Part 13: Ups and downs, highs and lows.
Update 11: Ups and downs, highs and lows.
Alright, I think thats enough bastard swords for now. The thread has voted on a new team of Goodybag, Tokyo Tom and Hammerhood to help us overcome any tanks hanging out on the bluff.

A strange item that makes you invisible. The perfect way to sneak into the enemys tank!
I forgot to show this off last time; this is our reward for saving all the slimes on Mt. Krakatroda. It does exactly what it says on the tin, and I wish I could just throw one on everyone at the start of battle before they run off to infiltrate things. Having anyone who picks up ammo collect one and then switching them to infiltration mode might work Perhaps Ill experiment with it between updates.

Back on the bluff, weve seen crystal walls all over the place. So lets start at the beginning, shattering this one on the very first screen.

...Well, this is easy. There are only ten slimes left, and three of them are right here.

It takes a big slime to fill Big Daddys armour, Mr. Hooly. Im sure you have other talents. Possibly accounting. Says the dork with the B.Com.

Alright, lets load these folks onto the Trans-Slimenian and head out.

Hey, you know how we cant make third-tier missiles with alchemy? We cant make Destructiballs with alchemy either! And Irritaballs arent used for any recipes at all, so I probably wont bother making any.

Statues of the Goddess are useless as ammo, but theyre used in a couple of alchemy recipes that require her holy power. Sadly, we cant pray to this to rewind time.

He may be the only slime in town with glasses and a tie, but at least Mr. Hooly gives us another nice healing item.

Were not done getting easy slime chests yet, though!

I can sympathise.

Hey, its an alternate recipe for a now-outdated sword. Also one that can require up to four layers of alchemy to make, depending on your ingredients situation. Theres another two on top of that if you want the best sword alchemy can make.

Heading on up in the world, the barrier at level two blocks off a small side area filled with a few enemies, some money and one or two small goodies.

Each of the tank battles here has a screen with a few treats before it, actually. But lets get down to business, having battles in giant tanks, perched on outcroppings in the cliffside.

Bring it, beaky!

Ooh, looks like the old Platypanzer got replaced with a new model! And just so you know, the tanks mottos are especially punderful today. Now, lets quack us some punks!

Our updated ammo supply and new crew members should make this much easier on us.

The Goodybags Zoom spell means that hes always on the go, stealing whatever ammo the enemys left lying around. And of course, the Hammerhood is still a great cannon loader.

Tokyo Tom also performs fairly well, though his sneaky disguises cant protect him from taking incidental hits due to touching burning items or getting too close to enemies as they throw things into the cannons. His survivability is definitely pretty good, but getting spotted tends to spell his doom.

Dont mind me, just headbutting this shield out of the air on the way to the engine.

The Goodybag runs around randomly when spotted like it does in the wild, but very few enemies can keep up with its speed. Also, check out the fancy flooring in here.
Weve seen the engine room before (its the curved one with no splits), so lets skip to the slime saving.

As has been pointed out in the thread, our shopkeeping friend here is most likely a reference to Dodgy Dave from Dragon Quest VIII. Hes certainly got the Pickham accent.

And dont you forget it, bud.

As far as strategies for getting people into your store go, offering them a free machine gun is pretty extreme. The Vulcan Gun is another interesting item Ive never used; you can set them up somewhere, load ammo into them and have it fire on enemy troops or you can put it on the special platforms just to either side of the Schleimans cannons, and have it do unblockable damage to the enemy tank. The shots dont deal much damage (20/40/60 in total depending on ammo quality), but it is guaranteed. Of course, thats assuming your crew doesnt just pick up the ammo and the gun, then throw them into the cannons.

Time to see what new opponent awaits us on level three!

Hmm. Well, Rocket has spent literal days at a time outside so far, even though we know that slimes can indeed get a tan. So he must be using some kind of special slime sunblock ?

Of course not, we already dealt with Spine Les.

Alright, both of those puns are just urgh. Lets smash us a cactus.

Flawless cammoflague.

