Part 39: Seru-kai
Update 39: Seru-kai
Rim Elm
The music changes a lot throughout the update, and I didn't really get to hear Rim Elm's theme all that often, but I figured I'd link to it just because it's a nice tune we haven't gotten to hear in a while.
Anyway, most of the villagers say things along the lines of Vahn, you're awesome or The Mist is gone! Let's see how our favorite mother/daughter combo is doing.
Mei's Theme

I'm so glad you came here to see me! Now let me get a good look at your face. Such a sturdy looking face! This is the face of a full-grown man, the hero who saved the world!
Vahn's model reddens a bit.

Hee hee! What's the matter, Vahn? You're blushing! Oh, I almost forgot. I have to go somewhere now. Mei is inside. Don't be bashful. Stay awhile!

! Vahn!

Well, so you really do worry about me?

...But you worry about Noa most of all, right?
So awkward.

Well, just like you've gotten stronger, I've grown up a little. The world has changed now that the Mist is gone. Actually, I've started a tailoring business. I have to earn a living now. Tee hee. I may not look it, but I have quite a reputation as a skilled tailor now.
I'm pretty sure Vahn's supposed to be putting a hand on her shoulder, but in the screenshot it almost looks like he's going in for a kiss (which is obviously not the case since Vahn thins kisses are icky). Then Maya walks back in.

Well, well. You two look like you're having fun. What were you talking about?

Mother! Welcome home. Well, how did it go? What did the shopkeeper say?

He gave me a good price. He said he can always se clothes of such good quality.

Vahn! Did you hear that? I'm going to work hard and open my own store with Mother. I hope you'll be rooting for me.

Listen to this child. She's absorbed in her work. And it's all thanks to you, Vahn. And it's not just Mei! Everyone in Rim Elm is full of life now! Everyone is enjoying life and being alive!
I start to head out of the house, but then...

Vahn, may I ask you something? What I want to ask you Songi.

What do you mean? Vahn, is there something you're not telling me?

Songi was competitive and vain, but he was a good child gentle and obedient. I don't know much about the Seru, but I know that the Mist and the Seru bring out the meanness and weakness in human nature.
It baffles me that people STILL think Songi was a good guy before the adventure started.
We're done with Maya and Mei. Let's check up on Gala next.
Revived Genesis Tree

It was this Genesis Tree that brought us together. We are so lucky we met each other!...But there are still a couple of things that bother me. Songi is still alive! We defeated Cort and Juggernaut at the Absolute Fortress' Mist Generator. But nobody knows where Songi disappeared to. Maybe I'm worrying too much, but I don't think everything's over yet.
That does seem to be the feeling here, yes. Perhaps we'll get a lead soon, but for now I think we don't have a real objective.
Noa is in the Elder's house. I'm pretty sure this NPC is actually a woman, but whatever.
Soren's Sad Song

So why...I just don't understand. Vahn, why do the people I love have to die? My mother, father...And my brother, too.

Terra lied to me, so I don't like her anymore. Ever since then, Terra won't answer me at all. I'm sad! I don't want to hate Terra! I want to believe her!...I don't believe Terra anymore! I feel like I hate her now! That's why I feel so sad and lonely.
A little boy rushes into the room.
Elder: What do you want? Do you want to see them?
Boy: You have a visitor!

A visitor? Someone came to see us?
Elder: He must be here to offer you his blessing.

Songi! Did he really say his name was Songi!
Boy: Yeah! Songi...wants to see us?

Uh-oh. What does Songi want? That Songi is a bad person! I'll never forgive what he did!
Noa runs out of the room.
Elder: What's the matter, Vahn? Is that Songi fellow going to start trouble? I'm worried about you. I'll go with you.
Songi's Theme

Songi! Did you come here to do something bad?

Ha ha ha! That's a fine how-do-you-do! I came here to congratulate you!

What? Have I changed my ways? I'm still me. I've always been true to myself. I was just asking about your friend and mine, dear old Gala.

Songi...I know you're too proud to apologize, but...

Yeah! Say you're sorry! Songi, you'd better say you're sorry right now!

Ha ha ha ha! Apologize? You're telling me to apologize? Now that's funny! Ha ha ha! Well, I see the idiot brigade still hasn't mastered thinking! Gala, take a look!
Not pictured: Tetsu jumping up to fight Songi and Songi knocking him out with one punch (it happened too fast for my capture card to record a frame that could even qualify as bad).
Also, Songi flattening Tetsu like that sort of sets the tone for this and the next update.

