Part 119: Missed NPC Chatter
Welcome back! ... to Parm, that is. There's a few dialog boxes that I've missed, and I'm sure you've all just been chomping at the bit to point out my mistake.We'll start... back when hunting for the Four Treasures. Gantz has a few more lines that I missed. The first is triggered after you've found the Pot and Lid, but before you've talked to Tentz about the key.

Next up, after you've talked to Tentz, but before you've picked up the key.

Next up is, unsurprisingly, after you've gotten the key, but before getting the sword.

Next up is an examinable part of town that... I'm not sure if I've ever found. I seem to recall triggering it once or twice way back when, but I'm not certain.

Next up is the one that I know I never triggered myself.

H-hey! Get out of the shot!
Anyway, next up is the fountain out in front of the Seagull.

Now, the fountain is unique in that you get more dialog if you choose not to look. In this case....

Now, much like the rest of Parm, these things have new text when you come back at other points.

Fun fact: The trigger for the factory is apparently not accessible on the nighttime map.

Next up: After the Leck Mines, without Sue.

And we'll see off Parm with Justin in the morning, heading for the Steamer.

The early-morning map is unique in that the factories aren't open yet. A neat touch.

Whew. Next up, the Steamer.

Next up, when Sue rejoins us.

Next up....

Yeah. When Feena's with you.

Anyway, we'll wrap this up by examining it after the Ghost Ship.

Oh dear. Feena really is a bad influence on Justin.

See you next time, for the really interesting stuff: (a selection of) content that wasn't used in the final game!