Part 42: Goon Playthrough - Part 42

And when in need, even the most proud and snobbish get desperate enough to trade away heirlooms.

What are you saying, girl? That useless misfit couldn't keep his mouth shut, now could he?
At least she figured that out almost immediately.

It's fairly easy to get information, once you know for sure it's there. It's just a matter of perseverance.

Bold words from one so young. One could think great spymasters should begin asking you for counsel. Most fortunate for me to have such a treasure under my roof. And so humble too. But collecting rumours, even the juicy ones, isn't enough. Great spies need to know how to use them as leverage. Do you?

You had now? That's very improbable. Your touch with reality is laughable. Do you even know where the money I buy your food with comes from?

Save your skepticism for later. What if I had found a way and you are making a huge mistake? Are you really willing to take a chance?

Well, assuming you did indeed suddenly grow a backbone and realized how the real world works... Assuming that I won't keep you locked in your room to prevent you from repeating those charming escapades of yours. It would be very impressive to learn you thought about our problems and actually came up with some solution.

I want to know if solving your problems for you would make me your equal.

You know how to be bold, girl, I give you that. But you still lack realism. Stop fantasizing.

You are making

Who knows, you might even learn something about life.

Those are dangerous wishes you are making, Ma'am.

Now, now, girl. You're much too smart to speak to me like this. By the heavens, I swear you were sent to me to make me suffer every time I compare you to your sisters.

Enough of this idle chatter. We have a very important task ahead of us and little time left. Since you're thinking so highly of yourself and your skills, why don't you show us your pragmatic side and start cleaning the house and helping with preparations?

Demons! Snap out of that constant daydreaming, girl! And start paying attention! Do you think that even if you were the lady of this house, you wouldn't need to keep it clean? Are you really selfish enough to believe that? Besides, the terrible burden of dusting and doing the dishes is miniscule in comparison with my responsibilities. Be grateful for having such a simple life.

Oh, yes. Very grate

Get the girls together and call the servants. Wait for me in the hall. I will bring you your orders in a moment.
Several hours later...

Cleaning the windows.

Polishing silverware.


And did I mention doing the dishes?

You might have.

I hate that.

Do you know what I hate? I hate the fact that I am here, while my dear, charming, and wise-beyond-her-age wonder-of-a-sisters is upstairs. Playing the little princess she will never be, and trying on that ridiculous dress Carmosa bought her.

First of all, you never saw that dress, and secondwho knows, maybe the Prince will fall in love with her and you'll end up being the queen's sister?

I doubt even that amount of noble blood can make a person dense enough to fall for Gloria. Alright, maybe if she kept silent?

Also, I didn't know you cared about balls and dresses?

Compared to this, I think I prefer the Royal Circus.

Sophia, I need to thank you for putting in a word for me when you spoke with Carmosa. I appreciate it.

Don't mention it. And don't overestimate my good will. I find myself just as surprised by my behavior as you are.

I'm sure some dark power possessed you that brief moment you actually did something nice for another person. Anyway, I appreciate it.

Well then stop talking and get to work. This place has to be worthy of the Emperor!

You seem very confident that people will suddenly crave visits to our house, Mother. Just because they will have met us at the Ball? Will they be so taken by Gloria's charming sense of humour and my kind and sunny disposition?

There goes my wonderful Sophia, always heavy as a storm cloud. Are you finished? Because there's work to be done. Also, frankly dear, I had stopped paying attention to your theatrics a very long time ago.

I'm sorry my acting isn't up to your standards, Mother.

This ball is much more than just a meeting, it is a chance for all of us to get firm footing in this world, and heavens know, we could use some of that! I have waited for far too long and invested much too much to let this chance slip. So stop whining and start being serious about it! Or do you want to end up with no money and just the clothes on your back, like Cinders here?

What did you say? Are you whispering in my presence?

Nothing, Mother.

Mother! Where are you? I need you to see this.

What is it again?

I'm sweeping the floors with my every move! And if I ever have to dance in it, I risk serious injury or worse.

Wow! Personally I think you look very pretty, Gloria.

Very pretty indeed! Have your fun at my expense! You love to see me like this, don't you?

Yes, I think I'm beginning to like it too. Though the floors are already swept, I'm afraid.

I gave that crook all the numbers and made sure he got them right several times.

I'm sorry, Mother. But I really can't go wearing this. What are we going to do?

