacular breakthrough. But that alone wouldn't give them the power of the Healing Touch... I wonder if--

...Good, you secured the hostage!? Alright, I'll speak with the doctors immediately!
Have they found Ms. Mayuzumi!?
Yes... But her condition seems abnormal, so they're hesitant to transport her. She may very well be--
Did Delphi infect her with GUILT!?
...That could be the case. The route to her location has been mostly secured, but--
We need to get in there, now! Do we have your permission, Chief?
...Be careful.
Angie, let's go! Don't leave my side!

We're on our way!

*They went further inside*

*gasp* Ms. Mayuzumi!?

H-Help me...! They... injected... G-GUILT... into me...!

72 hours my ass!

Aaagh! I-it hurts! No! I-I don't want to die! P-Please, help me, Dr. Stiles!
It's alright, Ms. Mayuzumi! Please, just stay calm! I'm going to save you, no matter what! Angie, get ready for an operation! We need to hurry!
Yes, Doctor!

President Mayuzumi has been infected with the GUILT, "Pempti."
Pempti...! That's the GUILT that took Secretary Anderson's life!
Yes... Pempti has the ability to create toxic, gelatinous fluid on the surface of organs, and it's known for its extremely powerful regenerative powers. The core of Pempti can produce more fluid, while the fluid itself can regenerate the core. That's why we have a two-pronged objective when dealing with Pempti:

First, we inject Anti-GUILT nanomachines into the substance covering the right lung, which will lure the Pempti core onto the surface of the organ. Then, use the scalar laser against the core that appears.
Scalar...? Oh yeah, it's that laser Dr. Niguel developed to destroy this GUILT.
Yes, it leaves behind less than 1% of the core's proteins. It's an extremely powerful laser. Please be careful, Doctor; this strain of GUILT has a tendency to stay on the offensive.
Yes, we of all people should know how dangerous Pempti can be. And considering how Kyriaki and Tetarti mutated we can't let our guard down.
You're right.

Operation Video

Let's get the operation underway, Doctor.

A gel-like fluid is covering the lung. That's how we know for sure that it's Pempti.But, this may be a mutated type, just like Kyriaki and Tetarti. That being said, something unexpected may occur, so let's be extremely careful, Doctor. First, inject the brown nanomachine into the hazy object inside the fluid.

Like all other returning GUILT, the beginning is the same as the other games. And just like those other games, this game doesn't tell you that injecting the stabilizer on the fluid will count as a Miss.

The shadow is very visible (just like SO but not UtK) and every injection will reduce vitals by 5 (just like UtK but not SO).

UtK is harder than SO in general, is what I'm trying to say.

GUILT strain 3: Pempti (Thursday)
One of the hardest GUILT in UtK/SO makes a return here, and it's even harder in this game. And it'll be the last part of a marathon operation later...

Pempti's core has been conf-- What!? There are two cores!
Is this its mutation then!? Well, we still have to do something!
The scalar laser is the most effective weapon against it. Let's try to destroy both cores!

Scalar means that the thing doesn't have a direction, only magnitude. Seems like they're just using whatever word sounds cool

All Pempti operations use a special laser. You can see that it's special because it's red. It's also special because it will NEVER run out

The nanomachine and scalar laser are created after a long struggle in UtK/SO. A moment of silence for the sacrifice of Secretary Anderson in their creation

Chiral reaction decreasing. The cores have been destroyed! This is only the beginning, though...!

*gasp* The fluid! What is it doing!?

Pempti... it's split into two!
...So that's how its mutation works!
Still, the treatment plan for the mutated Kyriaki and Tetarti were the same as before. So if the pattern holds true, we should be able to treat Pempti just as before!
Right! If it splits into two, then all we have to do is treat them both!
Yes, Doctor! Destroy both cores with the scalar laser!

Of course, since this is Atlus, things will not be that easy. The cores will quickly submerge under the fluid, so we'll have to wait for them to reemmerge before we can attack them again.

