Part 28: Link Pineapple Face Withstands Anything
LPFWA 2k18 Episode #27 - Link Pineapple Face Withstands AnythingEpisode Title by ZephyrWhisper
Deathmaster780: Loser Palpatine Fucking Wins! Amazing!
divinecoffeebinge: Let's Ply Fruitsniffer With Alcohol
ZephyrWhisper: Link Pineapple Face Withstands Anything
divinecoffeebinge: Larcenous, Powerful, Fat Wrestlers Attack!
IGgy IGsen posted:
Here we are again! show will be Saturday, same time as always. The match card is below.
You can also vote on someone to finally put down the Three Way at Sacrifice
#1 Buscus Brawl
Woolsey Smythe (c) vs. The Masked Man
#3 Thr33-Way
Link vs. Kylo R3n vs. The Maj3stic Goat-Man vs. Tommy Wis3au
Intermission 1: LPFWA 2k18 #1 Redux
IGgy vs. Fruitsniffer (Fire Pro Wrestling World)
#3 Singles Match
Konami Kouda vs. DivineCoffeeBinge
Intermission 2: LPFWA vs. The Universe
Palpatine vs. Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner
#4 Bunny Championship :3
Lotus Aura vs. Fruitsniffer (c)
#5 Kawaii No. 1 Contender Match
Nadira vs. Yelizaveta RN
Intermission 3: Random Madness
Eight Random People in Fire Pro Wrestling World
Main Event: Co-Comm Championship
Los Borrachos vs. Hugrule Warriors (c)
And since we didn't get a show last week have some numbers and facts, some of which may be fun.
Last time we tallied up we were eight episodes in and had 63 matches shown. Now we're 26 Episodes in, with the 27th airing the upcoming weekend. We've had 201 matches total with 157 being singles matches. To put that into some perspective: The first LPFWA on WWE '13 ran for 19 episodes and we've surpassed that. The second run on WWE 2k14 went on for 32 episodes, which we're closing in on.
We are now at a total of 77 Scenes with an average of 2.96 Scenes per episode. The most scenes per show was 6.
Last time, after eight episodes, we had 26 scenes.
I did some episodes without scenes but addes something different instead. Such as the time Rara got glitched into an equipment box backstage or with all the breaking news regarding The Big Show's numerous turns.
We have a total of 52 (35m, 17f) Wrestlers submitted right now, that's only two more from or last tally.
Out of those 52 I made 41 (28m, 13f) that are active wrestlers. three have a kind of "Staff" role and one was straight up rejected (a literal penis). There's 7 left that I can still make and they are all by people who submitted multiple characters which means I made everyones first time submissions. The reason I haven't made any new wrestlers in a while is simple: I'm lazy But I'll get to it eventually.
Out of all our wrestlers DCB has the most matches with 21. She also has the most losses (14). The highest Win Percentage aside from Nuffkins (100%) is Tolvie's with 75 %. Garbo Girl has the lowest win % with 16.67% She's had a rough start winning only 1 of her six matches so far (one of those remaining five was a draw)
Probably surprising no one the title with the most defenses is the Bunny Championship who only hasn't been defended in a single episde (The Women's Tournament). It's also the title with the longest reign (6 succesful defenses by Palpatine). The second longest reign is a four way tie between Bone Pimps unfortunate Buscus Reign, Fred Hope and Flamander's Co-Comm reign, a tree's LP superstar reign and Nuffkins ongoing LPFWA Title reign. Which means if Nuffkins defends the title once more he's tied with Palpy
The longest reign in terms of days are Nuffkins with the 155+ days he's held the LPFWA Title and TECHNICALLY the legendary Wrestler VACANT who held the LPFWA Women's Title from the start of the season until the Women's Tournament for 155 days.
LPFWA Over Time
This third "season" is structured a bit differently than the previous too in the sense that we stick to a strict four shows per kayfabe month schedule while previous seasons stuck to the real world calendar, sometimes having five shows a month. Very rarely even six.
The entire thing started, due to technical limitations, without commentary and in the first episode even without music. The first season drew more inspiration from the more well known, legendary angles of wrestling. There was a spoofy rip-off of the whole formation of the nWo and a "third man". This was partially because I wasn't really into wrestling at the time and yet decided to run a wrestling e-fed and that was the stuff that was the most easy to learn about.
Season 2 started being more original mainly because I watched Lucha Underground at the time and realized that wrestling doesn't need to be presented as a sporting event and can just be a dumb sitcom.
Season 3 is the one I started when I was actually into wrestling. It draws inspiration from several promotions and eras and mixes it with whatever LPFWA 2k14 was. The booking also makes more sense now and I don't drop storylines that often.
The craziest thing that happened is probably still when the moon got thrown into the sun and had to be rescued by wrestling on it. With the whole messed up timeline thing we got going right now we're not quite at that level yet but with a little time I have no doubt we'll get there at some point.
The Making of LPFWA
On the off-chance anyone is interested in this here's how I make LPFWA. To make it more manageable I split the work up between 5 or 6 days.
