Part 10: Firefight - 1. Score Attack

Today I am joined by Geop and Skoolmunkee as I play a couple of rounds of Firefight, Halo's take on the popular 'Horde Mode.' Firefight is probably the best variant of Horde Mode I've played, mainly because of how customizable everything is - from the loadouts, what skulls are active, what difficulty it is, how many enemies spawn, what kind of enemies spawn, what weapons they use, how many waves there are - Firefight is just a really great way to have a bunch of fun. You can play it solo, or with up to four people for some high-scoring cooperative action.
This particular kind of Firefight I'm playing is called Score Attack, where one person has one round to score as many points as possible. If I was recording them live, you'd be able to see my friends' scores on the screen as they get beaten one by one.

I'd love to do some multiplayer Firefight sometime in the future, so if people are interested you can PM me here on the forums or send a message to my Xbox Live profile!
The next update will see a return to the Campaign.