Tokyo Toms method of attack helps keep him safe from the spiny Cactiballs, but there was this one case where he got a bit confused. I suspect that it might have had something to do with the corner above him.

Anyway, much smashing and grabbing was done. Sadly, only one of these arrows successfully damages the enemy.

I cant say Ive tried much Tex-Mex, so I had to look up what a fajita was. Sounds tasty.
Oh, and the engine room is the split kind. Take the northern path this time.

King Mottle Slime, Spot, dog jokes. I get it.

Si, senor.

Ah, now heres a recipe I will definitely never use. There are much easier ways to get Fire Water later on, and I wont need any until then.

Now that weve gotten back up to where Big Daddy and Mama Mia were being held, we can claim a few goodies and scale the rest of the bluff.

Most of the treasure isnt anything super fancy, but its appreciated. Oh, and you know how I broke a bunch of those piggy banks for bastard swords and mirror shields?

Turns out that paid pretty well.

May the power of miracles be with you. Offer your souls to the gods.

Another level, another tank lying in wait to do battle.

Were on a roll, so why stop now?

Yes, the Pyramaniacs back! Its still stocked with spooklear bombs, so watch it be buried in no time.

There are some other bits of ammo mixed in to knock down our own, of course But the living corpses are lousy loaders, and Ninny Hammer can still lose their grip and start flailing about.

Which leads to this Hammerhood slapfight in no-mans-land.

And also Ninny not realising Rocket is midair as they try to come after him.

Lies and slander! The only one of our units in their tank at the time was the Goodybag, and he doesnt attack.

Hey, its our first wild slime! Dont ask me how a slime has fur and claws.

Time to head up into unexplored territory!

Level five is extremely straightforward.

Just after finding this sleepy slime, we finally manage to reach the top of Callmigh Bluff.

The nearby teleporter allows us to skip the whole climb during return trips, and means even the laziest slimes can come up and admire the view.

The tired old dog gives us an iron arrow, which is mainly handy because I used most of mine for alchemy already.

Oooh, a rope! I wonder

...I wonder how it feels to get that much rope burn on your face.

Wait a minute, this is progress. There was optional stuff back at the top.

So it turns out that when I said Rocket wouldnt have to climb the bluff with his face, I was only sort of right.

Lets move on.

Ooh, another seed of life! Rockets going to be the most indestructible little slime in the world by the end of this adventure.

Finally somebody decides to work with the areas name.

You probably shouldnt be giving me tips on how to fight you, dude. Just for future reference.

Im not sure what my favourite punny tank name/motto combination is, but the Enforkers is definitely up there. You definitely want to watch this one.

Mainly because my Goodybags presence lead to the Living Statues all throwing the Enforkers signature ammo at it, which is a fantastically bad idea.

These are Lightning Staves. They do not deal damage upon contact with the enemy tank, but instead land in the cannon room and start charging. Once theyve charged, the tank theyre in periodically gets hit by lightning for forty damage a pop.

Suffice it to say that the Enforker almost entirely kills itself.

Our Goodybags comment is particular apt, I think. Take the southern fork in the engine room this time.

Shocking, I know.

...Phrasing! Also, say hello to Morrie Mozzarella in slime form. In Dragon Quest VIII, hes in charge of the arena, that games greatest sidequest. Im so excited about the prospect of him becoming a playable character.

How lucky! Lets whack this one and see what it coughs up at the end of the area.

Now that were done with all the tank battles in this area, theres just one last slime to save.

Were back down at the bottom of the bluff, so thats where Gregg was imprisoned earlier.

The next screen gives us a warp back to the first one, and this doorway. You all know what that means!

Its time to fight our third boss who, unlike Pot Belly, is actually mildly threatening!

I always suspected Pot Belly was a useless layabout. But The Big Three was one short.

While puny isnt a word Id use to describe Rocket, we do need this slime knight to fight the boss. How kind of him to give us the key to his downfall.

Lets dance, Loon.

