Part 37: Episode XXXVI: Top Boy
Episode XXXVI: Top Boy.jpg)
OK. Were done with the Amusement Park for now. Weve got one more sidequest to check out before we realign course back to the main plot of The Forest Kingdom.

Music: Rays of Light (Quiet)
Todays excursion takes us to the northeaster edge of the City Ruins, just before Jackasss camp. For this one, we need to have 2B perform some parkour along the rooftops.
If we approach the designated building from the south, we come upon a rooftop that is just filled to the brim with stacked rusty shipping crates forming a tiny fort. Theres nothing to be done here just yet and it has nothing to do with our quest. Just remember its up here for later.
2B needs to make it to the adjacent rooftop to the north. That is kind of a stretch of space even with 2Bs double-jump and air dash. However, 2B has a few (as far as I know completely undocumented) methods of aerial tech we can employ to make the gap.

For instance, by tapping Pod fire (i.e. gatling gun/missile) and jump at the same time, 2B will grab hold of the Pod and rocket forward for an additional airdash. This also technically counts as an attack since 2B will dropkick an enemy that connects with it. This can be chained with airdash and double jump to gain far further ground than normal.

New Music: Birth of a Wish (Its just Birth of a Wish without the This Cannot Continue chorus.)
As soon as we finally make it over (I definitely didnt beef the jump once or twice) we are immediately thrown into battle against a new, highly aggressive enemy as an impassable barrier appears around the rooftop.
Well, by aggressive new enemy I mean a Level 20 Stubby with a white paint job and wearing a headband. Got to admit... this music and fanfare seems like a bit much...

Stubby please, 2B just handled a zombot apocalypse down in an old Umbrella Inc. sponsored basement. What are you even playing at here?
Once we defeat the white clad machine lifeform, it topples over but fails to explode. Indeed, it immediately pops back up with a Quest marker and a willingness to chat. Fine. Whats your deal? Why are you cosplaying as Ryu from Street Fighter? How did Adam sign over the rights to his boss battle theme. Jackass probably just pirated that shit. But it feels like a machine ought to be under stricter DRM...

Thus begins the Robo Dojo questline. Round 2! Heaven or Hell?! Lets Rock!
...Or not. Father Servo hasnt suddenly gone Stubby Kaioken x6 and gotten massively swole since our fight two minutes ago. Its still just a Level 20 Stubby with a silly paint job.


Father Servo leaps back to his feet.

Music: Rays of Light (Medium)

Going and fighting robo-dinosaurs sounds interesting and all. But weve got a lot of ground to cover already and 2B already has a pocket full of a half-dozen warped wires. You know. For a rainy day. So lets just fork that over as payment for our critical sparring match and...

And that concludes our training session with Father Servo. This is a first of a multi-stage questline. Not to spoil too much, but Father Servo may be a bit beefier next time we see him. But thatll have to wait for another day. Weve got a busy schedule and Father Servo needs time to prepare for the next match.
Instead, lets head towards that shopping complex and get back on track with the mainline que
6O phones up 2B as soon as we approach the region near the bridge...

Another minor sidequest has fallen into our lap. The universe really doesnt seem to want 2B to continue with her mission. Lets go ahead and sort this out before we continue.

Simple enough task. We just need to hit up the City Center Access Point a couple blocks south from here and sort out whatever hoodlum machine lifeforms are causing a ruckus raging at fake bags of Doritos again.
Unlike the previous similar mission in the sinkhole to the Alien Mothership, this go around theres no ambush by enhanced versions of machines. Its just a couple axe-wielding medium bipeds farting around while some low level Stubbies bang on the machine.

Lets go ahead and nip this uppity machine uprising in the bud. Wouldnt want access to the central part of the city cut off. God forbid youd have to use the transporter a block away by the factory or like a quarter mile over at the Resistance Camp.


Hmph... Yeah... Quick Save. Transport. Inbox. All checks out. This is a functional Access Point alright. Looks like were good.


Were just about done here. All thats left is accessing our email one more time and downloading a file attachment with a couple of health potions, some gadgets, 3000 smackers and a bit of EXP. They really upped the attachment file size limit in the future, huh?
And thus concludes that minor sidequest. Alright. Nothing is stopping us from finally getting to the next plot beat. No more sidequests for a while!
Back to the mission at hand, we need to advance past the pylon tower in the northeastern part of the City Ruins and explore the mall across the chasm. Simple enough.

