Part 14: Episode 14: TL;DR
Episode 14: TL;DRLast time, the NYPD evacuated the island of Manhattan because of crazy monster ladies and their melty magic. This time, we find out if Aya is dead of not.

It's Day 3, by the way.

Flashbacks are a growing problem among young women in America.

Ask your doctor if Memoracyl is right for you.

Side Effects may include fractured sentences and bad trips.

Like so.

You just know there's some horrible Japanese porn comic about this scene.

Daniel enters

Maeda's referring to the novel Parasite Eve by Hideaki Sena. This game is technically a sequel. I've never read the book, but it doesn't seem to feature fire-breathing crocodiles, so I probably never will.

Recappin' music

Why, exactly? Why not just label them "Dead Wife's Liver Cells"? Naming anything related to science after biblical figures always ends poorly. Especially if you name them after biblical figures who are evil/easily manipulated.

"Oh, just gonna name this genetically altered baby Judas. Doop doop. OH NO! The baby turned into a monster and is eating my face! Why would you betray me like this, Judas?!"
That's how dumb you sound, unnamed Japanese scientist. Super dumb.

How do you pronounce that, anyway?

By the way, here's an important plot point. The story doesn't really work without it. Just, FYI.

No, I think you've explained enough.

Uh...leave something for the creepy fanfic writers, Aya.


Maeda shuffles out.

Daniel leaves Aya to her thoughts, and presumably drives back to Central Park to suplex a polar bear.

Wait, what?

The plot thickens?

What kind of parent names their kids Aya & Maya? Honestly.
Next time, we take advantage of the deserted streets and loot the fuck out of Soho!