The Let's Play Archive

7th Dragon III Code: VFD

by BisbyWorl

Part 41: Update XXXVIII - Featuring: Money

Update XXXVIII - Featuring: Money

Alright, the final batch of recruits has been decided on.

Music: The Final Chronicle Begins

And we're going with GEORGE! (the ! is mandatory) the Banisher.

Thomas the Mage.

And Vivian the single sword Samurai.

Tean 3 is ready for action!

Once they, you know, gain some levels.

And while I'm here,

Now that we have people above level 30, we unlock the ability to change someone's class at a rather hefty level cost. Starting at level 40, respecs also give a bonus stat based on the class you're currently in. You could theoretically do this so much that your entire team has maxed stats across the board, but that would take an utterly ungodly amount of grinding for a game that's already very easy.

Look our full party list, isn't it nice?

But unlike Team 2 who could do a single run of the grinding DLC and get to a usable point, Team 3 will have to stay on the bench for a while. With an even larger level gap than last time and fairly expensive skills for where we are in the game, they just can't do much beyond backrow support.

Mage has a few cheaper options, at least.

Look how snazzy that red armor looks!

But that's all for them this time, Opal has work to do.

Music: Let's Get to Work!!

Banishers and Mages have appropriately scaled starter gear like the Atlantis crew, but Vivian needs an upgrade.

And there's another batch of sidequests!

Technically speaking I could have done these before heading to Eden, but this gives Team 3 a chance to gain some easy XP and SP before we head back to Eden.

This request comes from Julietta... Dragon signals in this city have been disappearing, but nobody knows the reason why... He'd like you to perform a thorough investigation into the matter. Anyways, go talk to the client for more details. He should be in the Director's Office...

*sigh* I wish I could hire cats to help me with my work... Your client today is Researcher Marie. She seems to have a request concerning cats. I wish I could spend all day rolling around like a cat... Rolling, and meowing... ... Th-The client is waiting for you on the R&D Floor. Please do your best...


This request is about looking for someone. I wonder what they mean by a Lucier from Tokyo... There's a boy named Koh waiting in the Atlantis Evac Ward. Please ask him for more details...

This one is easy money. I wish I could do this quest myself... There's been an outbreak of Gold Rabi at the Berg Sea Palace. You must subdue them. You'll be able to get details from Saori. She should be on the R&D Floor. *sigh* You're so lucky...

This is the other DLC farming quest.

Up first is Julietta.

Could you take a look at that monitor? Five dragons seem to have simply disappeared from the depths of the Tokyo Underground. I've contacted ISDF, but they don't have any idea what's going on, either... Maybe our instrumentation is malfunctioning... or maybe there's someone hunting the dragons? Either way, please hurry to the scene and investigate.

And due to the plot moving forward, his standard line has been changed to:

Ghosts...? That's out of my field of expertise. A powerful soul that couldn't die, even if it wanted to...

That also reminded me to go talk to Nagamimi and Allie.

Oh hey, a typo!


It's incredible that we now have Eden huntsmen working together with Unit 13! I wonder what kind of power they hold! I can't wait to find out★

Next is the kid.

Koh: I think I saw one. I took a peek in the Tokyo Evac Ward, and there was a Lucier there I'd never seen. She was beautiful, man... When I went to talk to her, she just ran away... My bro says it's just cosplay or something, but if that's a real Lucier, I'd love to meet her!

Then the DLC quest.


Saori: Really? Thank god! It should be a pretty good deal for you, too. So, there's been an increase in the number of Gold Rabi underneath the Berg Sea Palace. Just as their name suggests, Gold Rabi are made of gold, so you'll get lots of money off of them! You have lots of needs that must be met, right? A bit more money should help with that.


Saori: Then it's settled! I've asked the Almighty Nagamimi to guide you around the site. These Rabi are special, so keep an eye out! Oh, and good luck! This is a golden opportunity!

And Marie is right through that door.

Researcher Marie: I shoulda known Unit 13 was gonna help me out! Thank you soooooooo much★ So I like, love cats. Now I heard there are these adorable things called cat gatherings... But I've like, never seen one! It makes me super sad. I've got some deets, though! An eye witness account of a real live cat gathering! It's in this place called the Tokyo Underground. Do ya know it? So y'know how I'm all busy n' stuff with this chronicle thing? Well, it'd really help motivate me if you could snap me a pic of that gathering. I'll even let you borrow my cam! Pleeeeeeeease★

We don't have to leave Nodens to help out Koh, so let's knock out that Lucier search first.

There's a quest marker as soon as we enter the Tokyo ward.

That must be our woman.

You can see her cat ears poking out a bit.

But she immediately runs off.

Who names their kid Rant?

And how do we even know her name anyways?

While the cutscene itself gave no hints to where she ran off to, our quest log has psychic powers and points us directly to her.

Rant: My name is Rant. I am a member of the World Relief Corps.

What's that...?

Rant: The World Relief Corps strives to rescue people in trouble from all walks of life. From our base in Naha, we provide relief for all citizens of the world.


Why are you here?

Rant: The World Relief Corps... strives to rescue people in trouble from all walks of life. Under orders from Representative Furusuga, I am here to investigate the activities here at Nodens.


Rant: ...Are you familiar with the story of the Lucier revival of 2021?

Tell me.

Rant: In order to defeat the True Dragon that attacked in 2021, humanity was in need of the Dragonslayer. So, the Murakumo Group used DNA data to clone a few Lucier, who in turn forged the Dragonslayer.


...I am.

Rant: Then let me speak of the events that occurred after the revival.