While we're waiting, the cores themselves will also try to attack the patient with these small colored cores which we can also burn with the laser. The first attack has 6 pink cores come out one by one, 3 on each side. They'll create lacerations if left alive too long.

They die when they create those lacerations, so you might think that it's a good idea to just let them suicide and suture the wounds they cause. Well, it's a good idea if you're trying to lose, as each attack will also drop vitals by 5. That combined with the vital drain from the lacerations themselves can make things go south quickly.

After a little downtime, Pempti will attack again. The white cores come out all at once. It's practically impossible to burn them all before they attack.

Them creating small tumors won't drop vitals directly, but those tumors will drain our vitals even faster than lacerations. If there's still small tumors on the lung when the fluid reaches them, the fluid will burn them. This way we don't have to use the laser, but it will tank our vitals and reset our chain.

Basically, not dealing with these white cores and the small tumors they cause is a good way to quickly drop the vitals to 0.

The gray cores appear one by one until all of them are circling the main cores. They don't cause any wounds, but they do tank vitals directly. As they linger, more vitals will be sapped. As you might've guessed, letting this go on for too long is a good way to kill the patient.

In UtK/SO if we keep our laser trained on the main core (there's only one) we'll burn all the gray cores before they do anything. Well, that won't work here, so this attack can be actually threatening.

After those three attack, the main cores will reemerge. Lasering them will eventually deal damage to them followed by them submerging again. Repeat the cycle several times while surviving the onslaught to defeat Pempti.

Each core has separate HP. The game doesn't tell you this, but it's best to burn the cores alternately. You'll see the reason later.

The key here is to burn the cores quickly and deal with the wounds they cause AFTER the wave has ended. We can raise vitals if there's no wound (like after a gray attack).

Pempti is a battle of endurance. There's HT to save your ass if you fall behind, but after that you're on your own.

One of the cores has been eradicated! Just one left!

Pempti's defeat animation has bubbles in UtK and sparkles in SO, just like Tetarti. But in this game they just fade away relatively unceremoniously

Anyway, with one core down, the magnitude of the attack is halved. This should make the rest of the operation a breeze...right?

Of course not! This is Atlus, after all!

Something's wrong with that remaining Pempti! Did losing the other half make it unstable!?
Please hurry and destroy the remaining Pempti!

The remaining core will have a gray core along with one other random attack simultaneously. The downtime between attacks has been reduced to pretty much nonexistent.

Without the HT, you won't be able to keep up and eventually vitals will plummet during this phase. So if you don't know/forget to alternate the attacks between the cores, well, too bad!

But since I alternated the attacks and still have HT available, we can finish this operation with little issue.

The Pempti core has disappeared! All treatments complete. A mutation of Pempti... That was an aggressive enemy, Doctor.
You can say that again... Let's get President Mayuzumi closed up! ......
Doctor, are you OK? You look very tired...
Yes, I'm alright. I'm just concerned about that other patient...
You mean the one who escaped from the hospital? I'll go check on his condition after we're done!
Thank you, Angie. I'm going to close her up now!

For some reason the total bonus points this operation isn't 2000

I just heard that the patient who escaped from the hospital is back in custody!
Great, I'm glad to hear that...!
Reporting in, Commander! We've discovered a hidden underground passage used as an escape route! We're in pursuit... ...But it looks like several of them have already gotten out.
Understood... Contact local law enforcement! Have them set up a perimeter and inspection points on all roads!
Yes, sir!
So... those that escaped may have the chance to regroup?
Yes... Unfortunately...
I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you'll get the situations under control soon, sir.
Aw, don't be so pessimistic, Chief Kasal. I'd say the mission was more than half successful. After all, we did rescue President Mayuzumi. And the Hands of Asclepius were able to play a very major role. This will be good for the team.
Mr. Mercer, I wouldn't say anything has succeeded so long as the threat of GUILT exists...
Well, that is true...