Part 3: Chapter Three: The Kingdom of Dust
When last we met Felt had passed through the Belkhyde Gate and into the unknown. He arrived in a place most unlike his homeVideo- Arrival

Watch the Story Unfold
Tatalia, the endless sea of sand

An unforgiving place even to the prepared, Felts journey was in danger of ending before it even began.

This heat I cant go on
But must go on
And the heat was not the only danger.

Feinnes Fourth Wall Lectures: Battle Basics
So, were about to have our first fight. Lets take a look at the screen in combat.

At the top of the screen we see the time gauge. This lets us see the order of actions coming up. How fast a characters action moves depends on their speed and how far it goes back when they act depends on what they do. If you notice there are two sections of the bar, and well get to why thats important when we talk about our combat actions.
Also at the top of the screen is the skill gauge. Our actions in combat fill this up, and we then expend it to use our skills. Weak skills use a single full bar, whereas the most powerful ones can use three.
Our most basic combat actions are the Charge and Break Attacks. These are normal weapons attacks, and well be using them most of the time. Charge Attacks cause damage and fill our skill gauge. Break Attacks, on the other hand, push the enemy back on the time gauge. This is important because if we can knock the enemy back and they end in the thick orange part of the time gauge they become broken. This causes their time to advance very slowly and allows us to accrue Chain bonuses, which increase the money and exp we gain from battle. Breaking enemies is very important, and we want to do it whenever possible. Even a few Chain hits provide a huge experience bonus. Once weve built up some charge we can unleash Skills. These are powerful attacks or support abilities and are our best way of smashing powerful enemies and building up huge Chain bonuses. If we need some healing or damage but dont have any skill charge, we can use Items weve created through Alchemy or purchased. We can Defend in combat to reduce the damage taken and gain skill gauge from being struck, and of course we can run.
Felt has a few unique combat notes. He can use Mana Synthesis in battle to create and use any Mana Item on the spot, and he should probably do so most of the time in practice. He also automatically does his Elemental Extraction on any enemy he deals a killing blow on, converting them into raw Elements. This is a great way to get some rare elements like Life. Anyway thats all we need to know for now.
Felt was concerned, but he had no choice but to continue forward.

Even though there was no end to the desert in sight.

So Hot
And, I have to deal with monsters
I hope its safe to use Mana Synthesis to make more of Vieses Heal Herb.
Onward and onward he traveled through the endless sands.

Just keep moving
Until he could travel no more.
Video- Chance Encounters

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While hed reached an oasis, only the merciless soldiers of the Empire awaited him.

Soldier A: Sir Chaos! I found someone passed out on the ground.
Soldier B: Is he a Simsiltian?
Chaos: Those fools believe Tatalia is their own personal garden.
Do you believe that person is from Simsilt?
Soldier B: Yes, sir! He must be!
Soldier A: Sir Chaos, what shall we do with him?
Chaos: Leave him.
Sooner or later, those who cant fend for themselves shall share his fate.

It seemed his death was certain.

Come on, Felt. Its time to wake up.
Get up sleepyhead.
Hey, come on. Wake up already!
But fate had something else in store.

W-Where am I?
For someone else visited the Oasis that day.


Whats your problem?!

And youre crossing the desert dressed like that? Unbelievable!
Are you just trying to die?!

I went through the gate in Eden and wound up here.

Wow, the heat stroke has really gotten to you.

Naturally, she had no idea what he was talking about. What she did know, though, was how not to die horribly in a desert.

I just want to find a place with a lot of people.

Which is perfect since I was heading there already. You can come with me.

Thank you. Honestly, I was getting a little worried.

Oh, uh, Noin?

Thank you.

Well, we best get going. Tatalia Village, here we come!
With her help, they pushed on to the village of Tatalia.
Video- Tatalia

Watch the Story Unfold

Even out in this desert, as long as theres water, people can live.
With the right know-how, you can even farm and live like normal people.

Ha, oh, nothing. Never mind.
Come on. His tent is just to the north.
Before they entered the tent, they encountered an odd merchant indeed.

Well, just leave it to the Zwital Merchants Association.
Need a hard-to-find specialty item? Well have one for you in a snap!

Where do you come from?

We carry everything from antiques to goblin pants!
Why dontcha stop by and have a looksie?
After looking through the unusual merchants wares, they proceeded to the mayors humble abode.

Mayor: The Imperial Army is trampling the Desert Ruins.

Mayor: And, just before the Harvest Festival
If we cant use the Desert Ruins I dont know what were going to do.

Oh yeah, Felt, didnt you have something to ask the Mayor?
Mayor: My You certainly look interesting.
The mayor, sadly, knew nothing of Felts plight.

Mayor: Eden? What is Eden?

Mayor: No, I have not.

Mayor: *sigh * Please excuse me. I need to rest a bit.

Mayor: What are you going to do now?

Mayor: Ah Thats a good idea.

Felt was not the sort to let people in trouble suffer, though. Nor was he the sort to let debts go unpaid.

Hey! Why dont you help me out?
Id be happy to take you to another town.
I dont mean to brag, but I know this area like the back of my hand.
Whattaya say?

Mr. Mayor, were gonna take care of it.
Mayor: Thank you. Head north at the fork in the road. You cant miss it.
Be careful, you two.
And so he joined forces with Noin, and together they headed towards an ancient ruin in the desert. What happened there is a tale for another day