Part 67: Chapter Sixty-Six: Emotion Turmoil
More mid-season upgrades!---------------------------------------------------------------
Part Sixty-Six: Emotion Turmoil
Music: Autumn

Despite the annoyance of his weakling little brothers, Jesus is very happy to met a Wukong looking guy.

Wonder how the other Wukong is doing.

I am here Wukong, how are you doing?

Gi Cha Gi Fu Duula Duula
Translation: I dont feel good.

1) Medical Care
2) Feed
3) Chat

Jesus - the worlds first animal doctor, poking monkeys since ancient China.

Ji ji ji ji!
Translation: (Happy/High Noise).

Looks like I did it right. Wukong looks much happier, and since he is happy, I am happy as well.
Your mood improved, it is still very happy.

Next, we go to cultivate more friendships with letters and gifts.

The Wukong looking guy is not in the friend list so Jesus decides to work on making friends with this herbs guy for the next few weeks.

Maybe Lady Music knows some Journey to the West theme music that Jesus can learn.

Lady Music.

Jesus, you are here. Come listen to these four trifles.
This is the Tune of Happiness
This is the Tune of Anger
This is the Tune of Sadness
This is the Tune of Bliss

Did you memorize the songs?

1) Yes
2) Please play it again.

Then tell me which song this is. *Play Random Song*

1) This is the Tune of Happiness
2) This is the Tune of Anger
3) This is the Tune of Sadness
4) This is the Tune of Bliss
Now tunes #1 and #4 sounded almost exactly the same along with #2 and #3 serving as distractions.

Hmm, you are getting better at grasping the rhythm, and you seem to be very cheerful today, which is best for learning this tune of Encroaching Surge of Flying Sparrow.

Thank you, Lady Music.

Dont forget to practice at home.

Understood .
Your music skill increased, it is now 60

Skill book updated.

Comply with his master teaching, Jesus practice music at home.
Your music skill increased, it is now 70
Encroaching Surge of Flying Sparrow mastery increased, it is now 25

Now to go work up some of our other cultural skills.


Hmm, come here, today I will teach you Fishing the Moon from the Ocean Bottom.

Please do!

When the opponent only has one chariot while we have a chariot and cannon, try to get the cannon in close proximity to the king under the protection of the chariot and checkmating the opponent king to force the opponent chariot to be on the defensive.

The opponent will try to change the tide by moving the chariot to check the king while protecting the vertical side of the king. But we will continue the assault and move our chariot up for checking, which cause the king to evade down a step.
Now our plan of moving the cannon close to the king while under the protection of the chariot is completed on our move.

Lastly, we move the chariot under the king and checkmate. Do you understand?

2) Umm ..can you explain again?
Your chess skill increased, it is now 45.

Thats quite an interesting play, lets go for an encore!


Hm, come here, today I will test your chess knowledge.

What should be the next move in this Valiant Heart Piercing?

1) Chariot four to 7
2) Chariot four to 9
3) Chariot four to 5
4) Chariot four down four
>>Choose #3

Ah! Yes, indeed, it is this step, wonderful! Hohoho. Eh!? Theres a fly I will take you down .HURRRRR

Amazing kung fu! I didnt know you are a master of hidden projectiles!

Hohoho, its not much. It just that those pesky flies always bother me while Im figuring out the chess layout and the annoyance angered me enough to throw a chess piece at them, which eventually lead me to mastering this technique. I could teach you if you are interested, and you can use it while you are playing chess.

Wonderful! Please do!

Watch closely.
The bird is overjoyed by all the flying insect free food that the bearded man shot down in deadly accuracy.

Fling just like this, understand?

Yes, I have memorized everything, thanks for your guidance.

[Yawn] I am getting sleepy, see you next time youngster.
You learned a new type of kung fu.

Skill book updated.

Later that day, Jesus notices something.

[Sigh] No one came to visit me on Valentine Day. I am so lonely

Dont worry, we are on track with Azure and I am holding back Chi Lis event till next year. Jesus is pretty pissed though.

Laadddy Muuusssicc! I need an emotional fix!

Lady Music.

