Part 14: Sowing the Field
Pramidi 15-21
So Ive got a bit of a problem. See, Emilias next quest phase requires me to have some points in Plot, which is a parent skill, but Ive only found two out of the four Plot subskills. As I mentioned before, the parent skill level is equal to the third highest subskill. Most skills in this game dont come pre-revealed, and so if you havent found at least three subskills when you need to raise their parent, youre simply out of luck.
Fortunately, there are various ways to raise certain subskills without relying on something random, like visiting the Library of Longshade or using Joie de Vivre. In this case, cashing in some Favor from Sixt von Rupprecht provides a random boost to a Calligraphy, Plot, or Compete subskill (among another couple of possibilities). Thanks to Merry Magpie for letting me know about this, by the way.
I already had 2 Favor with Rupprecht, one for being Aranaz and one for studying Calligraphy, so lets go ahead and cash that in.

After the days lessons end, you decide to pay a visit to your regent, Professor Von Rupprecht. While he responds almost immediately to your knock on his office door, you note a sizeable scowl on his face. However, noticing whos come to visit, the scowl immediately melts into a not-so-convincing smile.

You move into von Rupprechts office, which you note is unsurprisingly jammed full of rune-covered papers and textbooks. You sit down in the slightly uncomfortable chair von Rupprecht has for guests while the professor takes a seat in his deceptively large and well-padded desk chair.

Even while speaking, Sixt begins poring over several papers already scattered across his desk, scribbling at a mad pace. Evidently he was in the middle of a transcription or translation when you interrupted him, and even now he seems to be daring you to prove that your business could possibly be more important than his.
A dare you are more than willing to accept.

At the mention of the name, von Rupprecht pauses and spares you a short glance.

This earns you a longer pause. The professor almost blots his page.

You decide not to mention Emilia right now. No sense getting her implicated if things go sour, after all. By now, Professor von Rupprecht has set down his quill and is giving you his full attention.

The teacher gives you a wide grin, and this time not an inch of it is feigned.

Using the professors lecture as a starting point, you leap straight into the texts of Longshade and start reading everything you can find about organizing a team and getting them to pull off time-sensitive objectives.
A remarkable number of these books seem to have been written by thieves organizing heists. Not that you mind terribly, given the overlap.

Finally considering the time right, you, Emilia, and Rui de Casga gather after classes to consider the problem of Durand.

Seeing the way he grins when Emilia names his earlier exploit, youd rather stay ignorant of that one, frankly.

Whats with all these backing out options? I suppose this adventure line was written with the idea in mind that the player-character isnt necessarily a female Aranaz student, but unfortunately for that idea we happened to pick the one combination for whom this stuff is personal. Plot it is.

You no longer have any doubts as to whether Emilia belongs in Aranaz or notshes clearly as manipulative as they come. You all agree to meet again after you find a candidate to befriend.

Youre in the Venalicium Library, copying out some homework, when out of nowhere a small worm appears and begins eating your papers! Your professor will never believe a worm ate your homework

I have no doubt that the worm will turn out to be a bookworm, but setting that aside, there is a black option available.
Tulia Faspalla is walking past with her familiar, Anguselus the tortoise. Motioning to your homework frantically, you call them over. You know that people dont always like others feeding their familiarssome having special dietsso you run your offer by her first. With a smile, you have an agreement, and within a few seconds the worm has been completely devoured, leaving your homework mostly fine (although slightly moist).
Tulia looks additionally pleased at your consideration for Anguselus, who looks quite happy after the unexpected meal.

Later, your homework finished, you move back into the Library of Longshade. This time you focus your studies on the planning aspect of heists. You learn that there are often random events that change the layout of the problem, and that the best planners are those who can change their plans to make the most of good luck and the least of bad luck.

Youve found a rather fascinating book today: its all about flowers. Well, thats not completely true; its really more about one slightly mad sages long and winding quest to create a green-petaled carnation. While the author admits that Revision or Glamour could have made the flower green in an instant, he is nevertheless dedicated to the idea of growing one naturally, and so begins a decade-long quest to understand the nature of flowers and the colors they bloom into.
While the book might have simply been a log of failures, the sage puts so much of his heart into his prose that you cant help but be caught up in every hopeful attempt and frustrated by every cyan or yellow blossom. You even bring the book back to your dorm and read it under the sheets into the wee hours of the night, hoping with each new test that this time the green flower will spring up. When it finally happens at the end of the book, you almost wake your dorm mates with your cry of triumph.
Even so, its not until the next morning that you realize the true point the author was making: that every failure, every misstep, and every accident helped contribute to his final success. Every time he did the wrong thing, he learned from it, until he eventually reached his true goal.
You have truly been transformed by this book.

