The Let's Play Archive

Final Fantasy V Challenge Megathread

by Various

Part 65: Dragon Grass Bad Guy

Chapter 16: Dragon Grass Bad Guy

“We can explore the castle.”
”Badguy castle?
“It’s a good guy castle.”
”I want get in a bad guy castle.”

“Hey maybe we could FIND bad guys in this castle…

“That fire?”

I manage to Death Claw capture one of them. I don’t catch the guarding itself.
His reaction was ”Haha! Did you see that?
I get a few batches, enough to break even on gil spent before…
“Don’t do that fight again.”

He wants us to immediately leave. He’s kind of wanted out of Bal since we got in but I tell him we have to see the Dragon first and make sure he’s ok.

”Dragon ok?”
“Lets see.”

”Dragon grass?
”His grass?” He points at the dragon.
”Wrong castle.” This is not Exdeath’s castle you see.

”Why do they all say that?” He means why are they all looking down, I think.
I tell him that they’re going to go save the dragon.

“Should we leave the castle?”

”Gate open!”

”They changed colors!
He’s right. I don’t catch the screenshot as the monsters rush us, but they are totally three blue skinned badguy sprites. Hey. Wait. Where ARE the other two bad guys in all this?
Did you forget I got a statue? I almost did.

”Statue helping now?”
“He is!”

The next day we get going again, but there is a lot of sun glare on our trip, so that is distracting him kind of a lot. We head north toward Drakenvale.

”Ecks-deff’s castle?
“No, that’s Galuf’s castle. I swap to Galuf as the over world sprite to demonstrate.”

”Find Ecks-deff’s castle.”

The whole Quelb/Kelb/Whatever sequence doesn’t get much comment.

At least until Bartz bulldozes the dude.
”He just kicked him? Why?
“They were play-fighting, but Bartz was too rough!

They go to flashback town. I explain that this is all happening in the past. Not sure how much he gets.

”Get Ecks-deff up.”
Priorities. Whose side is he on?

“Eck-deff in a hole?
I just miss the hole in the shot, but they totally seal Exdeath. I’m sure it’ll keep.

”Where… where wolves.” He is saying were, not where, really. but that is how it sounds.

“Should we open this gate?”

We head to Drakenvale.

Our first fight is this guy.
”A robot?”
”Is a big robot.”
“He ran away!”
”Was a bad robot?
“I don’t think so.”

The fights are pretty nasty. I am shy of dancing at the undead stuff. I try out the fire scroll and they work okay. He likes them.
”That new dragon?
“An angry dragon!”

I actually bottle one of those dragons. I totally forget to use it before it is too late. I don’t even know what it does honestly.

”Use new fire.”
“Okay.” I toss a scroll.
”No, other new fire.”
I have no idea. Maybe he means the gold needle vanish.

”Get on bridge! Bridge.

“Dinosaur badguy.
“It’s a dinosaur skeleton!”
”He blue? Blue bones.”
”And he likes to eat?”
“He probably does!”
”He likes to eat magicians?”
“Well he’ll try but we won’t let him.”

We get the mail. I don’t use it.

”Open -that- door.”
“We need to find a way to. I fall down the hole to his delight.

“We made a new way!”
”You made a new way?”
He likes the effect.

I show him who can use the new wind edge, Samurai and suddenly…
”Want him red. Want them all red.

”Want her be dragon.”
Well I don’t really have any up to date heavy armor not from a chest and no spears but sure we can do this.

”A new path!”
“A hidden one!”
”And a big shadow!”

I have to run around a little before this encounter pops. “We’ve got to help him!”
”Help robot?”
I pop Flash off the bat. Our damage is a little anemic but we get it done. I cast some Curas at the golem in case.

“Now he’ll help us!”
”Robot gonna help us?”
“His name is Golem.”

”Grass badguy?
”Ecks-deff here?
“No, he’s not. Just the grass bad guy.”
”Ecks-deff not here.”

He is delighted and observes that this is, in fact, the grass bad guy.

”And we gonna fight grass!

”And he grass?
Not worth worrying about this fight, really. I practically draw it out.

”Robot helping us now?”

But really. Death Claw.

Plus Titan.

”We got grass bad guy?
“We’ll take him to the dragon.”

”Mad cats!
We walk out.

I do some shopping for better gear at wolf town. This is where we stand now.

Next time: Probably Battle on the Big Boat?