Part 79: An Alternate Explanation

Good job Kilika, I don't even need to come up with my own witty openers.

"bishounen darth vader"

"I created him and sent him to Gaia to disrupt the cycle of souls there."

"Lemme guess... you must be Garland!"

"Then you're goin' down! But first, you're gonna tell me everything!
Like, why did I grow up on Gaia, and why do you want to destroy it!?"

"I hate to break it to you buddy but I mean Gaia was that Native American lady on Captain Planet, you can't just turn her into a white chick with green hair, we ain't got the technology for that"

"Someone you know quite well.
Follow me... The time when the aura of Gaia will turn to the crimson glow of Terra has not yet come."

Yeah, this place is pretty Geiger.

"But 24 years ago, I gave life to a Genome that was very much like you.
His will was too strong to make him into a proper vessel, and I even considered discarding him.
But then I thought that I should put his strength to use."

"He's only hiding it. He denies his own identity."
"Well how the hell does he do that? I mean all he wears is a sarong, that ain't covering anything up"
"It's really quite q rude thing to explain, but it involves duct tape"

"Have I piqued your interest in Kuja and yourself?"

"To bring war and chaos to Gaia... That was what I sent him to do.
To induce an unnaturally chaotic flow.
The disruption of the flow of souls is best brought about by war."

"When you received the gift of life in Bran Bal, Kuja could not bear it.
He could not bear to see a Genome with more power than his own; he felt threatened.
Kuja discarded you. He dropped you onto Gaia, the world he would destroy."

"And to him, bringing war to Gaia would prove his victory over you."

"And in time... Gaia's souls are gone, and Gaia becomes Terra.
The role of the Iifa Tree is that of the Soul Divider. The mist you see comprises the stagnant souls of Gaia..."
That explains the shape of the Iifa Tree's core as well, which is harp-shaped and very similar to the warp gates on Terra, but it happened so long ago that it's very hard to recall.

uh no we saw the inside of the tree you dummy

"Come and see for yourself. See the true form of this planet."

"The light remains Gaia's, for now, but when the blue changes to crimson, all will belong to Terra, and its restoration will be complete.
That is why I wrapped up the light in the Iifa Tree, to prevent the cycle of the judgment of souls on Gaia from inside the planet.
Such is the Iifa Tree's true purpose, its true form. All you saw was its material form.
The flow of Gaia's souls cannot be changed simply by stopping the disposal of Mist."

"You mean you won't need Kuja's soul once I grow stronger than him?"
"Precisely... Soon, that time will come.
Well... now you should be fully aware of the meaning of your existence."

"That sounds retarded. Only faggots live in the stars. Like Mufasa, and those assholes from that shitty Adam Sandler movie"

"If you say I have a motive, then it's to punish you who brought pain to my friends!"

"But I have no choice."

how the hell did you get here, you asshole

"I'll exact my revenge upon you both for insulting me!"

Now, it kinda looks like Kuja's airship is flying upwards upside-down or something, but I guess now that I look at it, it's just descending downwards and you see its reflection on Terra's still water. However, it's very hard to tell that it's water because all it does is reflect the images above it perfectly.


"Many people called me that."

"Yeah, maybe I do."

"Yep... sounds about right."

"Becoming of me...?"

"Yeah, right. I have nothing to teach..."

"No! I don't know anything!"

"Friendship... Friendship...?"

"I don't know... who I am..."

"I'm so... tired..."

"What... are you doing here?"
And for those folks who said "if only there wasn't the guitar in it"
And for those of you who do like it, something from Project Majestic Mix, I dunno if it's The OneUps or just more like an early The Bad Dudes thing where they get together in individual teams and do their own mixes, but yeah.

"This has nothing to do with you."

"There are some things kids can't understand."

we played this one starcraft 2 custom map where one of the heroes you could choose had an attack animation like this. but you could get his attack cycle to .01, meaning he got 100 attacks (and animations of throwing a hadoken ball) per second. it looked as ridiculous as you might imagine and even though the map itself was utterly retarded, this thing alone made it super awesome.

and it has a heart attack at the prospect of being destroyed by these badasses

"But trust me, I know that I'm the worst bastard here."

jesus christ do you have your sack on your chin or what

"Yes. Yes it is, with fuckin' Trances and shit."

holy shit dolf you really wanted to kill that fuckin' turtle

"Aren't we your friends?"
"I want to think so! That's why I always...
Look, I'm not from Gaia. I was just a hairbreadth away from becoming the destroyer of Alexandria!
I can't accept your friendship so easily!"
"You've always protected us.
But you still don't understand that we looked out for you too!
We watched your back while you watched ours.
And we believed in you the same way you believed in us!
We want to protect you."

So the title infers that I'm going to offer an alternative explanation for why Kilika acts like this.

Folks default to the "being emo" explanation a lot, but I think it has very little to do with that. The whole scene where he's stuck in that chair is, I think, supposed to be about how Garland is trying to strip him of his identity and turn him into a Genome shell.

And this whole sequence is basically him still trying to get his shit back together after being more or less brainwashed and getting this close to having his mind wiped.

"And I shall follow you to kingdom come if I must. You remember that!"

"Fuck it. We four got this."