Man, give it up with forcing the nickname, 9S. 2B could be on her deathbed and still be hesitant to use that dorky shit. Now get a move on 9Tails, before they try to stick us with another sidequest busy work.
Quite a way down across that chasm. Cannot say this is the best location for a shopping mall Ive ever seen. Nor the worst really. At least this is city adjacent. Go to middle America and the crumbling skeletons of derelict malls can be found in what can only be described as the middle of nowhere. Its a wonder theyve fallen on hard times. Millennials unwavering genocide of 80s consumer good institutions is a real bloodbath.
Anyway, about this shopping center... Were able to waltz right in. Not a machine lifeform or errant pile of rubble forming an invisible wall in sight.

It sure is awfully pretty. Unfortunately, there isnt much going on in the shopping center. Theres just a handful of chests hidden in corners of the main mall area with unremarkable loot.
To the center north of the mall, theres a mall stairway leading up to yet another locked elevator. Well be getting back to this sometime down road. Well just remember its here for now. This isnt our destination. Instead, we want to hit up the northwestern corner of the mall, where we find...

Cmon guys. Youre regularly slicing metal robots in half with swords. You cannot take a shopping mall shutter? You dont even try... Sheesh.

...You know, I hadnt considered the fact a Forest Kingdom would have a Forest King. In retrospect... this is gonna get weird, isnt it?

New Music: Birth of a Wish (No Vocals)

The Forest Kings minions are nothing to write home about. Its more of the Axeboys we just fought when freeing that Access Point from the tyranny of irritated Stubbies. Theres only four of em that are a threat. The fifth one though...

Hey dickweed! You put your flashlight eyes on the green tone and start talking. Maybe then 2B and 9S will chill out. Until then, youre still considered hostile and are getting your ass kicked! No escape!
Music: ENDS
Actually, it just kind of fizzles out and crumples to the floor...
...Though its head does roll off. They... usually dont do that. At least Ive never seen one get straight decapitated. Otherwise, 2B would definitely have learned to punt machines heads clean off by now. Ergh.
Wait... why did it suddenly stop rolling? Gravity doesnt work like that. This physics engine is a mes





If you never played the first NieR (or read my LP of it) that was Emil, a character from the original game. Also the mask Yoko Taro wears in interviews. It would take far too long to explain what Emils deal is or why hes just a head. Well... I guess I could try. Hmm...

Emil was once an anime boy with Medusa eyes (and wore a blindfold to avoid that) who lived in a monotone filtered Resident Evil mansion. Like literally, it was just the Spencer Mansion from Resident Evil 1 with a grey filter because magic. He was a very nice young boy who was also technically an original human (with a bunch of magic infusion bio-modification.) Eventually, Emil learned there was an Umbrella Laboratory underneath his mansion and asked Papa Nier to go check that out. There, he found his sister who was a giant 30 foot tall Evangelion reference skeleton monster bioweapon. It might have eaten Emil. Then Papa Nier fought and defeated it. Emil survived, but was transformed into an eternally grinning orb head skeleton boy wizard. But he was still a very nice boy and key ally. Who was incredibly powerful now and had essentially a magic tactical nuke spell.
During the endgame of Nier, an android got VERY upset that the party killed her sister in battle and tried to blow up everyone with a magic attack (androids had straight magic back then.) In order to save his friends, Emil employed his magic nuke to self-destruct and destroy the android before it killed everyone. He presumably died there. It was very upsetting. Except in the Ending B route post-credits, we find it only destroyed his skeleton body. His head was fine, being effectively invincible, and he was just launched a few hundred miles like Heihachi Mishima getting blown up in the intro of Tekken 5. That's the last we ever saw of Emil.
Why was he encased in a machine lifeform? Well, Emil might have been through some real shit in the last few millennia. We'll learn about that later on. It definitely won't be a huge bummer...
Anyway, spooking Emil inadvertently caused him to smash through the locked gate from earlier, giving us access to the forest beyond. I suppose that works out.
Tune in next time when we explore the Forest Zone and investigate the mysterious Forest Kingdom and their enigmatic king. And also encounter some of my favorite dorky machine lifeform cosplay character designs. Next time as NieR: Automatas main plot comes back into play.

Video: Episode 36 Highlight Reel (You should at least watch the last couple of minutes for the Top Boy.)

Shopping Complex Concept Art Strangely, I dont think we ever fight a Goliath Biped in the mall. Or really much of anything ever. That might have been one of the only fights in the entire game to take place there.