Part 32: Chapter 18- Linker
Chapter 18- Linker
Welcome to the Tower of Ar Tonelico Public Access Terminal Network!
Play surveillance logs for the last day on Lyner Barsett.
Records loading... loaded. Records begin.
Subject sighted entering building 'Elemia Church' in Airport City Nemo.

They told me that Aurica is a descendant of the Goddess Tyria. They also told me where to find the Linker...

Aurica, I knew I was right about you. I knew I saw a mysterious power within you.

I'll prepare the airship to go to Falcon's Claw right away.
Please retrieve the Hymn Crystal Linker.
It's finally time for a new era!

Subject and companions left building briefly, then returned.

The revelation of the Goddesses has reached this land.
Holy Maiden Aurica speaks the words of the Goddess.
Go to the Temple of Elemia and get the Hymn Crystal as evidence of your rebirth!
Aurica, the destiny of this world is in your hands.
You don't have to push yourself. Just, do your best.

When the Trio of Elemia comes, you'll be remembered as a saint.
Now, everyone! All you children as of the Goddesses, let us bless the Holy Maiden and her oracles!
May the Trio of Elemia bless them all!
Subject entered unauthorized aircraft. Surveillance continues.

He's always too busy with his ineffective search to ever send someone out to help the people.
I'm really happy for the Goddesses to arrive.

Subject and companions proceeded to entry to Temple of Elemia.

Subject and companions traveled to floating facility 'Firefly Alley'.

I'll give you a huge discount. It'll only cost you 1000 leaf.
Thank you. The item is called a Boltapolta.
It can generate and expand the amount of symphonic power you have.
You're lucky. I have one now, so I'll give it to you for free for being a loyal customer.

Any shop can give you the same information without raping you for 1000 leaf, but only Spica actually gives you a 'free' item along with the information. It costs most of 1000 leaf to buy one, and it's worth it to support Spica because she's awesome.
Subject and companions returned to Temple of Elemia.


Subject and companions entered facility.

So, there's four crests in this dungeon. We need to activate all of them to get the treasures of the facility. First we break the Fire seal, which opens a red door. Then you need to open an Ice seal to open a blue door, behind which there is a green door that needs to be opened by a Wind seal. There's a Lightning seal that is linked to a chest as well. These are extraneous to getting the Hymn Crystal but have lots of Recipe Cards.
Also, in dark rooms note that Fire Shot will light the candelabra, lighting the room.
Subject and companions approached Hymn Crystal Storage.

Subjects attacked by local wildlife.

Boss Battle- Dragon Head and Wyrm 3x-
From this point on especially, bosses begin having very large HP pools relative to how powerful your front line's attacks will be. This will continue for a while, and will mean that you should rely largely on high % Red Magic to deal the killing blow. Eventually with high end crystals and weapons the front line will be doing huge damage, but not at the moment. Dragon Head is relatively easy. He's got a group poison and a group fire attack, but he doesn't really do that much damage, especially if you install Dull Weapon into Boom to debuff his attack.
Local wildlife repelled. Hymn Crystal Linker recovered.

It's the crystal that the Church was trying to find.

If I take it... I know something bad will happen again...

Lyner... I found the Hymn Crystal...

I'm so glad to be alive. Really glad...
Thank you, Lyner...

Subject and companions returned to Elemia Church.

You did an excellent job finding this!
Holy Maiden Aurica, you and your knights have achieved a huge accomplishment!

Aurica, you need to go in the back to prepare for the trip to the Holy Land.

Lyner and my honorable knights...
There is one more important mission for you to do.
I need you to go find a holy instrument called the Grail of Eoria. It should be in the Singing Hills.
We must have this holy instrument for the ceremony to welcome the Goddesses.
This mission might be too easy for a knight who found the Hymn Crystal...
But, will you accept this mission?

Subject left building. Record ends.
Then it's time to make my move. This will all be over in an instant. Keep this connection open, I will need it shortly. Continue surveillance, I will need up to the second information as to their whereabouts.