Part 16: The Chocolate Fiend
: He wants to know if the birds have flown South for the Winter. Whatever that means.
: Oh! Yes, yes! The birds have migrated successfully. But if Monsieur, I mean, Prince Juan told you that... then that must mean he trusts you! He must want you to take these. Go on! Take them, take them!
: What exactly is the point this, Mousey?
: Um, Prince Juan said that they would help with the trial. See the names, see the names!
: Gautier Cygna... Nicole Cygne... I recognize the surname, but I dont know who these people are.
: Um, neither do I, really. Monsieur, I mean, Prince Juan just told me to book train tickets for these people, and then to make sure they caught the train. And so, and so, thats what I did!
: Strange. Im not sure exactly how these stubs are supposed to help with the trial, but Ill keep hold of them, just in case.
: Let's check back on two locations that don't waste a day:
: Oh, hello again. Can I help you with something else?
: Not particularly. I just came to see if Monsieur Vulpes was around.
: (The game doesn't actually account for secondary dialog that isn't 100% necessary to win the case, unfortunately. So Falcon doesn't react to "Prince Juan's" revelation in any way)
: Not yet, monsieur.
: Come on, Falcon. Trial day is approaching fast.
: The two fools have returned. What can I help you messieurs with today? Need to know the population of Timbuktu, perhaps? Or do you Want a rundown of every character in Twelfth Night?
: Actually, Why did I come here? Ive already learned everything I wanted to know.
: Maybe you wanted to take out a book.
: Our next destination:
Lander Hagelslak
: Or perhaps you have just returned to ask more questions?
: It's just the questions today, Im afraid.
: Have you ever served a fisherman named Toussaint Kingly?
: Hes not a fisherman, Falcon. Hes a person who fishes and just happens to be a kingfisher.
: I dont have time for semantic games, Sparrowson.
: In any case, no, I have not encountered such an individual, messieurs.
: Have you ever served a flower-selling swan named Catherine-Marie Cygne?
: No, monsieur.
: Hmm...
: What are you thinking, Falcon?
: Im not sure, to be perfectly honest. If she were the chocolate fiend, then our investigation would have become much simpler. But since shes not...
: Have you ever served a hairy wolf in judicial robes named Judge Romulus?
: Yes, monsieur.
: Alright, have you ever served-
: Yes, monsieur. A wolf in judicial robes. I did serve person like that a little while ago. On the 6th of January, to be precise.
: Did he say or do anything suspicious?
: Not that I can recall, monsieur. He was a pleasant fellow. Big toothy grin. Bought two hundred grams of classic dark Belgian chocolate with a custom filling.
: A custom filling?
: Some type of caramel. He provided it himself, although he unfortunately did not bring enough for me to sample. Hehe.
: What does this mean, Falcon?
: Well, we shouldnt make assumptions. It may just mean that this judge liked(sic) to eat chocolate. But if the judges purchase is related to the wrapper at the crime scene, then...
: Monsieur Hagelslak, do you think I could get a copy of Judge Romuluss receipt?
: Is it okay for us to take it, monsieur?
: Absolutely. Memorizing the receipts contents is trivial, after all.
{Chocolate receipt]} has been added to your evidence folder.
: Would you look at this thing? Judge Romulus signed it in green ink. Green ink! I knew Judge Romulus was shady, but only truly villainous people write in green!
: Thank you very much for your time, Monsieur Hagelslak. You have been enormously helpful.
: I'm glad to be of service. I wish you the best of luck with your case, messieurs.
: Ok, time to go to
: Or we could only have one option.
Aviary Attorney Office
: Im somewhat relieved that Prince Juan came clean. His secret was putting the whole case in jeopardy.. Weve still got one day until the trial... but how to spend it? I suppose we could revisit the Louvre... or maybe we should just play some cards at Le Canard Joyeux.
: Piss off Jayjay, that's not happening.
: Is something wrong, Sparrowson? Youre being unusually quiet.
: Falcon. We need to talk.
: Whats up?
: See, I was doing some thinking. Dangerous thing to do, I know
. Anyway I realized that we were missing a crucial piece of evidence.
: What evidence would that be?
: Well, we know that Major Howl consumed a piece of chocolate before he died. And we know that he died of poisoning. But we still arent sure that the chocolate was the cause.
: So I thought to myself, if one were to consume the wrapper itself, then that may provide proof of whether it contains traces of poison.
: Well.. sure... that could work, but it would be incredibly foolish. Wait, were you thinking of eating the wrapper, Sparrowson?
: Maybe.
: Well, stop those thoughts right now. Im not going to let you potentially kill yourself like that.
: Heh. I knew you would say that. Thats why I already consumed the wrapper...
: Doctor! Is Sparrowson okay?
: Well, he's not conscious right now, but he is stable. I think it's safe to say that your friend is not on his deathbed.
: Oh, thank God.
: How did you say this happened, again?
: It's... a long story. Lawyering occupational hazard. Doctor, can you tell me what poison caused this?
: I have no idea. I'm an expert in mental health, not toxicology. But I have sent for a specialist who should be here by tomorrow morning. He will make a full assessment.