While you spent time researching schemes, Emilia has been busy scouting potential dupes, and on Saturday, she wastes no time in coming to you with a pretty good candidate. Sheary Warrington seems to be well liked, and Emilia seems to think befriending him would get her in good with Durand. You gather up Rui de Casga and then spring into action. Well, the planning part of the action, anyway. What is the best way to go about doing this?

Im not sure if the green option is accurately colored, since its apparently a contested roll, but it certainly isnt the sort of thing Iliana would do (or at least, not what she would do in public). Planning option it is.
The three of you throw around ideas for a while before settling on a winner: Rui de Casga will sneak in a Minor Hell Hound from the animal pens while you teach Emilia a few phemes that should scare it off. Rui de Casga will release the hound at just the right moment for it to appear just as you and Emilia happen to cross Shearys path.
Everything goes perfectly. Sheary is completely startled when the Hell Hound appears, and while you throw a spell, you deliberately miss, while Emilia hits the beast dead on with a powerful blast. The creature shrinks back, and you make a grab to keep it from biting you and begin to move it back to where Rui de Casga hides around the corner. In the meantime, Emilia helps Sheary up. Mission accomplished! Best of all, youre pretty sure you just made Emilia and yourself look very, very good.

Afternoon finds you huffing and puffing up the long Chauranglaith Path, which switchbacks up the Chordia Peak, the mountain that stands as one border to the Academagia grounds. Professor Sido had once mentioned the path in class, in particular that it was named after the very possibly best philosopher of all time, and for once your curiosity got the better of your reservations at the steep incline, which is why you are now leaning against a solitary pine tree as you try and regain your stamina.
Feeling better after some rest, you decide to take a better look at your surroundings. Aside from the stunning view of the Academagia grounds beneath you, the only real landmark is the pine tree you rested against. Someone else must have understood this fact some time ago, because you finally notice a small stone tablet set against the tree. The inscription on it reads, Acceptance without Questioning is not knowledge; only those who ponder may consider themselves sufficiently assured of understanding.
Huh. Well, you can at least say you managed to reach the first waypoint on the Chauranglaith Path. Maybe tomorrow you could reach the second point, but you are certainly not feeling up to it right now.

Instead, you spend the evening in the Venalicium Library studying for history class. Or you would have, at least, if Grainne Inneith hadnt spent the whole time bringing you up to date on the latest gossip. You can hardly believe half of her rumors, of course, but given that you are in a school for wizards, you find you have to at least consider most of it.

Today begins the next phase of the plan, which will require one of the Five-Handed Tree to sneak into the Durand campus. While Rui de Casga knows a few things about smuggling items to where they dont belong, hes not too good at smuggling himself, and since Emilia will be busy with her friendship angle, you take it upon yourself to learn all you can about infiltration. Longshade proves instructional as always, and you move to some real-world applications by attempting to sneak into the Great Hall unnoticed. Of course, all your efforts give you are suspicious looks from the guards and other students, but thankfully youre not carrying contraband on a dry run like this. However, by concentrating on when exactly each person notices you, you believe youve made some real progress.

The Lone Pine has since disappeared around the edge of the mountain as you and Carmine attempt to drag yourselves to the top of the Chauranglaith Path. While the path to the first waypoint is the longest leg of the journey, it certainly feels shorter now that your legs have turned to lead.
At last, you see the Stone Bench, the second waypoint on the Path. Well, Bench may be a bit overstating it; its really more of a wide stone slab set on a pair of irregular boulders. You and Carmine hobble gratefully over to rest on the Bench, although you both discover that its a good deal less comfortable than it looks, since the Stone Bench isnt level, but slants a bit to the side. You are therefore forced to lean heavily on one leg just to sit on the thing, although you still consider it a fair ways better than standing or walking at this point.

You start to realize that the slant of the bench has caused Carmine to slide uncomfortably close to you while you were talking, to the point where youre almost leaning against each other.
Well, maybe its not that uncomfortable.