Rant: The new Lucier were at first very well protected by Murakumo. However, these Lucier and their innate abilities sparked political debate among various groups. It was at that point that the World Relief Corps stepped in to house the mistreated Lucier. We hope for a world without war... In such a world, we could live as normal members of society...

Are you going to take our Lucier?

Rant: That is not part of our plan... at least for now.


We aren't mistreating them now!

Rant: Yes, I am aware.


Rant: I infiltrated this facility a few days ago to investigate the living situation of the Lucier here. It is not bad. There have been no experiments done on them, and they have not been forced to work. However... I wish to hear how they themselves feel about their future here. If possible, I'd like to meet a trustworthy Atlantis Lucier. Please bring them to me.

Who's the most trustworthy Lucier we know?

Why, the incredible teleporting Eigur, of course!

I'm not kidding, he materializes in the room just for this sidequest.

He teleported back here from 2020-III, then went directly to Rant.

That hoody must have been extremely uncomfortable with ears that big.

Rant: Indeed. I cannot tell you the location, but it is a city-state of near one thousand citizens. If the Atlantis Lucier wished to immigrate to our country, we would be able to house all of you.

It might be a good idea.

I was thinking the same thing, but...


It's your choice, Eigur.

My choice...


I... don't think it would be right to leave. We owe our lives to Unit 13. The other people of Atlantis definitely think the same thing. Besides, a Lucier country'd just be the same as Atlantis. Meeting these humans really helped expand our world.

Rant: So now your world is expanded, you do not wish for it to become contracted once again.

Sorry, but yeah. That's my answer. That's just me, though. Once things settle down here, every Lucier can make their own plan for the future.

Rant: I understand. I will be sure to make a note of that on my investigation report. With that, I will take my leave. I ask that you keep the existence of the Lucier country a secret.

Rant: ...?

I've got one last important question... Is there an ocean in this country of yours?

This is a nod to the Lucier nation in 7D1, Nevanplace.

I see... Well, make sure you give my thanks to the people at your whatever organization.

And, honestly, this works rather well as a way to explain how the Lucier went from a small handful of clones to one of the biggest places in Eden: they took in the Atlantis refugees after the events of this game to bolster their numbers, letting them build up to a major nation by the time 7D1 rolls around.

It falls horribly flat considering how badly we've broken the timeline, but still.

Rant: ...Of course. If you are ever in need of help, do not be afraid to call us.

But I guess it's good to know there are more of us here in this world. Thanks for bringing me to talk to her, Unit 13!

Eigur has teleported back to Yuma.

Yuma's probably killed like 3 High Dragons in the time it took for Eigur to talk to Rant.

And we can go turn the quest in.

You must've been seeing things.

Koh: Seeing things... You mean, there wasn't a Lucier...? I guess she was just some cosplayer like my bro said!


She's gone.

Koh: I see... I was hoping we could be friends or something... That's really too bad...


Koh: Anyways, thanks for taking some time out of your busy schedule to help me out! This is my thanks!

You obtained 2,000 Az!

You obtained Psycho Guard x1.

Why does the game get so excited about getting some cash? I just noticed that.

Anyways, the Psycho Guard is an accessory that gives 25% resistance to Confusion, Charm, Curse, and Downer.

Koh: I guess it's time to go exploring with my bro again!

That leaves three more sidequests to go.

Music: UE77 Tokyo

So let's knock out the DLC.

Also note how the Underground suddenly has two dragons on the counter.

Music: Ladyin - Sacred Tranquility

The quest starts in the basement.

In hindsight, I probably should have just entered from there.

There's just the one Gold Rabi, and it died in one hit.

Each Rabi gives 1.5K.

Total earnings: 1,500 Az.

What's up?

Doesn't it hurt to watch?

...You mean cause it's a rabbit?


Of course not! I'm not some dumb rabbit! Sheesh, who the hell do you think I am!?


You're not too different.

...From a rabbit?


We're nothing alike! How many times do I have to tell you before it gets through your thick skull!?


It's always gold, gold, gold with you humans... Not that I'm not a fan of bling. Just don't overdo it, OK? I don't want you coming back with gold teeth.

Coming here was worth it just to make fun of Nagamimi.

Just like the Atlantica DLC quest, a bunch of field enemies have spawned in.


Total earnings: 3,000 Az.

Some are in side rooms.


Total earnings: 6,000 Az.


Total earnings: 12,000 Az.

Four is on B2F.

Total earnings: 15,000 Az.

There's nothing in here, but the extra running around helps get Team 3 up to speed so I can't be too mad.


Total earnings: 18,000 Az.

The Rabi can also drop Cat Food, so that's a small boost in SP.


Total earnings: 24,000 Az.

Number seven is in the left section of B3F.

Total earnings: 25,500 Az.

While eight is on the other half of the floor.

Total earnings: 31,500 Az.

And nine.

Total earnings: 36,000 Az.

Hm? Hold on... This signal... Unit 13, go check out the Tidal Chamber on B3F.

And we cap off with a giant Gold Rabi.

It still dies in one hit.

We get twice the money of a single Gold Rabi kill, putting us at 39,000 Az.

Anywho, that should be the end of the rabbits. Come on home, Unit 13.

That's good money for now, but just like the previous grinding DLC it'll rapidly fall off as things get more expensive.

It doesn't help that Berg's basement takes a lot longer to traverse compared to Atlantica.

Music: The Daily Grind

Now we just have to turn the quest in.

Saori: Looks like it, based on how you're acting. Glad to hear my info was worthwhile. If there's another outbreak of Gold Rabis, you'll be the first to know. Well, here's a reward for completing the quest.

You obtained 300 Az!

Total earnings: 39,300 Az.

Next time: We go to a filler dungeon. We go to a filler dungeon again.