Part 55: Haven Campaign, Map Three, Part Two
Extra-long update today, as we're starting to wrap up the Griffin-Angel plot.
Heading east brings us to another Haven Fort. You can also spy a stat boost in the upper corner - we won't be able to get to it just yet. Also note the name of the Fort, for it to become relevant three screenshots later.

If we head south, we can also find it leading to the river - this is where the Naga will invade from. Not much we can do about it right now, since we don't have a boat.

We'll head east again. This update is pretty much going to be 'go to X, kill things', unfortunately. Not entirely exciting, but I'll try to supplement it with other Haven talk in the meantime.

At least someone has a sense of humour.

We find a Haven town manned by the Sanctuary here. With the exception of two towns, all the Towns and Forts on this map are Haven. Better for us, since we don't have to waste resources converting them. There was also a Sanctuary Hero in the way, but they were only Might so we walked over them.

Formations like these prevent Intimidated stacks from hitting our Cores (after we get rid of the shooter, of course). You might also notice I've split my Marksmen stack - this gets me more Morale turns, which is always good.
On that point, I'd like to say that Guardian Angel is a bad racial in terms of concept, because it never improves - the only level where it improves from the base version is the level 4 one, which we'll see on Anton's last map. But otherwise, the only point of increasing Guardian Angel levels is so you can cast it on higher Tier creatures. And while invincibility is a powerful effect, there is nothing stopping enemy creatures from just attacking another one or moving away.
The other thing is that the Haven Cores do have strategies involving Guardian Angel - Praetorians can absorb damage without taking damage themselves, or Marksmen can use Piercing Bolt without worry if a creature that would be in the way has GA. But Elites, as I've mentioned in the previous update, don't really make it work as well. I'm not sure how I would change the racial, if I could, as you would be hard-pressed to not make it similiar to Honor while still keeping it in line with the Haven's defensive strategy. One nice effect might be to add the ability to remove debuffs at higher levels, as it would tie in nicely with the Haven's strategy of cleansing and healing. Maybe you guys have an idea of how you would change GA, or maybe you think it's fine?

Back on topic, there's a shipyard southwest of our recent Haven acquisition, where we can sail south to find one of two Sanctuary towns, ripe for the capture. Anton has a secondary quest to convert them, and you get a hefty stat boost as your reward, too.

...Magic Heroes. Urgh.

There's also a small valley northwest of the Haven town we captured - it leads to a couple of stat boosts, including the one we saw earlier by Eastwall but couldn't reach.
Also, I finally get enough resources to build our Champion dwelling.

Biography posted:
Physically imposing and striking in their perfection, the Angels of the Light are Elraths messengers and shock troops on the face of Ashan. They are taller than Humans, far more beautiful, and project an aura of power and confidence.
Seraphim, on the other hand, are smaller and more Human-like in their appearance. They started to appear after the creation of the Falcon Empire. Their true origins remain a mystery, but their devotion to Elrath is total. In battle they wield the twin blades of Judgment and Mercy.
Seraphim Damage: 51-52 (Might) Defense: 37 (54%) Magic Defense: 29 (47%) Health: 300 Initiative: 40 Movement: 6 (Flying) Range: None Destiny: 7 Morale: 12 Cost: 1695 + 1 Crystal Growth: 1/week Abilities: Large Creature, Blade of Judgement, Blade of Mercy, Living
Blade of Judgement posted:
If ever you strike an ally of Elrath, the Seraphim will know it, for the steel in her blade will tremble. from the Requiem verses of Queen Tuidhana. The Seraphims Blade of Judgment is said to be attuned to the pain taken by her allies. It stores the transgression as a power, and when the allys aggressor is attacked, the pain adds to the targets woes.
The Seraphim deal 20% increased damage to enemy stacks that have previously destroyed any friendly stacks during battle.
Blade of Mercy posted:
The Seraphim has a blade that can bring a valiant soul back to life on the battlefield. This magic is neither arcane nor ritualistic. They call upon the power of Light instinctively, using their faith in Elrath as a catalyst.
This note, taken from the writings of a teacher of the Wizards of the Seven Cities, is amazingly accurate. Soldiers of the Holy Empire fight with greater courage and less fear when there is a Serraphim amongst their ranks, for death is not necessarily permanent.
The Seraphim can use Blade of Mercy once per battle, to heal a friendly stack for a moderate amount of health. It can also be used on dead friendly stacks to resurrect them. Like all Light Magic spells, it can also be used against Orcs, Demons and Undead to damage them.
Note: do due to a bug, Seraphim in the current patch (1.8) have their upgrade's heal ability, Blade of Epiphany, instead of Blade of Mercy. This makes them better than they should be, at the moment. The review below assumes Seraphim to properly have Blade of Mercy.
Remember when Archangels were pretty much the most OP creature in H3? Ah, good times, good times...
The Seraphim is arguably one of the bulkiest creature in the game (losing only to its upgrade and the Fate Weaver). Unfortunately, that's almost all that it's got going for it. While damage is almost consistent (as is customary for Angels of Heroes past), the Seraphim has the lowest damage of all Champions. Curse-style effects aren't in H6 at time of writing, either, so there really isn't a downside in having a higher damage range. It can fly, which is never a bad thing, but it just doesn't have enough Movement. And considering the Haven already has three creatures that can already pass through obstacles, the Seraphim isn't exactly filling a niche here. It has a heal and resurrect, but it's startlingly weak considering you only get one Seraphim a week. At the end of the day, Seraphim aren't bad, they're just... there. Kind of like Juggernauts, they don't fill any vital role in the Haven army - if nothing else, they're good meatshields (you know, if Praetorians and Sun Crusaders weren't already bulky and easier to use Guardian Angel on).