Don't worry, he's not dead. I held back. After all, if he dies, he won't be food for Juggernaut anymore.

Juggernaut? How could that be? Juggernaut died with Cort!

Hello, Gala! You're not thinking! Juggernaut is an enhanced Seru! A Sim-Seru! The power of a Seru comes out when it combines with a human! Who is this Seru combined with?

No! M-My brother?


Correct! Say, you do have some brains, eh? Listen closely. Juggernaut is coming.

Songi! It's me you resent, right? Then kill me! Leave the people of Rim Elm out of this! Don't harm them!

Gala, you don't understand. You don't matter at all to me anymore.
Juggernaut is here
The sky grows dark...

Songi, your depravity never ceases to amaze me.

Vahn, it's Juggernaut!

Gala, it's too late to run away!

Noa, concentrate! Focus!

Watch as a new kingdom of the Mist is born at this very spot!
And so the final arc begins...
World Map After Juggernaut

Vahn! Your friends and family are now part of Juggernaut!

Noa rushes at Songi, but he knocks her away with no effort at all.

Sorry. I can't let you all inside.
Noa gets up and tries her luck at charging the barrier directly...
...with similar results.

Ha ha! How pathetic. This is only the beginning! Juggernaut will grow until he swallows the whole human world!

Songi! How can you do this? You call yourself human?

Gala, you are as clueless as ever! I am no ordinary human! Don't you get it, Gala? I am the ruler! And as ruler, I cannot trouble myself with you! I must go and conquer another world.

Another world? No...Not the Seru-kai!

Ha ha ha! That's right! I'll never have to see you again! Farewell! Have fun...dying, that is!

W-Wait! Songi, wait!

Why won't the Genesis Tree protect us?

Noa...The Genesis Tree lost its powers because of the Seru-kai.

If Songi conquers the Seru-kai, my life will end, and all hope will be lost.

Tell me, Ozma! How can we go after Songi? How can we get to the Seru-kai?

There is only one way to the Seru-kai, and it's in Uru Mais.

So that's why Juggernaut invaded Uru Mais!

The only way to save Rim Elm and the world is to go to the Seru-kai.

Vahn, we have to go to Uru Mais now!

Vahn, to save Rim Elm, we have to go to Uru Mais!
Well, we certainly have an objective now. I wish we could do something more immediate for Rim Elm, and I hate to think of Mei and Maya and Val and Nene being stuck in that awful thing, but for now it looks like our goal is to stop Songi from doing whatever he's doing in the Seru world.
Rim Elm is now a dungeon, and while we can't get into the main entrance, there are still encounters in the outside part. I believe this is where all of the [Seru] lvl 3 monsters hang out, not counting Berserker and Caruban back in the tower, but we'll have to wait until later to find out for sure.
Puera's debut is pretty underwhelming, but bear in mind that it's power is basically double debuffed here (at least, if my understanding of the mechanics is correct) partly because Gala is the one using it (and he gets a penalty when using dark magic) and partly because Gala and Theeder are the same element, so they do less damage to each other.
Don't worry, everyone, I'll find a way to get you out of this mess.
Let's get to Uru Mais.
Uru Mais

Ozma! Ra-Seru! Tell us! Is this where we can find the door to the Seru-kai you told us about?

Gala, strain your ears...I mean, your mind. Listen! You can hear the Words.

Uru Mais has been destroyed, but the Words remain!

You heard them, correct? They say that Tieg will live forever.

Tieg is Words. Humans! Rely not on your imperfect eyes!

It's Tieg! Tieg is alive, everyone!

Let's go to the ruins! Tieg will open the door for us!
We take control briefly to run to the wreckage of the black structure...

Once we pass through the door, there is no turning back. Are you ready?
I'm honestly not sure if I am or not, but I guess I'll give this a go anyway.

Very well! We must focus our thoughts!

Tieg! It's me, Noa! Open the door for us!

Tieg! Open the door! To restore order to the Seru-kai! Show us the way, so that we may retake the human world form the Mist's henchmen!

Vahn, concentrate! Turn your bravery into words!

Humans, Tieg has heard your Words. The Words are what show the way. Proceed, humans!

Gala, I need to tell you something.

Vahn, Noa, and Gala. We want to thank you...From the bottom of our hearts! I am so fortunate to have joined up with young people like you!

When Tieg divided his body into human and Seru, the Seru were entrusted with order. Tieg had faith in human potential, and ordered the Seru not to interfere in human affairs.

