Part 6: Elevate me
Elevate meWe descend into a majestic Prothean ruin and observe the pinnacle of people moving technology. In other words we go into a grubby pit and ride elevators. Inside we find Benezia's daughter, Liara and she's being hunted by Saren's goons.
In ME1 Liara is sort of the equivalent of a nerdy girl. She's naive, shy, and unlike all those other Asari she dresses sensibly. I like Liara but she's not portrayed very well in ME1. By the time 2 rolls around she's capable, confident, and pretty

Wrex is right that in combat her biotics come in handy. She's got singularity, which in 1 results in hilarious clusterfucks because the objects all have their own physics. Nothing like levitating an entire room of crates into the ceiling and then flinging them around. Give her a good pistol and decent armor with cooldown reduction; you won't be disappointed.