Part 11: Chapter Eleven: The Bald Blacksmith
Felt and Gray left Agito Cove and set out for the mountain known as the Holy Path. High atop the mountain, they found the only man who could repair the Dynasty Horn.Video- Hagel the Blacksmith

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I think wed better find ourselves another blacksmith

But as they turned to leave, Hagel turned and realized that his long search was over.

Youll let me see it, right?
Alchemy Creating somthin from nuttin. One of the dark arts.
The Azoth was forged from the essence of alchemy.
It can topple mountains and part the sea The sword of legends.

Anyway, man, Im beggin ya! Lemme get a good look at that sword.

However, the Azoth itself had something to say on the matter.

Azure Azoth: I do not perform at birthday parties for the amusement of infants and blacksmiths.
As lowly as an alchemist as you are, you should still know that already.

Azure Azoth:

Hooah, hoah, oh thats nice
Azure Azoth: Errr

I bet it even tastes perfect!
Azure Azoth: Thats quite enough. If he persists stab him.

Havent you seen it enough?

Azure Azoth:

As they left for Agito Cove, Viese was speaking to the shopkeeper Yach outside of the workshop.

Ill give you the recipe for an item called Flay Hammer.

System Message: Received [Blacksmith 101]!
You now have the recipe for [Flay Hammer]!

Too late. I guess I have to do it now. 10 Wonder Grows
Viese quickly whipped up the Wonder Grows, and when Yach came by later she was ready.

System Message: Handed over 10 [Wonder Grows].

I want to plant some things in the abandoned parts of Eden.
So I need some Wonder Grows to help them grow quickly.

So, I thought Id plant them instead of throwing them away.
Well, see you!

He also swung around after she made the Flay Hammer.

Then I thought, Hey, maybe Viese has something I can sell. So, uh, do you?

Ive had the recipe for a long time, but I never found out what it does.

But, some rocks are too hard for this hammer.

But once the rocks are broken, you might be able to find precious gems inside.
A mining rush is always good for business.

Please I think 5 will be enough to start.

Viese synthesized the hammers and then returned to Yach.

System Message: Handed over 5 [Flay Hammers].

System Message: Received 800 Cole.

Felt, back in Belkhyde, had reached Agito Cove with Hagel in tow.
Video The Teacher

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Ill have all this done in an hour

Felt asked Hagel how the repairs were going, which led to a bit of a work slowdown.

Hey, why dont I teach you how to blacksmith?
Great, its settled. You know, blacksmithing is a lot like fencing.

And Im sure youll make an excellent blacksmith.
Come on, lets do this!
And so Felts training as a blacksmith began.

Focus your attention!
You know, Im a pretty good blacksmith trainer if I do say so myself!

Feinnes Fourth Wall Lectures: Weapon Synthesis
Weapon Synthesis behaves in many ways like normal Synthesis. In order to synthesize a new weapon, we need the item (always a Mana or Alchemy Item) and Mana required for it. There is another requirement that isnt in a normal synthesis, though. Each characters weapons come in a sequence, and we cant synthesize one until weve synthesized a weapon that directly comes before it. So if somehow weve got an item and Mana required for a later weapon before its forebears we arent allowed to jump ahead. Weapons have our usable Skills in them, so well use them for a while to learn those.
After this blacksmithing lesson, Hagel got back to work.
Video- Ready to Go

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Here, eat up

Noin had also been at work it seems.

System Message: Noin has joined the party!

Just let us know when youre ready.
And so they were prepared to head to the eastern continent and the Simsilt headquarters.