Jesus, you are here. Come listen to these four trifles.
This is the Tune of Life
This is the Tune of Old Age
This is the Tune of Sickness
This is the Tune of Death

Did you memorize the songs?

1) Yes
2) Please play it again.

Then tell me which song this is. *Play Random Song*

1) This is the Tune of Life
2) This is the Tune of Old Age
3) This is the Tune of Sickness
4) This is the Tune of Death
Now tunes #1, #2, and #3 sounded almost exactly the same along with #2 served as distractions.

Hmm, you are getting better at grasping the rhythm, and you seem to be in a bad mood today, which is best for learning this tune of Breakthrough Captive Command.

Thank you, Lady Music.

Dont forget to practice at home.

Understood .
Your music skill increased, it is now 77

Skill book updated.

Still pretty mad at his girlfriendless life and hyped much more by the raging music, Jesus was about to break a mountain when Master Flawless calls.

My dear Moon, today I have a mission for you so listen well

Please proceed, master.

Rumor has it that the Shady Mountain has a bandit base known as Black Wind Fortress, and they are causing problems with the peacefulness of the nearby citizens.
So I want you go there and apprehend those law breakers.

Affirmative, master.
Drone as ever, Moon. Also, this will be a great time for our Jesus to release all his rage!

Master, I want to go with school brother.

What do you say, young Moon?

Its good to have more help, lets go together bro.
Relationship > 70 (Success!)

Good, it is decided, you shall take your leave immediately and I will wait for your good news.

Yes, master.

Oh yeah, heres some medicine for you two, just in case.
Obtain Carefree Pill
Obtain Chakram Replenishment Pill

Affirmative, school brother!
Moon is right; they are regular goons +1

Then let us

Jesus bro, you take the one near the tree and I will ..

Lets see, which of these progressively stronger projectiles that I brought from the sim mode shop that is on sale at random chances should I use?

Bro! Why are you going in empty handed!? I told you to be on your guar

Heavenly Meteor Shower!



Editor: This may be the best pain scream ever
All your battle stats increased
Your mastery of Heavenly Meteor Shower increased, it is now 10

Moving on, Moon is still left a bit speechless by the rapid rains of daggers flying everywhere.

Someone needs to build a better bridge than this, but it does serve as a scary defense line.

Oh look! Its the guy that cant ever sit the same way ever again.

Your terrorization of the local citizens shall end today by us from the Carefree Valley!

Hahaha! Those are quite some words you got there! What happy chill free valley? I ain't never heard of it! Hahaha!
Looks like someone is trying to repress the memory of the reason he cant sit normally anymore.

Hmph! I will make sure you will never forget it!

It is time to walk softly, bring out the big stick and remind him the meaning of painful justice.

Jesus becomes the embodiment of fire in order to cast the ultimate

Million Years of

Burning Regret!!!
All your battle stats increased
Someone could never walk the same way ever again

Wahhhhhhhhhhh!!! better not run away!

Hey! Stop running away while telling us not to run away!

Hurry! It will be bad if he call backup!

Your reputation increased, it is now 231

Now this is a proper bridge

Its them, big brother! They are the one who bully me! Wahhhhhhh!

Oh, the nerve! How dare to you bully my cute lil' brony


And you dare to puke! Go die!!!

Tsk! You made me puke! Youre the one going to die!!!

Give them death!

Jesus still need to calm down his stomach so he play the tune of Encroaching Surge of Flying Sparrows while boosting Moons movement by one block.

When he is calmed down, Jesus takes the opportunity to smack the enemies in a straight line.

As you can see, the closer ones will take much more damage than the farther ones.

Seeing how strong Jesus is, the bandits decide to take out Moon first.

Jesus cant let this happen, and so he played the tune of Breakthrough Captive Command, which increases Moons attack.

Moon is really digging this tune and the music is making his normally calm blood boil!

Anger rising, punching harder

Gratification of punching rising, keep on punching



Jesus later has to poke Moon away from punching the collapsed unconscious meat bag.

All your battle stats increased
Your reputation increased, it is now 237
Someone cant stand up for couple of hours
Potential Avatar of the Night

My cute lil'adorable sweetie lil' brony.