Part 50: Buffy Season Two: Glitch Aplenty
Buffy Season Two: Glitch Aplenty
For my next exploitation of the hot key trick we're going to Vault City. I'm curious, would people be that curious about what these all look like for the various cities in the game?

Pressing 3 on the screen drops us inside Vault City without any of that tiresome "getting a day pass" and "having your belongings searched." This means we're here quite illegally, but that's okay.

Things are a bit weird in Vault City at night. One good example is that Thomas Moore and the dialogue over his head aren't linked, so when he disappears for the night you still get to see his pronouncements.

The guards are still out front of the Vault, but their scripting is time specific. They don't actually check to see if you're a Citizen or not if you walk in at night. We can actually get the location for Vault 15 from here without doing any of the quests for Vault City and Gecko. Alternatively, pressing 4 on the entrance map will drop you onto the 1st floor.

The doctor and the guy on the 3rd floor move up to the 2nd floor at night. You can't move them, so instead you have this guy sleeping in front of the doctor's door. Weird.

Once you advance the clock to daytime and leave, the guards will start challenging again. The funny thing is that nobody else will notice that you're in the city illegally, and you can just proceed as normal from there.

Speaking of which, we naturally don't say that we're pretty sure we're not Valerie's father.

The entire line with Phyllis is closed since she doesn't go both ways, and you can't make any donations which is entirely logical, considering how much more invasive donating eggs is.

Skipping forward a bit, a few people have mentioned the option of just telling Lynette that everything is fine with the power plant and bullshitting your way past it. You CAN do it, but she does ask what you did.

Going with a vague response leads to this dialogue, but if you haven't talked to McClure and gotten your citizenship she still won't give it to you no matter what you say. You pretty much have to go through McClure if you don't want to take out the ghouls.

Telling her that McClure got you the part results in a much more entertaining chance to lecture her about what a gigantic shit she is.

It only gets better the further you go down the path, too. I particularly like the option where you suggest that you'll back McClure for First Citizen. She doesn't like it, but she has to take it.

You can also rat out Moore and offer to take care of him for Lynette. Her objections to him tell you a great deal about Lynette.

Someone mentioned pickpocketting her, so I decided to take a look. Nothing really disturbing, other than the fact that she's evidently using Mentats.

I also took a look at the scorpion, and he does indeed have glasses and pliers. The weirdest thing to me is that you can evidently steal his tail. I'm not sure if that would make a difference in combat I haven't boosted steal on this character, so this is just looking and not touching.

You can also take the glasses off its shattered corpse and give them to Renesco.

His reactions are pretty funny, so I'll include them without further commentary. And yes, there's no really good way to explain where you got them. You don't think about it, but glasses would actually be a rare thing in a post-apocalyptic landscape.

The Godfather quote is also a nice inclusion. I didn't even bother to get the discount, since there's a much better one coming later.

Jules is a bit more of a sweet talker if you're female. We still have to wave our fist in his face to get to the car, but that's okay.

You can see from the money window that there's no way I can afford getting the car back. Luckily there are alternate means of payment...

You can ask him about the upgrades while in the midst of "negotiations" but he'll tell you that he gives a dog one bone, not two. Charming.

You have to come back and talk to him again to get the amenities for free.

Hi Chef! The world is poorer for the loss of Isaac Hayes, although things got a bit weird there at the end.

Of course, after having to put out twice to get our car back some shames can only be washed away with blood and groin smashings.

Parts in hand we can head back to Broken Hills. The sleeping man is indeed Chuck Stodgers, a Buck Rogers expy who's horrified to find out he's in New California. You can get an extra 500 XP for asking him who he is and "uncovering another obscure pop culture reference." The box next to him has an ordinary looking rock that is actually uranium ore, which can be refined in Broken Hills and then sold for $500.

You can both pickpocket and buy back the things that you gave to Typhon (I didn't get the bottle caps in this one, but I'll check on that later.) This is pretty handy if you're trying to collect those 10 Cats Paw magazines.

Turns out that the blow up doll didn't make it. Typhon quite literally tore that shit up. And with that lovely mental image, we'll return to our story already in progress.