The first day has me just booking the show. I consider ongoing storylnes, how much a character has appeared total (Can't be 100% fair here, some people tend to show up more). For title matches I also compare people's win ratio and I have a formula that gives each wrestler points based their wins and losses, the way they happened (count-outs, for instance count for less) but I don't use it that much because wrestlers with more matches will naturally have a higher value, so it's not normalized. Just something fun I whipped up. The highest such rating is Flamander's, which is 225. The lowest is DCB's with -155 but by far not the only one in the negatives. This booking step also invovles me deciding possible spots for scenes, but the final decision on which scenes are shown when and if they are even shown depends on the outcome of the next step...
The second day has me just recording every match. The outcomes here are not predetermined although I do sometimes redo matches. Mostly I just hit rematch for funsies so something's going on in the background this is what happened during the Women's Tournament confusion. Sometimes I do it because it's a squash and I don't want one (maybe because there's already been one on the show or just because I think it wouldn't be fitting for one reason or another). I tried to redo some of the Hell in a Cell matches we had until they went out side the cell but they never did. Maybe one day they will. Maybe the AI just never does. I don't know. For the Fred Hope vs. Flamander Iron Man I just redid it until the result was not one-sided (the winner's varied but it was usually a shut-out victory for whoever won and that was not very interesting). It was not my intention to have them fight to a draw again but I'm kind of happy they did. Most of the time I don't even watch the matches though, It's just hard not to notice a 1 minute squash match.
The third day has me actually writing the script for the scenes on the show. Now that I know how the matches end I can make people react to these outcomes. In previous LPFWAs I had to write around that because even though you could make stories branch it was a real hassle to set up. As far as writing the actual scenes go I sometimes have concrete ideas when I go in. I sometimes don't. In that case I just wing it. But I also have some text file with scribbles for scenes I might do at some point. In LPFWA 2 I had some people (Rara, Schir, BFC/Audrey, sometimes Lotus/Dragonatrix and rarely others too help me out here, but by the end of season 2 I went solo. Setting up a time for working like this became very exhausting. For Season 3 I only ever got help with booking and that soon died down).
The fourth day has me actually make the scenes in Renpy as well as recording additional footage I need (such as entrances) this is also where I make the character cut-outs I haven't made already and where I make backgrounds. I've mentioned this in the past, but even though this is technically more work, the restrictions that are being lifted due to using Renpy over WWE '13 or 2k14s built-in story creator make all the drawbacks (mainly Renpy being 2D and mostly static) worth it. I don't even know how I got the idea to do this because I'm not particularly interested in visual novels. But it brings wrestling closer to its anime roots. If you wanna know what my scripts look like here's the scene where Kylo Ren starts turning on Palpy. It's a good example because it's one in which a lot happens..
label scene4: scene bgblack with fade1 scene bgring01 show palpy fneutral at Position (xpos=0.50, xanchor=0.5, ypos=1.0, yanchor=0.80) show kylo fneutral at Position (xpos=0.80, xanchor=0.5, ypos=1.0, yanchor=0.80) show face fcross at Position (xpos=0.90, xanchor=0.5, ypos=1.0, yanchor=0.80) with wipeleft #Scene: Palpy celebrates palpy "Okay people, you've seen it once more. I'm the greatest. If there's anyone who thinks they stand a chance against me they may now step forward or remain in the shadows forever!" #pause palpy "No one? How dissa-" #kylo moves foward a bit show palpy neutral: linear 0.3 xpos 0.35 ypos 1.0 show kylo fneutral: linear 0.6 xpos 0.60 ypos 1.0 kylo "Master!" palpy "Oh, please, buddy, grown ups are talking here." kylo "I think I would stand a chance against you." show palpy neutral: linear 0.40 xpos 0.40 ypos 1.0 show kylo fneutral: linear 1.0 xpos 0.70 ypos 1.0 palpy "You fucking what now puppy?" palpy "Remember how that tree mangled you? That tree you fought because you thought you could avenge my death?" palpy "Remember how you were somehow convinced that I was dead just because I exploded? COME THE FUCK ON IT HAPPENS ALL THE TIME!" palpy "Remember how I beat the tree that beat you for this here title?" palpy "Remember how you told me you think you got a chance against ME! The great galactic emperor? The one and only Sheev Fucking Palpatine!" palpy "You for fucking real, son?" kylo "Uh..." palpy "If you wanna go one on one with the great one you better say it twice because if I only hear it once I'll take it as the funniest misheard lyrics ever." kylo "Yeah! I could totally beat you gramps! I mean Master!" palpy "Face, friend, can you fucking believe that? He thinks he can beat ME? And he's calling me old?" face "Well, he did just say it twice so I'm pretty sure that's what he's saying." show palpy neutral: linear 0.40 xpos 0.45 ypos 1.0 palpy "All right, you wanna go? You wanna see how it feels to get hit by the Darkside McTwist, the Imperial Powerbomb and the Galactic Elbow?" show kylo fneutral: linear 0.40 xpos 0.60 ypos 1.0 kylo "Yeah, well? You wanna know what it feels like to be hit with the Starkiller? And my other moves? Because you will if you accept my challenge." show palpy shrug: linear 0.30 xpos 0.35 ypos 1.0 palpy "Pfffft. Sure. Let's do it. I wanted to take it easy for the next big show anyway. But you're going in timeout as soon as we're back in the locker room for having the gall to challenge me." show palpy neutral kylo "..." kylo "Whatever." face "But... boss" palpy "Don't worry, not Galen timeout, this is not as unforgivable as that Hot Pocket incident..." palpy "Anyway, folks. That's a wrap! Let's all go home." scene bgblack with fade1
