Part 76: Lap 1: Floor 2 - 2.5

Our job is to take out Kristoff. Accompanying him are two Dire Wolves (harmless at this point) and two Swordsmen, which are marginally more dangerous but should still be easy pickings.

Any character should be able to kill a Wolf by themselves at this point. The Swordsmen need slightly more co-ordinated effort, but should pose no problem.

Kristoff moves towards you right from the start, so ideally you'll want to end your turns such that he'll fall short of hitting somebody. Kristoff is resistant to Ice or Holy, which means those using Rosea should take note since Sacred Javelin will do less damage. He also knows First Aid.

Again, however, he should be very easy to kill at this stage. You probably won't even need any Soul Crushes.

Kristoff will drop First Aid. Again, if you're willing, you can re-start the lap (fighting Gabriel again) to get more copies. The Swordsmen can drop Might Potions, and there's a hidden treasure on this map with a Lotus Wand; it's not of much use since it doesn't give a Soul Crush and you can just get a Deluge Scepter anyway.


Kristoff joins the party after that, at level 7. Kristoff is a Warrior, and while his multipliers are only average, he's deadly effective - like Darius, Kristoff has a launcher, knockdown and a solid attack for gems, allowing him to set-up opportunities for the rest of your party. While he has a Warrior's movement (which is bad), he also has a Warrior's HP and ATK, making his solo combo even better. Noble Crusade is just as strong as Wylfred/Reinhilde's Soul Crushes and only deals three less hits than Wylfred; with Kristoff's higher ATK it's one of the strongest ones out there.
I personally prefer using Phiona/Ancel (no launchers, better combos) or Mischka (better crystal/gems). Gwendal has an unblockable attack and better damage, but overall Kristoff is worth a shot if you'd like.
I'll show off Kristoff at some other point. For now, let's move on.

I pick up an Arbalest for Reinhilde, as well. If you're using Auguste, he won't have a decent weapon for a while; the Raptor Claws cost 12000 OTH and you'll want to use that money for other things in the meantime.

Human enemies now - Mercenary Swordsmen, Archers and Sorceresses, all from Chapter I. Still very easy to take out.

The amount of enemies may seem intimidating, but they're no threat really.

Crystals still have no real use, but they sell for 1000 OTH which is very helpful early on.

Enemies can drop a Union Plume, Flare Crystal, or Warrior Arcanums. There's also a hidden treasure with a Fire Talisman - not really worth it once again, but you can go out of your way to pick it up if you want to sell it.


Next time: Why does Langrey hate Kristoff? The answer may surprise you...