No reason to lose your head, Gloria. Perhaps visiting the tailor without you was a mistake after all. But we can still salvage this situation. There's still time. We'll all go to the tailor tomorrow and make sure he gets it right this time.

A trip to the tailor, how very entertaining.

And you, Cinders: stop loitering and get back to cleaning!

Just great...

Sure! 'Why don't we all relax and enjoy ourselves while Cinders scrubs the floors and walls.' I can't believe I'm back to this again! These past few days have been amazing. Now I know there's more to life than this and not only in fairy tales. I need to change something instead of just bending to Carmosa's will and going back to what is called 'normal' around here. How can I just forget about freedom now? Because let's be honest. Carmosa won't ever 'release' me. She doesn't even consider me in her plans. I'm no one to her.

Who would knock on my window at this hour? Some shady character it must be! Let's see...

And he seemed like such a composed man. Oh well, let's do something about him before Carmosa kills me. Come inside before anyone sees you! Do you want to be a reason for domestic violence by provoking Carmosa into ripping me to pieces?

That's... reassuring?

Oh, so you provoke violence to have something to resolve? Nice way to provide yourself with work. This way you'll always be needed.

I sigh I'm sorry to bother you. You've hit a soft spot there. I have no idea whether I have a job anymore. Or a purpose for that matter.

What happened?

I shouldn't bother you this late at night. I am extremely sorry.

No need to apologize, you're always welcome. But what happened? What brings you here? And how were you even able to find me?

That is a lot of questions. You might consider a career as an interrogator. Finding you was easy, as it's not a secret where lady Carmosa lives. I did have some problems determining the right window though. I am afraid that I got it wrong the first time. So if anyone complains about burglars or weird animal noises...

Can we talk somewhere else where no one will interrupt us? Again, I'm sorry to bother you, it's just I have no one else to talk to.
I can't decide whether to be more sad or more creeped out.

It's no bother. Would you like to go on a walk with me? I know the most beautiful place in the forest.

Oh, so you can sneak out? That would be... Thank you.

Of course I can. Look.

Yes, these woods are ancient and have been a part of the Royal Domain for centuries. Since the first King, they've always belonged to the Crown.

That's not what I meant. When I was little and my father was still alive, he used to tell me stories about fairies living in this part of the forest.

Sprites or not, I can't deny the air this place has. It's very soothing.

That's why I called it 'my place', I come here to relax. And I need that quite often. But you wanted to talk about something. I get the feeling it must be something disturbing, you were very quiet on our way here.

Was I? Yes, I was. It's just something that happened yesterday. You might say I was caught off-guard.

No, it wasn't a fight and I didn't kill anyone. It was just a talk.

A talk with whom?

The Prince. It's so strange that I'm going to discuss this with you.

Oh, I'm sorry. I didn't want to be nosey. If it's some kind of secret affair of state then you're right, you shouldn't be telling me anything.

It's not about secrets. And you're not nosey. I said it's strange because I don't know a single person other than you with whom I could speak right now.

You told me yourself that your duty defines you. I guess friends don't really fit into such a picture?

Perhaps I finally traded one for the other?

What do you mean?

My Prince summoned me today. He told me about his plans. Plans for the Kingdom and for me. Plainly speaking, he told me that I'm no longer needed. That my position is obsolete. And that he wants me to take up another job, a different job.

I see. And this new job would require you to do what exactly?

It's not about secrets huh? Wow.

I see. So what did you tell him?

That I will think about his proposal.

I can see you're very upset about this. Why is that? I thought you wanted to serve and protect the future King? And yet, you are clearly conflicted.

That's what makes it so upsetting. The fact that I can't make a choice. I know my duty and I honor my allegiance, he is my Prince and he has my sword and my bow. And my belts.

But not necessarily your forked tongue?

Yes! I'm not made for intrigues and court politics and even if I were, I don't think it's an honorable kind of duty.

Not only that. He also said that there is no need for my current service. But this is everything I know, everything I am. I trained to be the Captain like my ancestors before me, since I was a little boy. How am I supposed to change all of that for a hooded cloak?
Hooded cloaks are pretty cool, man.

I don't know, it does sound like a life-changing decision.

Maybe I should simply retire? Leave the scene before I become a joke? The Prince gave me that option as well.

Whatever his reasons may be, I'm sure this wasn't an easy decision for the Prince either. He did give you a choice after all. Carmosa doesn't ask me what I want. From what I gathered, you're more than just a subject to him.

Perhaps you're right.