Part 3: A Scotsman In Egypt - Chapter 2
"To the walls lads, the walls!" screamed the Highlander commander, and his men lifted the ladders and began running at a quick trot, followed on all sides by the other units chosen to scale the walls. They were close to 500 men, the Highlanders who had travelled to Egypt with Prince Edward and Edmund outnumbered by the mercenaries hired to help them, who themselves consisted mainly of rabidly fanatical Christians who believed themselves on a divine mission from God."Angus, what in the hell have we gotten ourselves into!?!" cried one Highlander as he gripped the ladder tightly and ran towards the imposing stone wall, arrows flying past them as the rebel troops on the walls sought to bring them down.
"It's just like a bar-room brawl, Rory!" laughed the Highlander on the opposite side of the ladder, his mouth hanging wide open in a crazed grin,"Just with a few thousand more lads to bash up!"
They reached the walls first, giving a cheer as they saw the others spread out along the wall reach their targets, their commanders roaring at them to raise the ladders and climb, climb, climb!
wall to the ground far below.
"Take the gate, take the gate you bastards!" screamed the Highland Commander,"Open the gate!"
The Highlanders surged forward like demons, their faces painted and the terrified rebels retreating before them as they let loose a bloodcurdling battlecry. Angus burst through the gatehouse door, charging directly into a rebel as the man tried to drop his bow and draw his sword. Lifting him bodily into the air, he flung him into the wall, the rebel slumping to the ground like a sack as more Highlanders pushed inside, taking control of the gates.
"FORWARD!" boomed Edward as his messengers brought word the gate was theirs,"KILL THE HEATHENS! THEY HOLD CHRISTIAN LAND!"
The last of the archers who had escaped the massacre on the walls ran in horror, finding themselves overtaken by the Scots and slaughtered despite any cries of protest.
"Send a unit of mounted Knights to the front," ordered Edward,"Have them charge the rebel spears."
"My Lord, Spearmen will make short work of the caval...."
"THEN," growled Edward, narrowing his eyes at the messenger,"Move two more units of mounted Knights to either flank of the Rebels, pull back the first and send in our infantry to engage the Spear at the front. Then have our Archers fire over the top of our men into the rear of the Rebels."
"Aye my Lord," gasped the messenger, saluting,"I apologize for my hasty words."
"Kill them," whispered Edward as the messenger rushed away to impart orders,"Kill every last heathen bastard."
"KILL THE HEATHENS!" screamed a mounted Knight as he laid into rebels with both horse and sword,"KILL THEM! KILL THEM! IN THE NAME OF GOD AND JESUS! JESUS! JESUS!"
"Aye, Jesus!" proclaimed Angus as he cut down a Spearman with a laugh,"Good lad that Jesus, always gets his round in!"
"Ahahaha by God Angus, if I get killed from laughing I'll haunt ye the rest of ye life!" laughed Rory.
"By hell you will," laughed Angus, smashing in the face of another rebel,"Ye'll be watching ye're own sister bathe in the lake back home!"
"وفّرتني أنا أكون زعيمتهم!" cried the man.
"A gah-lah bala to you too, laddie," grinned Angus, and bashed in the face of the Rebel's Leader, Captain Reis.