But a thousand years ago, the Ra-Seru Rogue staged a rebellion and came to the human world. The rebellion was put down with Tieg's strength, but the humans had learned of the Seru. That's when the Ra-Seru were sent to the human world, along with the Genesis Trees.

Our mission was to restore order when impending disaster threatened the human world. The Genesis Tree was also a means of restoring order.

But in the end, as you all know...Humans, possessed by the Mist, took over the Seru-kai.

I do not know for certain what transpires in the Seru-kai. But you can save the Seru-kai and the human world! I am sure you can do it!

Terra! Where are you going? I don't want you to go!

Noa, don't be silly. Long ago, I made you a promise, right? I promised this old wolf would stick with you no matter what! That's what we agreed, right?

Yeah! Terra, you promised! You promised, so don't forget!
Welcome to the Seru world.
I didn't realize just how long this update would get when I was recording it (between going to meet Mei and this point has been maybe the same length as a typical boss battle, or about 20 minutes, five or take a few), but I think I want to press on a little farther.
Seru-kai is honestly not very interesting. It has a nice aesthetic (unless you don't like blue in which case you're in for a headache) but it's really just one long pathway with the occasional offshoot. I like the dungeon well enough, and it's nice that it doesn't have some annoying gimmick, and it's short so it doesn't overstay it's welcome. It's just...there's really nothing to say about it besides what I just did.
By the way, that armor upgrade for Vahn boosts his defenses two points more than his current equipment. I highly doubt that will be enough to make Vahn survive something he wouldn't have before, but perhaps I'll be proven wrong.
The enemies aren't really anything new. We've seen Barra lvl 2 and Slippery lvl 2 before, and Gilium lvl 2 is technically new but doesn't seem to be appreciably different from its first incarnation. I kind of expected there to be more variety in Seru considering this is their hoeworld.
There are a couple of Waters, at least. This went to Gala, and a Life Water went to Noa.
Are you ready?

Look! That's the Great Genesis Tree that the power of the Seru-kai and Ra-Seru flows.
This line bad translated?

It is indeed a massive Genesis Tree as the name suggests, but...

The Great Genesis Tree seems weak. It will die unless we do something.

If the Great Genesis Tree dies, will you die too, Terra?

Yes, I...suppose that is what will happen.

No! Vahn, Gala, we can't let that happen!

Maybe we can save the Great Genesis Tree! Let's get a closer look!
And we approach the tree to do just that, only to find...
Songi's Theme

Songi! What are you doing to the Great Genesis Tree?

Ha ha ha! The muscle-bound oaf must have a loose screw! It's obvious! I'm using my special Sim-Seru to drain the powers of the Great Genesis Tree! Once I absorb all its power, the Seru-kai will then I, not Cort, will have the power to rule the world!

But this is the Seru-kai! And...and the Great Genesis Tree belongs to the Ra-Seru! So how can you come and take away the Great Genesis Tree's life?!

My Seru grew from a Ra-Seru Egg from East Voz Forest! In other words, this is a Ra-Seru!


It was Cort who took a Ra-Seru Egg that lost its strength and turned it into a Sim-Seru. By fusing myself with a Sim-Seru born of a Ra-Seru, I have become the ultimate life form! Ha ha ha! I am a god! The second coming of Tieg!

You're Tieg? You can't be Tieg!

Don't be a fool, Songi! Cort's evil ambitions have taken hold of your soul!

And you, Gala! You and the rest are also being controlled by those Ra-Seru! Ha ha ha! So we are all heretics who have strayed from the path of Biron! We're comrades! So let us settle this once and for all. Come at me! All three of you!
Songi's Battle Theme
It's time for the final showdown with Songi.I seem to remember this fight being hard, but that's also what I remember about Rogue and Jette and they were both chumps, so maybe this will go well.
The first couple of turns went fine, because I spent those turns Spiriting (I normally don't Spirit twice in a row, but I thought I'd do it this time n case he busted out a superattack n his second turn. He didn't).
He doesn't seem overly damage resistant, so that's a plus...
His special attack isn't really that big a deal. Again, 1300 damage isn't exactly trivial, but it's not putting me into critical health either. Gala can heal that ri-
Here's the thing with Songi. My first two turns I got really lucky with blocks AND he used his weaker standard attacks in his combos. After that, the gloves came off.
I spent the next several turns running damage control, trying to get everyone revived and healed so I could start thinking about offense again.
But that didn't work out too well either, so...
Wait! I have an idea!
come on Mushura I believe in you
Well, shit.