Part 74: 1335: Humakt's Raven Banner
Excelsiortothemax posted:
I have a question. I always,always without fail get royally screwed over by the horse spawn.
Is there any way to curb their constant raids or beat them back?
Put a Stake Perimeter around your tula, it helps a lot.

While a feast is a fine idea, now is not the time for gluttony. Korstardos lies infirm in his bed, and we don't have as much food as I would like, so we'll delay, at least until the man of the hour is strong enough to dine at our side.
Instead, we'll take part in our favorite activity:

Bullying the Jenestni.

At least our warriors don't think we're starving... if the clan is worried about it, they steal food, not goods.
It's been bothering me for a while, but now I remember who it is I think Ortossi looks like... Sir Samuel Vimes. Who's with me on this one?

An exploration party returns with a legendary treasure of the First Age, Humakt's Raven Banner. When carried into a fight, this battle standard guarantees victory in battle. However, it does so at great cost: the standard bearer is always killed.
Give it to an enemy as a peace offering.
Give it to another clan.
Keep it.
Return it to where it was hidden.
Trade it to another clan.