Now, on day 5 I so bring it all together. This sometimes extends on to day 6. I have a template project file with some stuff I need for making the show. The crowd shots I show between matches, the sweeping shots before the show starts and all that stuff as well as some graphics and miscellaneous stuff. I first put all the video in and cut it all together. Next I add the entrance music, then the match music, then the pre-match graphics and then finally the trading cards for the entrances. I do it in this order because that it's sorted descending by the imprtance for the show. If I somehow have less time or energy I just leave out that one step. For the last few episodes I left out the trading cards, for instance. As those aren't really needed and wont be missed as much as, say, the music during matches. Speaking of the music, I actually have some themes specific to characters. Aside from their entrance theme. Hell-Ena often has Demon of the Fall by Opeth play during her matches (usually when she's having a vicious comeback or assaults someone backstage). Valerie Easton often has some Castlevania remix tracks for her matches while Lotus has a song of which the title eludes me but it's a Tales of... Destiny... I think.... remix. Mainly because this happened to be the song that played when he got rid of the Buscus.
So, day 6, while the editing phase sometimes extends into this, is when the show happens. Aside from some preparations for the stream I basically just hit play and we go have the show.
And on the seventh day I rest!
Now, all this is a lot of work and it's quite time consuming, but the way I split it up still gives me time for my other hobbies, social stuff and of course my day job. It can get quite exhausting and when it gets too much I just don't do a show. So far I didn't have to skip a week for that reason yet. It was basically Christmas when I visited my family as well as last week when I went to see a movie with friends.
Well, that was a lot again. But I know there's one or two people out there who like this kinda stuff. I like LPers to give these behind-the-scenes looks ocassionally myself, after all.
Vanderlyle, post:160, topic:2484 posted:
So now that youve made characters in Fire Pro Wrestling World, how do you feel the character creators compare? From what Ive seen, Fire Pro seems to have more details when it comes to the appearance, but what about other things, such as moves and taunts and all that?
Vanderlyle, post:160, topic:2484 posted:
Los borrachos, eh? Pues les dire que tomar es un pasatiempo nacional en Venezuela, so you wont be surprising me with your drunken tricks, this belt stays with the Hugrule Warriors!
(Also, thats a lot of cool behind the scene stuff, always interesting to see what goes into making a bunch of people punch each other.)
#1 Buscus Brawl
Woolsey Smythe (c) vs. The Masked Man
Woolsey rids himself of the Buscus!
#3 Thr33-Way
Link vs. Kylo R3n vs. The Maj3stic Goat-Man vs. Tommy Wis3au
Kylo Ren pins Goat-Man while the others do whatever.
Scene: Rara is still stuck in the crate. Still trading the Pokeymanz Title back and forth with the crate
Intermission 1: LPFWA 2k18 #1 Redux
IGgy vs. Fruitsniffer (Fire Pro Wrestling World)
Fruity wins... again
#3 Singles Match
Konami Kouda vs. DivineCoffeeBinge
Intermission 2: LPFWA vs. The Universe
Palpatine vs. Samoa Joe vs. Kurt Angle vs. Scott Steiner
Palpy did it! He defeated the Three-Way (tm)
Scene: Jeff Lyfe interviews IGgy and Dash on their newfound friendship. IGgy googled some spanish.
#4 Bunny Championship :3
Lotus Aura vs. Fruitsniffer (c)
Fruity wins by hug!
#5 Kawaii No. 1 Contender Match
Nadira vs. Yelizaveta RN
What a match! Previously Nadira was squashed by Yelizaveta but this time she powered through and took the win.
Scene: Nuffkins asks who's next. Then Goldberg comes out who's next. They argue over who's next and decide to settle it in a match for the title.
Intermission 3: Random Madness
Kung Fu Mari vs. John Lennon vs. Steve McMichael vs. Mankind vs. Arthur (Gouls'n'Ghosts) vs. Sigma (Mega Man X) vs. Kylo Ren (Star Wars) vs. Makoto Niijima (Persona 5)
Arthur gets eliminated first by the Doctor Bomb, then Kylo Ren falls victim to same lame roll-up. Steve McMichael is obliterated by Lightning Speed after this and John Lennon can't kick out after the Half Nelson Bomb. Makoto gets viciously murdered by Mankind and her lifeless body remains in the ring until the end of the match. Next Mankind makes Sigma Tap to the Mandible Claw only to tap to Kung Fu Mari's chin lock. Kung Fu Mari takes the win!
Main Event: Co-Comm Championship
Los Borrachos vs. Hugrule Warriors (c)
Hugrule Warriors still rule and hug, and thus they win