Part 45: The Journeys of Hung Wei Lo: Episode 1
The Journeys of Hung Wei Lo - Episode 1
Now that my first additional play through has caught up with original and we've reached a good stopping point, let's see a few different ways things might have gone. Some of you might remember Hung Wei Lo from when I put this sheet up. He's going to be searching the wastelands for rare and special encounters, but in order to do so he first has to get strong enough to survive out there.

Early on there's not much difference, but jinxed is always entertaining. The only thing is that in order to see the results the enemies have to miss a lot, which is fairly rare early on in the game.

If anyone was curious, this is what the empty chest is for. You don't get to take in a quick healing powder or anything like that in mid-fight. Then again, you only have to hit him a few times so not really necessary in this case.

One thing I missed was that you can steal $100 from a pot in your aunt's tent. It's a nice early boost to freeing Sulik.

I made a rule of referring to myself as Chosen One at every opportunity. Much like the choice of Hung Wei Lo for a name, this never let me down.

Another location for the book.. some of you discussed this earlier.

The flavor text is amusing, if nothing else, although there aren't any real concrete effects.

It's also a bit of a tear jerker.

Above is the reason why giving Vic a gun with a jinxed character is a very bad idea until he improves his accuracy. Since he starts out with only about 65% accuracy and likes to stay at a distance he's going to miss a lot, which means lots of critical failures.

Coming back to the Den, we find ourselves on a strange set of nearly empty streets the mythical third area of the Den, accessed by pressing 3 on the city map. It's actually a pretty thoroughly finished out area.

It's one of those few places you can see townspeople in the Den as opposed to addicts, although none of them have anything interesting to say. They also don't have anything interesting to loot, although I think I might have found a shovel.

There's a reversed version of Smitty's section in the Junkyard, just lacking the car. This version of Smitty is completely non-responsive not even floating text above his head.

It's also a place you can find kids who aren't being thieving little bastards although the way they're surrounding and facing the parents makes me worry just a bit for their sake.

The area has a green exit that dumps you out next to Mom's Diner, suggesting that the Mom's Diner was meant to be on the outskirts of the good part of town.

This isn't a special encounter, but there are definitely one of the weirder ones. They're also mostly harmless.

Continuing our journey, a quick stop by Modoc shows that the ground around the ladder to Slag land is a bit different, although you can't find a way down.

If you wait until after dark you can also see glowing ghouls wandering around the Ghost Farm, although they don't really react to your presence. The only way to move forward in the story is to fall down a hole.

The lack of a reward is a clue that something isn't right here, and if you find the kid and bring him back after doing this you still get full experience and the reward. People have mentioned that this is the only ending available in the European version, which means that your only option is the double gut punch of telling a parent that their child is dead and not even getting a quest reward for it.

Talking to Cornelius can get you some random responses once you realize that certain words set him off, including this clue about the creature in the shed. He'll also mention an animal climbing out of the toilet, that Davin (Grisham's son) doesn't look like his father, and that he hears Grisham is trying to marry off his daughter.

Then there's this little gem, which is likely to result in me getting a character with a flamethrower to visit Modoc for the express purpose of killing him with fire.

The previous method of getting Cornelius to blame you for taking his watch is one way to end the quest, but another method is to give Farrel the watch and let him solve things his own way. The results are the same, and you don't have a crazy old man yelling at you.

And finally, some of you have mentioned that Harold was actually in the original Fallout. If you talk to him after the plant is fixed you can follow the conversation thread to discuss the Vault Dweller. Telling him what you're doing results in him giving you 3 Super Stimpacks that he was holding onto for a rainy day. For the curious, Super Stims heal 75 hit points but cause 3 damage to you a few moments later and then 6 damage a couple of minutes later due to side effects of the chemicals.
And with that, we'll resume our regular story already in progress.