: Thats good to hear. Thanks, doctor. Take good care of him.
: Well have to discuss it later. I have an important case to prepare for, and I'm one partner down.
: I see. Well, rest assured that your friend is in good hands.
: Did someone say something?
: Running around like a headless chicken... youre one tricky lawyer to find. I told you to drop the investigation, but you just wouldnt listen.
: Whos speaking? I cant see you, monsieur. Step forward.
: Alright. Ill step forward. But it will be the last thing youll ever see.
Drag... drag... drag...
Aquarium The Carnival of Animals - Aquarium
Aquarium (
Carnival of Animals - Aquarium)
: I made no mistakes. I did my duty as a lawyer.
: Your duty put an innocent man on death row, Monsieur Falcon. I hope youre proud of that.
: It wasn't my fault...
: It wasnt my fault? Is that the excuse you make after all of your failures?
: Im not making excuses.
: Failure after failure after failure. No desire to improve yourself. You're a joke of a lawyer, Jayjay.
: Don't call me Jayjay!
: That's all you have to say? How pathetic. You dont even deserve to stand in your grandfather's shadow.
: My... my grandfather?
: ...
: What? No, no. I'm just here to tell you to wake up. Wake up, monsieur. Wake up. Hey, can you hear me? I said wake up...
: I said wake up! You're starting to worry me...
: ...Ugh... my head......Where am I?
: The Pont Des Arts. Yknow, by the Louvre. In Paris. France. I just fished you out of the Seine. Nearly broke my rod doing it.
: You're that disrespectful lawyer-guy. Jiro Falco or something?
: What time is it... actually, what day is it?
: You hit your head pretty hard, huh? It's the 21st of January, and around nine oclock in the morning by my reckoning.
: 21st... nine o'clock... oh no, the trial! I should have been at the Cour dAssises ten minutes ago!
: Welp, you're running late. But take it easy, monsieur, Im sure they'll be understanding.
: Maybe if I sprint it...
: In your condition? That would be stupid. Take a seat. Clear your head. I'll go get some dry clothes..
: No time.
: What's this? A dip pen? No, wait, it's a modern fountain pen. Bone handle... gold nib... this is very fancy.
: Thanks, monsieur, but this isn't mine.
: Really? Are you sure? You were holding it pretty tightly when I found you.
: ...I was holding this? Then...I suppose it has to be mine.
{[Fountain pen]} has been added to your evidence folder.}
: Thanks, fisherman. I owe you one.
: It's 9 oclock. I believe its time for the roll call.
: Is the defense not present?
: Tsk. Such unprofessionalism.
: If there is no defense, then this trial cannot proceed any further. We must make a ruling based on the evidence that has already been presented.
: I will now converse with the jury. We shall decide whether Prince Juan is guilty of murdering Major Howl, and of conspiring to murder the king.
: Your honor, may I have a word?
: Fine. But make it quick.
: I'm a firm believer that a trial must be orderly and punctual. There is no room for wishy-washy dilly-dallying. But it seems somewhat rash to end a trial session the moment it is due to start. Perhaps it would be prudent to wait five or ten minutes, in case the defense is just a little tardy. Then the trial still has a chance to proceed, and justice will be served
: You are the prosecution, are you not? You have nothing to worry about. A guilty verdict is all but guaranteed.
: Your honor, you appear confused. I'm not here to secure a guilty verdict.
: Of course you are. You're a prosecutor. By definition, youre here to prosecute.
: An unfair and unbalanced trial is not in the spirit of justice.
: That's very noble of you, but if the defense is absent, then there is little that can be done. Ill hear no more about this matter.
Trial Opening
: ...
: You're too late, Falcon!
: Mon Dieu, Jayjay, you look like a total mess. Did you take a morning swim in the Seine or something?
: S... Something... like that.
: Your honor, we are all present. We are only three minutes over schedule. Let's not needlessly dirty the pure name of justice.
: Rules are rules, prosecutor. Falcon clearly has no respect for legal procedure. Frankly, for turning up while looking like a drowned rat, I ought to hold him in contempt of court.
: Your honor... ~wheeze~
: But your honor-
: Rules are rules! One more word out of either of you, and I shall have you both disbarred!
: ...
: ...
: The... The king of France?! He's here?!
King Louis Philippe (?)
: Uh... your majesty! What a surprise! We, uh, well, you see..
: You know, it's my seventh time testifying against a would-be assassin.
: That's 100% accu-rat
: But it's the first time seeing a trial where the case has ended before it even began.
: Well, the defense, he was late, and uh..
: Oh, pish-posh. France didn't become a great and dignified kingdom through rigorous punctuality.
: Let's go ahead with this trial. It'll be fun. Look, I'll say the oath to get us started!
: Did I get it right?
: That was perfect, your majesty. Jayjay, I trust you have no objections with the king testifying?
: No! No objections here. Going ahead with the trial is fine with me.
: And surely you wouldn't stand in the way of the king, would you, your honor?
: ...
: ...
: Excellent.