There's a whirlpool south of our latest capture that has two possible exits. One of them leads to the other Sanctuary town, which is guarded by a small army, like most of this map.

Magic Heroes!

We can also take a peek at where Anton is supposed to go next - Mukao is hanging out somewhere over here. Let's go meet him, maybe he'll take us to a far more suprerior protagonist (Irina).

To get there, we'll take the whirlpool to the other possible exit. We can also see the portal exit from which Sanctuary Heroes would have exited and moved through the water to invade us.

Unfortunately, Mukao runs inside a gate which shuts in our faces.
Click here to listen to the conversation!

Okay, obligatory padding to make this map longer. We can do that.

We can't do anything else here except pick up a few stat boosts, so we'll do that and head west. Alternatively, we can head south from our original town and meet up at the same place.

Neutral stacks: still harmless.

Another Town for our taking. The enemies here are all pretty weak, as you could have come here straight from the beginning of the map.

Oh hey, level 2 reputation. I think that's all our Heroes now.

Hour of Judgement posted:
Hour of Judgement
Blood Might II
Usable once per battle
All friendly stacks deal 30%* increased damage to all targets affected by Mark of Anathema or Mark of the Heretic for the current round.
Hour of Judgement we've seen being used by Gerhart. It's... not incredibly amazing. The damage boost is nice, but its shortlived duration and only usable once per battle usually mean Mass Heroism is easier to pull off. At least Anathema can't be dispelled, so you're guaranteed at least one shot with this. Anton's high stats will eventually make it a decent damage boost (especially since Mass Heroism won't get its damage boost increased), so it's not the worst level 2 reputation ability.
Divine Justice posted:
Divine Judgement
Tears Might II
Usable once per battle
Target stack is dealt 29% of the damage it has dealt during the combat so far. Damage is unresistable except via invincibility and is capped at 3000 damage.
The damage cap is unfortunate, and is meant to be used near the end of battle, when your creature stacks are presumably reduced and can't deal that much damage anymore. However it means you would have to have taken over 10,000 damage over the battle to hit the damage cap in the first place.
Word of Light posted:
Word of Light
Blood Magic II
70 Mana, usable once per battle
Deals 1322* Light damage to all undead, demons and orcish stacks on the battlefield, divided between by numbre of stacks hit. All friendly living creatures are healed for 662* health.
The living version of Curse of the Netherworld. An okay damage dealer and heal when fighting any faction other than Haven or Sanctuary, a slightly more expensive and powerful Mass Heal otherwise.
Divine Intervention posted:
Divine Intervention
Tears Magic II
70 Mana, usable once per battle
Target friendly stack is healed for 1282 health, cleansed of all negative status effects, and gains +20 Initiative for 1 turn. Can also be used to damage Orcs, Undead and Demons.
The ultimate single target healing ability. The Initiative boost is excellent as well. One thing to note is that should the target stack have a debuff that reduces healing, like the Specter's Death Seal, it will affect the amount healed before it's cleansed off.


They actually start packing Implosion now, which is unhealable. Luckily that was the last one for this map.

We can find an Angel NPC in the southwest corner of the map. Given our track record with Angels, maybe we should tread lightly.

But... Naga can't use Dark Magic! Something fishy is going on here. (No pun intended) Normally I'd be inclined to disbelieve Valeska, but... nah. Laurielle must be mistaken.

Guys, I think the game is mocking me.

Another Haven Fort. You can also spot the third Moon Fragment in the upper corner.

Two more easy Forts. Did we even need these?

And the final Fragment, found a little near where we found Laurielle. Anton also gets the Phoenix Moon Disc for his troubles.

The Tear can be found about two days' travel from our first town. Valeska should be able to claim it easily, as the neutral stacks are still laughably weak.

The Haven's Tear building is, not surprisingly, based on resurrection. However, due to HoMM VI making it much easier to get perfect wins, it's not as great as it would be in previous games. Still, it's better than the Inferno one, I think.

The siege engineer's home is found somewhere in the southwest of the map. There's an Inferno Hero there that's very weak and only has Core creatures.

And we get this after the battle. We don't need to equip this, we just need to march back to the gate...

And that happens. Onward to killing snakemen!

MAG- oh, it's just a Might Hero. Whew.

You... you do? Did Anton gain some kind of omnipotence since the last I checked?

Alright, buckle up, time for some plot, hard and fast.
Click here to listen to the conversation!

Okay, so we have a motive for Slava's death now. And we have a few suspects on who it might be now... why would Laurielle so willingly give up this information, though?
And does that mean every week when we've been hiring Celestials from our towns...

A portal now opens up just south of this last town. There are no more invasions, so we can run around and collect any last stat boosts we need (there's another one just near this last town).

Well, there's Mukao at last, and the last fight for this map.

Mukao's army is pretty weak though - he has only about 400~ Cores and about 100~ Yuki-Onna and Kensei. This would have been a tougher fight early on, but now we can just easily stomp him.
Click here to listen to the conversation!

What? That's just ridic-

I'll admit, the first time I played this, I never saw this coming. Does... does Irina know one of her closest advisors is a Faceless?

Still pregnant, I see. Is that thing ever going to pop?
Click here to listen to the conversation!

One fade to black later...

Now that's a pretty good ending. And I guess Sandor made it back to Griffin lands, after all.

And that's that. We have only a few loose ends to take care of, so over the next few maps, we'll be finishing off Anton, Anastasya, and Kiril's stories.