Part 1
This is Con. Con is a cyberspace cowboy. He has recently travelled back to Chiba City and gone on a two week drinking binge while deciding what to do about the disappearance of several cowboys. Some were his friends, others weren't. But something is going on in cyberspace and Con is determined to find out what.
We wake in the Chatsubo with 6 credits to our name and a bill for synth-spaghetti and beer at 46 credits.
You've just spend the night sleeping face-down in a plate of synth-spaghetti in a bar called the Chatsubo. After rubbing the sauce out of your eyes, you can see Chiba sky through the window, the color of television turned to a dead channel.
A PAX booth is on the wall. Ratz's prostethic Russian arm whines as he wipes the bar. His teeth are a webwork of East European steel and brown decay.
Looks like we have no choice but to check out that PAX terminal.
It's been a while since we used this thing, better refresh our memory.
That was helpful. Let's see if Con has any money left after two weeks on the piss.
Oh good. We can afford to pay the bill, but first let's check the news.
Looks like the Chatsubo is closing down
That's it, that's what we're here for.
Let's check our messages while we're logged in.
Good old Matt Shaw, if anyone has a clue where to begin on this, it's him.
Oh right, we pawned off the deck. Gonna to be hard to operate without it.
Soon as we set foot back in Chiba everyone starts asking us for favours, it figures.
Thanks Matt, that's a start.
Someone who wants to give me something? There's gotta be a catch.
Emperor Norton, another fellow we can talk to about this thing.
Wasteland 4! I bet that won't run on our old UXB.
We pay off Ratz and get ready to check out Chiba City.
Old Lonny's looking for us? That can't be good news.
Next: A guide to Chiba City and various colourful characters!