The showy scythe masters basic attack is simple; just slash the small scythes back at him.

If you manage to hit him with one of them, he will sometimes (but not always) counter by tossing his full-sized scythe at you. I hope you remembered that Rocket can hover, that thing youve never had to do before this point and were last reminded about in the Tomb of Tootinschleiman!

Oh, and dont hover too late. Or this will happen, as it did a couple of times throughout the fight.

As Dr. Fetus pointed out to me, you can also just knock the scythe back if you hit it three times.

Once Harvest Loon drops below a third of his health, he starts summoning these reapers to clutter the screen and try to overwhelm Rocket. And more reapers appear as the boss' health drops further.

Rocket has so much health at this stage though, so its okay if you mess up a bit.

Hell fall before too long.

I think Ill take this as a souvenir. Should look great on Rockets wall.

Erm, excuse me! Could you help me? Im a servant of the Almighty Goddess, you know.

Sounds like a good plan to me, Flabbot.

We got some pretty cool stuff on this trip, I think. And I lucked out on the Goodybag I defeated, because this is their best drop for the bluff.


Alright, time to see what the new day has brought us!

More recipes are always nice, especially since I wasnt going to use the spooklear bombs for anything else.

Great, now Im picturing a slime sneezing. Its not pretty.

...What hands?

Huh Speaking of, where is Big Daddy?


Hang on a minute If it sounds like Dark Wonder, then

Well, I think everyones reactions speak for themselves.

...That could have gone better. And just after we restored Boingburg, too

And with that, Rocket reaches 12 HP! Only four more to go Though as I remembered after this recording session, I actually missed one of them.

So after the rest of the stuff youre going to see here, I went and grabbed this one in Forewood Forest.

Alright, so now we need to go foil the Plobs latest evil scheme. That can come next time For now, lets close out with a quick look at the restored Boingburg.

She has some suitably fancy decor though.

The palace grounds look like a lovely place to take a stroll now that they arent covered in graffiti and tread tracks.

The library is also massive and presently empty, aside from a recipe for golden arrows hidden among the book piles in the back room. It takes a pair of wooden arrows and a gold bar, which is about as valuable as youd expect.

Splodgy Dave is a far better source of holy water and herbs than alchemy is, and he also has a couple of items you wont find elsewhere. The pellets are the vulcan guns basic ammo, and the toy slime is used in a couple of very important alchemy recipes. They arent cheap, but its nothing a bit of piggy bank farming wont fix. (Mirror shields also sell for 800, and the bastard swords for 300. Money is no object.)

Alright, most of the other rescued slimes are hanging out with Morrie-Morrie on the west side now.

Well, it does involve a giant cannon from the looks of things

This new canvas is definitely better than the blue sky one. I think I could work with this.

Rocket doesnt have any hands, Bob. Sorry.

Hmm? Whos been talking about our tank?

Anyway, looks like Morrie-Morries been busy. Lets see what hes up to.

Er Yes?

Yes, this game has its own arena sidequest! Each rank has Rocket facing down three opponents, with a reward provided at the end along with access to the next rank. We could probably do the first half of it now, but Im considering saving it all for the postgame.

Oh, is that the games very first typo I see? Were now about two-thirds of the way through, so thats pretty good.

The church is getting pretty packed now, but we still have room for at least one more slime.

Oh, and we have one more crew member joining us! This is the last of the slimes who will serve in the Schleiman until the postgame rolls around.

Flabbot Flancisco can only do one thing, but at least its something unique. His singing slowly restores the Schleimans HP at a rate of about twenty per minute, so Im told. Its not a huge amount of healing, but you could certainly do a lot worse.

Slimechanic has a couple of upgrades for us as well, enough to take the Schleiman from 570 up to 760 HP! Their power and requirements are:
-50 Gold, 2 Catnip. (50 HP)
-60 Gold. (60 HP)
-80 Gold, 3 Fire Waters. (80 HP)

And with that, were done for today! Theres a fresh round of tank battles next time, so choose some new crew members if you so desire.