Standing up and stretching your poor, abused legs, you happen to glance at the stone bench, and notice another inscription. This one says, If what you see is not true, is it there? If what you feel is false, can it exist? If we cannot trust our senses, can we trust our minds?
Trying to make sense of that occupies your mind throughout the entire trip down.
Gains of the Week
Revision Phemes increased by 1.
--Anatomy pheme learned.
--Healing pheme learned.
--Organism pheme learned.
--Revision increased by 1.
----Friendship pheme learned.
----Location pheme learned.
Famous Dilemmas increased by 1.
Used Favor on Sixt von Rupprecht.
--Relationship with Sixt von Rupprecht reset to 0.
--Coordination increased by 2 steps.
----Amicita pheme learned.
Orthography increased by 1.
--Fix pheme learned.
Glamour Phemes increased by 1.
--Perception pheme learned.
----Glamour increased by 1.
------Fine Tune Instrument ability learned.
Theory of Glamour increased by 1.
--Charm pheme learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Flawless Timing increased by 1 step.
----Time pheme learned.
----Hostis pheme learned.
--Infiltration increased by 1 step.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Tabin used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 102.
Library Knowledge increased by 1.
--Structure pheme learned.
Famous Dilemmas increased by 1.
Successful Adventure!
--Reason increased by 1 step.
----Reason pheme learned.
Theory of Glamour increased by 1.
--Beauty pheme learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Planning increased by 1 step.
----Hindsight pheme learned.
----Trash Talk action learned.
--Pure Luck increased by 1 step.
----Luck pheme learned.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Successful Event!
--Relationship with Tulia Faspalla increased to 1.
Revision Spells increased by 1.
--Wand Amplification spell learned.
Ink Compounds increased by 1.
--Calligraphy increased by 1.
----Flourish Homework ability learned.
Logic increased by 1.
--Suspect Everything ability learned.
Studied at Longshade.
--Planning increased by 1 step.
----Learns from Mistakes ability learned.
--Flowers increased by 1 step.
----Charm pheme learned.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
Successful Adventure!
--Mammals (Zoology) skill increased by 2 steps.
----Animal pheme learned.
Traveled the Chauranglaith Path: The Lone Pine.
--Sleuthing increased by 1 step.
----Deduction pheme learned.
--Endurance increased by 1 step.
----In the Zone ability learned.
--Learned about Chauranglaith Path: The Stone Bench.
Studied at the Venalicium.
--History study level at 2.
----Relationship with Grainne Inneith increased to 2.
--Cryptology increased by 1 step.
----Sequential pheme learned.
----Research increased by 1.
------Put to Paper ability learned.
Tabin used Compete; Aranaz merit now at 105.
Studied at Longshade.
--Infiltration increased by 1 step.
--Curiosity increased by 1 step.
--Concentration increased by 1 step.
----Wakefulness ability learned.
Infiltration increased by 1 step.
--Comfort pheme learned.
Traveled the Chauranglaith Path: The Stone Bench.
--First Principles increased by 2 steps.
----Question Surroundings action learned.
--Theory of Enchantment increased by 1 step.
----Earth pheme learned.
--Learned about Chauranglaith Path: The Lone Pine and Natural Spring.
Carmine Sturzo used Hang Out Inside the College on you.
--Relationship with Carmine Sturzo increased to 3.
Vernin college wins again.
New Abilities
Fine Tune Instrument: Insight/Listen v6; +2 to music performance actions and abilities.
Trash Talk: Charm/Tease v6, Insight/Insult v10 and 23; decrease target colleges merit by 1, 1, and 3 respectively.
Wand Amplification (Spell): no roll; +4 to all spells for 5 days.
Flourish Homework: Finesse/Calligraphy v8; +1 extra credit; one use per month.
Suspect Everything (Permanent): +1 to all Question _____ actions and abilities.
Learn from Mistakes (Permanent): +1 to Insight and Intelligence.

In the Zone: +1 to Fitness and Flawless Timing and -1 to Awareness for rest of day.
Chauranglaith Path: The Stone Bench: +2 steps to random Dialectic and +1 step to Enchantment Theory; learn about the Lone Pine and the Natural Spring.
Put to Paper: +1 step to random known skill, +1 to Insight for 6 days.
Wakefulness (Permanent): +1 to Concentration and Danger Sense.
Chauranglaith Path: Natural Spring: +1 step to 2 random Dialectic skills and 1 random Glamour skill; learn about The Stone Bench and The Cave.
Question Surroundings: Intelligence/Sleuthing v6; +1 step to 2 random skills.
Hang on there a second, what?! Yes, thats right, if you can find the skill Planning and bring it up to 2, 2, you can get yourself the same grade of bonus that Iliana got from spending a ton of time doing the whole tutorial mission and passing a dozen skill checks. Not that Im complainingafter all, now Ive got +2 to bothbut holy crap is that an easy way into two attribute points. Technically I could have gotten this at any point after failing the one random event that lowered Ilianas Planning skill, since that revealed the skill in the process, but Im trying to follow a more or less natural progression here (just one thats statistically improbable). For those of you playing at home, though, I cannot stress this enough: get Planning, raise it to 2, reap the rewards.